Update: August 8

I just got back from Cedar Point yesterday (8/9/06) into today (8/10/06) and first I saw the site, don't know what it might be, but I was suprised everyone who was on a train thought it was a coaster. Anyways, when I went on Mean Streak (They should never tear that down, and I think they won't if so I will be disappointed). In the Mean Streak qeuue I saw this like round thing with cables in the middle. I find it was funny, because it was blue and didn't fit in with Mean Streak at all. It was right in the qeuue. I'm that I'm sorry that I don't have picutres, I don't have a camera and I do not bring my cell phone into the park. If you don't belaive me go to the Mean Streak qeuue and look for yourself. just want to tell you want I saw. It better then posting a new topic isn't it?

I got a quesiton for you guys (if anyone knows):

If is not a huge gigantic coaster then why did they start on it so early? Look at MF and Top Thrill Dragster they started it on it later.

I'm tired and going to bed, goodnight, good day, good morning whatever it is you know what I mean.
*** Edited 8/10/2006 6:31:24 AM UTC by MichiganStateFan***

A Michigan State Spartan Fan!!!

djDaemon's avatar

To paraphrase Jeff, who put it succinctly: The project started early because the construction schedule dictates it. Now, this could mean many things, but to me there are a couple possibilities:

  1. Testing - The ride uses launch tech, theming or some other type of element that would benefit from having sufficient time for testing and/or debugging. Perhaps CP just wants to make sure this ride runs well when it finally opens.
  2. Location - Because this project's site lies on a "corner" of the park that has fairly unrestricted access, perhaps the decision was made that there really was no reason to wait until the off-season. If they can get the majority of the work done without disturbing the day-to-day operations of the park, why would they wait? They can get the bulk of the work done (more efficiently) and have plenty of time in the off-season to complete the final stages of construction.

So, I wouldn't assume that because they started earlier than in the past that they're building anything large in terms of sheer height/speed/length/etc. Personally, I believe their reasoning to be a combination of the two I pointed out above, with an emphasis on #2.


MichiganStateFan said:
... don't know what it might be, but I was suprised everyone who was on a train thought it was a coaster.

Hmmm, maybe the coaster track or all those coaster supports clued them in, ya think?


djDaemon's avatar

Coaster track? What coaster track? Are they building something at the Point?


bholcomb's avatar

ding ding ding ding we have a winner.. DJ's #1

Great Job guys "What do we have for them Johnny".....lol. Actually Djdaemon, since September is coming up soon, they won't be open as much so if they needed to, they could actually go over the CP&LE Railroads track like they did when Millennium Force was being built. So even though people are saying not much work is happening now, it could start picking up more in september. The reason I say this is because maybe, at the end of Septmber, they maybe hanging track.

djDaemon's avatar

By "go over the CP&LE Railroads track" do you mean driving over it? Because they already are, and have been since the beginning. If you mean something else, well I am truly lost then.


I guess what I meant was if they need to move part of CP&LE track over some they could and be able to do more work, but they did that already, I just forgot. Nevermind.

There probabably starting construction early so they can test it........and to torture us untill it opens.

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That coaster is plain crap. Got a link to the CB discussion?

MillenniumForceSmurf2008's avatar


2009: Top Thrill Dragster Crew
2010: Millennium Force Crew
2011: Gemini Crew
2012: Assistant Team Leader of Maverick
2013: Team Leader of Gemini
Dragster Rollbacks: 4

TTD 120mph's avatar

He's a 10 years old child, not an engineer for god sakes....lay off of him and his design.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

JuggaLotus's avatar

Sure he's 10, but was that really the best entry they received? Its not the kid that should be blamed, its the park for choosing such a poor design to win 100,000 bucks.

Goodbye MrScott


TTD 120mph's avatar

Maybe they thought it was good for his age. They probably wanted the youngest entry seeing that most of the entries were more than likely from ages 16 on up.:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

MillenniumForceSmurf2008 said:
I entered the contest, and i would have to say that my coaster, Jaguar Unleashed, was better than that, and all i got was a take five candy bar, nasty! You can see my design here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4kGuPMUWuQ

back to the update, it looks as iff they are finally getting rid of the old WWL footers, and like Bill said that building is looking pretty bad, hope they get thier act together before they start to start adding track to the supports :)

Hey that coaster rock.thats way better then that 10 years old coaster.How fast did your coaster go and how high was it.

MillenniumForceSmurf2008's avatar

Thanks Tommy, i spent three days making that. I'm not saying that i should have won, but it was such a poor choice of a coaster for them to pick for the winner.

It was about 230 ft. high and 80 mph i think, i don't remember exactly but it was along those lines.

TTD so what if they were all 16 an up, im 16 and i could use a $100,000 scholarship, i don't get your point there.

2009: Top Thrill Dragster Crew
2010: Millennium Force Crew
2011: Gemini Crew
2012: Assistant Team Leader of Maverick
2013: Team Leader of Gemini
Dragster Rollbacks: 4

TTD 120mph said:
He's a 10 years old child, not an engineer for god sakes....lay off of him and his design.

AGE DOESNT MATTER!!! You dont need to be an engineer to click a bunch of buttons!! Im 12, that doesnt mean i suck at nolimits or RCT, its not the age..its his really crappy design.

This is the part where an adult (not sure if there are any left in this thread) tells all of you to grow up! :)


coasterguy77 said:
Im 12

You do realize that you're supposed to be atleast 13 years old to even register for this site. Remember when you registered the box that you checked about your birthday being before a certain date.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Unless he had a parents permission.

Goodbye MrScott


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