
djDaemon's avatar

TwistedWicker77 said:
Also, taking somebody's order wrong at McDonalds isn't as life threatening as working a ride.

My point was only that both require the same level of qualifications. Namely, speaking (some) English and pressing buttons.


TwistedWicker77 said:
Well first off, for someone to make such an ignorant post about ride ops and their job description, makes me laugh every time I see one. Every ride is different and has it's own different procedures, loading routines, spiels, positions, restrictions, rules to follow depending on what area you're working in, downtime, etc.

And I laugh even harder when you respond. When you come on an Internet forum, representing/defending ride ops at CP, you are making it very easy for me to prove my point. I compare it to Screamsters getting on here and posting as if they run HalloWeekends (I haven't seen those in a long time, but that's how they once acted).

So since ride ops in other threads act like somebody died when a ride closes, that makes all ride ops think the world revolves around them? That's just as ignorant and biased as saying you hate all African Americans because you had bad experiences with some of them before. Because the people who work in foods don't get drug tested and run through the Commons halls screaming while high on some drug almost every night at 4 in the morning, I could easily say that everybody who works in the foods are the most obnoxious people in the world. However, I know not everybody who works in food is not an obnoxious drug and alcohol user.

Wrong. I base my discrimination on a large sample of the population. I have first-hand experience with ride ops. From many crews. Here and in person. While not all are the same, those who are vocal online and in person need to be brought down a notch.

Annnd you're still missing the original point. How is a paperwork procedure for a few ride ops more important than expanding a section of the park?

Did you know that one of Troika's arms doesn't quite go as high as the other two?!

TaER iT DoWN!11* TaEr iT aLL DoWn!

Pete's avatar

TwistedWicker77 said:
Considering that's what was never said, I'm just going to move on...

TwistedWicker77 said:
Adding up DORs and recording any feedback during a busy day can take a while. The Chaos break area is the spot where the TL and ATL do their scheduling and DOR work since there aren't control booths as most rides would have, or the luxury of having "the cave" that Planet Snoopy has. So, the Chaos break area really isn't a "break" for the people in charge at Kiddie Kingdom. It's their work space too.

Maybe I misunderstood, but scheduling and adding up DORs (whatever that is) seems like there is paper work involved. This isn't a meeting of the board, it seems to me this kind of work can be done anywhere. Maybe it is not as convenient as having a break area, but as mentioned here a number of times, having a break area is not nearly as important as expanding the park for guests.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Jeff's avatar

What Guide_Wheel said, again. Nobody here cares what ride operators do, or where they do it. It's completely inconsequential to the further development of the park. TwistedWicker77 keeps making attempts to impress us with his inside baseball stories, but no one is biting.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Jason Hammond's avatar

Guide_Wheel said:
Did you know that one of Troika's arms doesn't quite go as high as the other two?!

Wasn't this fixed in the 2010-2011 off-season refurb?

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

TwistedWicker77 said:
Guide_Wheel, that was never the point, so for you to continue to reply is too damn funny.

And as for you Jeff, I've been nice enough to you for long enough. Trust me, I don't need to impess an overweight website owner who thinks he knows everything about Cedar Point, then suddenly blows up like a big baby when he's called out on it because he's wrong. If only Cedar Point even remotely cared about you. If only you knew what management and supervision thought about you and your ignorance of the park. HA! What was it? Oh yeah, "he talks about the park likes he has the insider scoop on everything when he can't even fit on half of the rides". Sorry but your constant nagging like a bitch really isn't hurting my feelings and I'm still going to sleep peacefully tonight. Too bad everyone on here just kisses your ass so they don't get deleted, but I've watched you blow up on too many people for no reason. Good day my friends and thanks for the awesome experience you've provided me thus far ;)

*Internet Fight!*

Again: I wonder if CP plans on sprucing up the area next to TroikaTroikaTroika? There is going to be quite a bit of open space now. Hopefully a nice shaded area with nice curvy walls and shrubs. Mr. O did say he's like to open up the beach-view.

