Update: July 20 and more July 19

I'm begining to like Walts idea of almost daily updates. Even though much has not changed, it is still neat to flip through all of these.

I know i'm probably considered a n00b for asking this but i'll ask anyway. When are announcements usually made? Is there like a set timeframe in which it takes place or what?

There is no official time frame. It just happens when it happens. The hope around this board is for sometime next month in relation to project 07. MF was July-ish(?)... TTD was in January.

^^Read the thread before you post in it. The answer to your question is right on the page before this one. *** Edited 7/22/2006 5:51:10 AM UTC by Millennium Force***

e x i t english's avatar

Oh man. Millennium Force is out of control again, and now it is posting on PointBuzz!

i did read it and my question wasn't specifically answered. they were talking about august, and i wondered if that was when announcements were usually given.
*** Edited 7/22/2006 6:11:14 AM UTC by hockeyrino***

TTD 120mph's avatar

It's all up to CP. They're soooo unpredictable.:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Gomez's avatar

hockeyrino said:
i wondered if that was when announcements were usually given.

Millennium Force - July 22 (Thursday)
Wicked Twister - November 21 (Wednesday)
Top Thrill Dragster - January 9 (Thursday)
maXair - December 1 (Wednesday)
Skyhawk - October 31 (day after closing - Monday)

The only trend they have is that they normally announce rides on Wednesday or Thursday. Reason being is that they are a big company and press releases are usually given in the middle of the week because of the media I think. Skyhawk doesn't follow this trend, but that was announced the day after closing day, so they might of done that then for that reason.

Another note is that even though Kinzel said August, he has said things of this manner before. I remember when TTD was still the mystery ride (Area 51/#16/Dragster) he said in an October press release that the ride would be announced in a few weeks, but it turns out it was January. Just looking at the history.

Hope this clears some things up. *** Edited 7/22/2006 6:45:03 AM UTC by Gomez***

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

Josh M.'s avatar

Coastern3rd said:
I'm begining to like Walts idea of almost daily updates. Even though much has not changed, it is still neat to flip through all of these.

I highly doubt that when all of this started Walt had the idea of posting daily updates, or that he had any idea of the sheer number of new visitors/members to the forums. However, with the hungry horde nipping at the heels of any development, such as a new footer being poured or a seagull pooping on a support, people will anxiously send in pictures, and Walt will do the democratic thing and post the photos, hence causing much rejoicing and a 3 page thread filled with a plethora of uneducated speculation, overt sarcasm, and just a dash of substance.

Despite all of this, Walt keeps trying to make everyone happy. Ill tell you what... We have one heck of a webmaster...

As far as the ride goes, I'm just as excited as the next guy to find out what this new coaster is, however sometimes these daily updates feel like watching the grass grow... But as long as people like them, I say more power to Walt for providing them.

Three Cheers for Walt...

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

Gomez's avatar

New rides always tend to attract more interested people to the board. Especially when people go to the park, see a giant construction site, and there's no information about it anywhere but on Pointbuzz and a few other sites.

WT was the ride that brought me here (different username) and I know many others started out here with the MF and TTD eras.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

TTD 120mph's avatar

Dragster era right here.:)

And yes, three cheers for Walt. Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray!!!! :-D

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Josh M.'s avatar

I admit, I was also drawn to this site during the MF construction (new screen name)... However it seems that there have been many more visitors / new members with this new ride than any previous project....

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

TTD 120mph's avatar

Now I signed on here in 2003 under a different SN but became TTD 120mph in 2004, so I wasnt here for the Dragster era and the discussions about it.
So my question is, is there more mystery surrounding this coaster than Dragster and or Millennium?

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Josh M.'s avatar

I would say so... Jeff gave quite a few more hints as to Dragster's stats, and people were making models of it months before the announcement... The only questions that really remained were the exact specs, and whether there would be an element other than the tophat, and the twist on the way down.

As for MF, since it was announced mid-season the buzz wasn't as drawn out...

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

Are you guys kidding??? When I was at CP last year, every week or so they're be a new rumor floating around the park about Project '07.

As for those supports, I say it might be a reverse-banked turn, so it would a be a few seconds of SUSTAINED negative-g.

2005: CP Group Utility (Garbage Detail)
Coaster Junkie From NH
Working at MHT airport

I was riding the train last week and there was this guy who was telling people about the new 540 foot coaster being built because that's what Kinzel wanted. I just kept my mouth shut and laughed to myself. :)


My Ride Count:
TTD:27(5 front) Skyhawk:21 MF:lost count(4 front) Maverick:

e x i t english's avatar

Joining the "Came for the MF, stayed for Project 2007" crowd. I still can't remember my old screen name, though. :)

Well then, I will be the joined after TTD club.

101 on Magnum and counting...

With vertical construction starting so early, I wonder if construction will go well into the winter or if the ride will be completed in October / November. I guess it all depends on the size.

Jeremy M Johnson

if they are not done by november then it mostlikely will be big... or they just worked slow!

edit: i hope they are done november because then we will know for sure what is going in for sure. *** Edited 7/23/2006 2:14:19 AM UTC by milleniumforcerocks***

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