Top Thrill Dragster 2022 Status

kylepark's avatar

I was just curious and not an expert, and wasn't sure if the footage was from a drone or plane. Since the park doesn't permit flying drones, but I guess that's from standing on CP property?


I don't know how elaborate that was.

Well, they did have to deconstruct a section of ID to get back into the area. If this is just "lagoon matinence" then it seems to be a huge waste of money for that small portion of the lagoon to now be land.

I'm not in construction, so take my theory with a grain of salt. But in some of the pictures, it looked like the aggregate was being used to build up a ramp to get equipment up and over the sheet pilings. Paired with the crane mats, that seems like it could be a valid explanation.

Plague on Wheels's avatar

My HOA also rented a 160 foot crane when maintenance was required on the stormwater retention ponds throughout the neighborhood. Came in handy. The ponds have never looked better.

Now for CP, I can't wait to see how good the lagoon looks on opening day now that the maintenance is wrapping up. ;)

Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.

djDaemon's avatar

Particularly interesting to me is that they've placed gravel/aggregate into the lagoon up against the midway near Power Tower.


Team Lagoon Maintenance is a resolute bunch....

Monster Trucks are back

Particularly interesting to me is that they've placed gravel/aggregate into the lagoon up against the midway near Power Tower

Good observation. I didn't even notice that.....

That looks more like something you might do for the queue, but who knows?

Jeff's avatar


Since the park doesn't permit flying drones, but I guess that's from standing on CP property?

The park can say you can't take off a drone from their property, but they have no say in what flies over the park. Only the FAA does.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Jeff's avatar

I'm surprised that no one noticed the strip they cleared between the midway and Iron Dragon.

I'm also surprised that no one ever though, "Hey, one way to mitigate the danger of being hit by high speed flying objects is to not have the queue in the infield."

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

djDaemon's avatar

If you're referring to the area between ID's pretzel and the midway near CS, I don't think that's cleared land. It's gravel they've dumped in the lagoon.

Regarding the cofferdam, I agree that it looks like they're preparing that spot for heavy equipment.


Dumped into a perfectly rectangular-shaped area 😉

Oh no, they'll have to find a new home for the water pumpkins that lived there during halloweekends.

Kevinj's avatar

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Promoter of fog.

^ don't think so.

kylepark's avatar

Makes perfect sense to me.

“I’ve been standing in line for Top Thrill Dragster 2 for ages!”

“I’m not getting on Iron Dragon. It doesn’t look safe!”

Just got an email from my buddies Rick and Marty about the true nature of the triangle area by ID. It's an exact duplicate of it's former location and being newly designed to re-locate something of great importance that was just recently discovered. Check out below:

That gives me anxiety.

Closed topic.

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