The Rude Crew Award goes to... Ripcord!

sarah paugh said:
who said anything about a real world issue?i'm talking about an amusement park, if my job life job was the amusement park then yea i would be nicer but its not its a job to help with college.

Whoa! You said you were the ATL, right? My goodness - no wonder the Ripcord crew has issues! If one of their leaders has no pride in her job and thinks that she is not in the real world because she's dealing with people in an amusement park, that's a real problem. We can all agree that sometimes guests can be a pain in the butt, but the people that have come on here to defend the Ripcord crew have had so many lame excuses. Every other crew in the park deals with the same issues as you and they manage to shake it off and treat the next guest that comes along decently. One guest being an ass is not an excuse to treat a bunch like crap - especially on an upcharge attraction when you deal with so many fewer people on a daily basis than on a higher capacity ride.

I still believe that this is an issue with a small minority of the employees, but just to clear up any misconceptions, I'll tell you how I felt working at CP last year. I took extreme pride in the fact that our crew put 15-20,000 people through our ride each day and there were very few (5 per day would be on the high side and that counts people who don't get the whole height requirement deal) people that had any problem with the work we did. I felt proud that I was working at the greatest amusement park in the world and I felt that crews like ours were a big part of what make Cedar Point so great. I visit the park numerous times each year as a guest and I appreciate the efficiency and friendliness of all CP crews with very few exceptions. I can tell you that to our TL last year, Magnum was the pride and joy of his life and he expected the people on the crew to take pride in their work too. Now, I understand that not everyone is going to make their ride a centerpiece in their life, but I just think its a real problem when an ATL comes out and says basically that her job is a joke. How do you expect the rest of your crew to work if this is your attitude? Use your head next time before saying something so idiotic. Sorry to sound harsh, but I really think your attitude should be better than what you are displaying here.

I still ooze with pride when I think of working at Cedar Point because I know how much better operations are there as compared to other places. I'd love to go back and be in leadership and spread this feeling around. I just worry when an ATL comes on and says her job is not real.

Edit: Josh M has the right idea. Good post man. Glad to see not everyone has a poor attitude out in Challenge Park! :)

2001 Magnum Crew
*** This post was edited by MDOmnis 9/24/2002 4:34:58 PM ***

personal attacks are inappropriate and stupid... this is the only warning you'll get. -j

*** This post was edited by Blue Streak Adam 9/24/2002 5:07:45 PM ***
*** This post was edited by Jeff 9/24/2002 7:07:31 PM ***
This is what I haven't been able to understand this whole summer. Some people complain about their jobs so much, why don't you just quit?? If this job is so un-important to you, why put up with it..?

Brent Haley
Gemini Crew '02

I stayed last year, then I got a teaching job and left this year.

Now I realize why so many cedar point employees stopped comming to these forums.....
*** This post was edited by Blue Streak Adam 9/24/2002 5:15:08 PM ***

Blue Streak Adam said:

And coastaplaya what kind of name is that? You sound like a 12 year old thug, yeah im cool.

I teach at Theatre at Carnagie Mellon....Im sure we have better real jobs and have a higher IQ then two of you combined.......

'CoastaPlaya' is a name I made up off the top of my head years ago when I first decided to post on URC. Since I'm fairly well known in the online community by my hastily chosen moniker, I kept it.

Congratulations on your high-paying student teaching job in a school as widely renowned for theater as Bozeman, Montana is for seafood. I have no real reason to compare paychecks with you, though you could drive by my 10 year-old split-level house in suburban Minnesota near the lake. Maybe if Playette left the Windstar I just bought her last month with the DVD player outside of our three-car garage, you'd see that too. My five-year old's got a Celery 850 and her nine year-old sister's has a 1.2Ghz Pentium with a burner and a 17" screen, both of which are networked to my box. Whatever the case, you'd figure I'm not too bad off.

As for IQ.....I wouldn't say much if I couldn't spell my own school's name correctly. I'm sure it shows up on your paystub every other week, right?

But the only thing I was attacking was bad attitudes. I still have yet to attack you personally.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 9/24/2002 10:57:23 PM ***

Jeff's avatar
Wow, if that's what the hood is like, I'm moving there!

Jeff (who really doesn't care how many employees post here if they're going to be namecalling)
Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

Thanks again, Playa, for being the voice of reason and beating me to the points I wanted to make. (Oh, and I agree with Jeff. Any room at your crib for a visitor? :) )

You know, I haven't written that letter to park ops yet, maybe I should include some of this stuff?

This is my final post in this thread. I think every point I was trying to make has been totally validated by a disgruntled crew. I really wish you guys would have been mature enough to discuss this without making ascenine excuses for your "bad day."
- John

Did you know CP VP's have been known to read GTTP?