Last edited by Cedar King,

I mean, it is silly, but when I have 3 people ganging up on me and twisting my words, you gotta do what you gotta do :)

Jeff said:
TwistedWicker77 keeps making attempts to impress us with his inside baseball stories, but no one is biting.

What is the inside baseball reference? Is there an inside inside joke that I missed?

Yawn. Here's something more interesting. I found this on Facebook. The old green Iron Dragon griffon statue painted gold for Gatekeeper probably? What do you think?

Last edited by CPfan1976,

^Shouldn't that be in the GateKeeper section?
Anyhow......CP's "theming" at it's best ;)

Walt's avatar

TwistedWicker77 said:

I don't need to impess an overweight website owner who thinks he knows everything about Cedar Point, then suddenly blows up like a big baby when he's called out on it because he's wrong. If only Cedar Point even remotely cared about you.

I think you have website owners confused. I'm the exceptionally sized one.

Having a secret group of haters reminds me of an incident I had a few years ago. A ride operator on Gemini, while he checked the restraint, told me that he hated me. I'm not sure what I did to get that kind of reaction. Maybe it was mistaken identity. I always figured I came across as pretty agreeable, but I guess it'd be impossible to do this for over a decade and not piss someone off. It was my son's first ride on Gemini (he didn't hear it) and I was too stunned to react. But, for as pathetic as it was to hold a grudge over someone because of some stupid website, at least he expressed his opinion directly. I guess.

Sometimes being hated has nothing to do with any particular website owner. It's actually not all that uncommon to have a situation where, say, Random User A pisses off Random User B. Then, Random User B runs off in a huff and tells the world how terrible PointBuzz is. So there's that small amount of happy that goes along with the website.

Anyway, this is not the first time someone has gotten upset and responded by spilling the deep, dark secret that everyone at Cedar Point hates me, despises Jeff, laughs at Jelt, fumes at Weff, giggles at the mention of PointBuzz, etc. I'd like to think experience proves that not to be the case, but whatever. If anyone has a problem with me, I'm all for sitting down and chatting over an overpriced Pepsi. My treat.

But I'm not a fan of petty amusement park drama. Or petty enthusiast drama. Or having to write this post.

Last edited by Walt,

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
PointBuzz on Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

No problem Walt; next year it will be Coke, which makes it a TOTALLY different post :)

Or, if like me, you are exceptionally sized, a DIET Coke ;)

This Isn't A Hospital--It's An Insane Asylum!

Jeff's avatar

So what you're saying, Walt, is that I'm the little baby? I'm glad we've got it all straightened out now.

And for the record, Cedar Point does care about me. It gives me a big hug every time I visit. Then I rub its head and give it a chuck on the shoulder, and we skip down the beach giggling.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

How anyone can hate this site is beyond me. It is hilarious.

Let's Get Weird.

This thread is so blown out of proportion, it's not even funny. How about we all play nice, and talk about an innocent ride like troika.

I feel bad for Walt, as he runs this site and yet deals with all his haters, and still is a nice guy :)

As the owner of a significantly larger forum (not amusement park related), I commend Walt on his restraint. Running a forum is a thankless job.

When you visit an internet forum, it is like visiting Walt's home. If you wouldn't say it in his living room to his face, you probably shouldn't say it here.

Just my thoughts on the Troika...

Walt, thanks for, it certainly has benefited my family and our trips to Cedar Point.


Walt's avatar

But that's just the thing. It's not me. It's me AND Jeff.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
PointBuzz on Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

Walt said:
But that's just the thing. It's not me. It's me AND Jeff.

Sorry, should have included him, I have a partner as well. Fortunately for me, he handles most of the discipline. I am way to quick to swing the "Ban Hammer".

Just checked the webcam, looks like Troika is running great today :)

Vince982's avatar

So how bout them Yankees?

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

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