"Wow this is weird, why are all these sweaty, nerdy weirdos wanting to ride Iron Dragon"
They could just ride power tower and get a better view.
Unless you are pointed in the other 3 directions.....
You have a 25% chance of seeing it while riding PT, while a 100% chance of seeing it while riding ID.
I'm sure the view of the construction will be very easy to see while swinging over the area. Good point DRE, you got me there. 100 percent chance of a clear image of the construction on ID.
You have to get lucky with PT on your seating, same with ID to get a good view. You may be better off from CS, left seat, or even RR as you crest the hill. Of course MF as well if you strain your neck up the hill. My best bet is for SH, but that one spins so fast you may not see anything. Of course, if you climb onto the roof of CDI restaurant for a hockey game, you might get the best view. Ask for clerks Randall or Dante ;)
Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.
Or this YT channel will keep posting videos so we don't need to ride in order to see the construction. And as DJ said, if this goes vertical then we wont need anything more to see.
Plague on Wheels:
Ask for clerks Randall or Dante ;)
For VIP service be sure to use secret pass-phrase "sit tight fellas".
If you’re really that intrigued by watching some dirt being pushed around, judging by how close the cofferdam is from Iron Dragon’s station, you’ll have a great view of that area from ID’s station or queue stairs.
on the 'intrigued by dirt' thought process, I'm assuming they're going to put the fence in front of the station back up. Wonder if the existing fence around the lagoon.. (gravel) will suffice.
I'd guess they'd put up something more substantial if they're planning on doing work during the season. Maybe they'll pause it till next fall though. Think coasters will still have outdoor tables in that area, or will they block that off?
I'm intrigued by all sorts of things: lagoons, gravel, cofferdams, bulldozers, cranes, concrete, youtubers. But yes, dirt is included in my fascinations. I'm So intrigued in fact that I scrolled through 138 pages of comments about said dirt to get here and leave a comment. Cant wait for opening day when I can lay my own pupils on the action, no more internet sleuthing. Catch me at coasters early afternoon that day, my first stop will be at the new Grand Pavilion to get about 13-15 drinks into my boodstream ;)
Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.
On the topic of dirt, I was riding the train wth my co workers on an outing and they were puzzled why I was so excited about dirt. It wasn’t just dirt, it was the start of the lift hill footer pours for Millenium Force in Fall 1999. I came in to the office and found a small ring box size box of dirt as a gift. I still have that and it was a fun chuckle and a personal memory for an awesome coaster.
To hell with the multitude of existing attractions, I want to see ground work for a ride that I will have to wait a whole year to ride anyway. And just as dj pointed out, you won’t need to ride anything to get a good view once things go vertical 😉
Truth told if you find just the right bench you should be able to stand on it, get on your tiptoes, and see just fine. (Don’t get caught, though. I’m sure there’s some Cedar Point rule that prohibits bench standing.)
Plague on Wheels:
You have to get lucky with PT on your seating, same with ID to get a good view. You may be better off from CS, left seat, or even RR as you crest the hill. Of course MF as well if you strain your neck up the hill. My best bet is for SH, but that one spins so fast you may not see anything. Of course, if you climb onto the roof of CDI restaurant
Lake Erie Lifestyles' latest video is up, most of the Iron Dragon support columns are back up too.
So another concrete sleeve has been placed, and just like the last one, it's placed in one of the corners of the cofferdam, which has had the loose gravel removed and filled completely in with concrete.
Closed topic.