*** This post was edited by Michael Darling 9/24/2002 8:04:16 PM ***

Josh M.'s avatar
Thanks for your response Matt...I really am sorry that you guys have to get this perception of Challenge Park employees...Ripcord really is a good ride, and Im sure after this post is over and done with you should get treated with some better attitudes. Im just looking forward to coming back next season....but seriously...fellow CP employees...why do you find it necessary to treat people on these forums like crap, when they are the people who frequent our amusement park the most??...seriously...these forums are for enjoying the park and discussing things at the park, not personally attacking each other. I understand Michael's original post as he had a problem with an experience at the park, but these juvenile quarrels should have never started. Once again what happened at Ripcord should have NEVER happened, bad attitudes or not...and that will remain my position! And now unless someone has an honest question for me...I withdrawl from this forum to the other more friendly forums on this webpage. CARPE DIEM, and long live GTTP!

~Josh M.~
Ripcord Crew 2002

Ride of Steel's avatar

MDOmnis said:
I still ooze with pride when I think of working at Cedar Point because I know how much better operations are there as compared to other places. I'd love to go back and be in leadership and spread this feeling around.


Oozing with "pride" and spreading the "feeling" around? Sounds like some of the stuff that happens after-hours when Louie's closes.

P.S. CoastaPlaya's posts make me all tingly, but the correct word is "renowned" when you're talking about what Carnegie-Mellon is NOT known for...just a heads-up for defending yourself on the correct spelling front. I still think you're awesome.

Mine Ride '99
Thunder Canyon '00
Millennium Force '01
*** This post was edited by Ride of Steel 9/24/2002 8:21:36 PM ***

Oh yea, that's another reason I want to go back! I was deprived of this part of the CP employee experience due to, well...

Natalie can finish the sentence as she has done so many times and made me laugh my ass off! :)

2001 Magnum Crew

Ride of Steel's avatar
....that demon-spawn he introduced to the Cedar Point habitat who never let him have any fun!

Mine Ride '99
Thunder Canyon '00
Millennium Force '01

Wow, and you guys thought Six Flags employees were rude and inconsiderate. These two yahoo's arent helping Cedar Fair's reputation at all.

Do us all a favor Sarah and RetroRipcord. Find a line of employment where you dont deal with the customer face to face.

Dont tell people to get a life until you two get a clue figuring out how to be considerate to the people who make your paycheck exist.

Ride of Steel said:

P.S. CoastaPlaya's posts make me all tingly....I still think you're awesome.

Yeah, right. Of course, you all realize she's only saying this 'tingly' stuff because she knows I've been married for 13 years with two little girls and that makes her feel safe.


And thanks for the spelling tip--but when I flub a word or some obscure coaster factoid I have this habit of saying, "D'oh!" and moving on...unlike some people who were born wearing tight and twisted panties. You shoulda seen this guy on CBuzz this week who inspired 'Playa Letterman's Top Five (before he deleted the thread and ran for his mommy). I swear sometimes I'm my own favorite author.


(who didn't forget......D'oh!)

The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.
*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya 9/24/2002 11:59:04 PM ***


I'm sorry. I wrote my post a little too quickly. I jumped the gun and wrote it while I was still on the defensive.

The bottom line is you are all right. Rudeness has no excuse. I believe that anyone who knows me would tell you that I am a genuinely good-hearted person who rarely was rude to a guest. And when I did, I apologized for it. The same goes for the whole crew.

A lot of the writing we have done has been out of frustration because we were all close this season. It was hard to see us being kicked at and talked about and I retaliated poorly.

As for taking our jobs seriously. I for one LOVE the point. I have been coming to the park for 21 years. I take my job seriously only because it's a job. Not because it's at Cedar Point. I just meant that I didn't take it to the extreme that you fellow posters do. Not that it's a bad thing. Cedar Point needs more people like that!

Darling, I'm so sorry that your experience sucked. You truly did catch us on a bad day. Your post did reach the hierarchy of C.P. and it has been discussed. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. A lot of times we are so busy we don't even notice. Honestly. =) Plus, I was under the impression that you were an employee and that was why I was confused. I'm sorry that I retaliated so harshly.

I went back an read the posts and I just hope we can end this here. This has been one of the meanest and most condecending (spelling?) posts I've ever read. I am sorry that I contributed to that.

Can't we all just get along!!! =)

"Wasting away again in Challenge Park"

This topic has been blown WAY out of proportion. From petty little spelling errors to personal attacks. Tempers have flaired and everyone is too stubborn to admit that they shouldn't have spoken the way they did. So ill go first. Although I don't condone(sp) the way that this crew was to you, I don't think that its right that you posted it here. BUT it is a "free" for all, so to speak. I like to equate it to communism, if the moderator doesn't like you he will shut you up. Jeff don't take it like that your not Hitler, its just a good example.

Mantis 2002
Broken Down Blue Ride 2001

Jeff's avatar
No, it's a stupid example (not to mention another instance of Godwin's Law). I don't care how stupid you are or how stupid your opinion is, the moderators and I don't have the time or desire to dislike anyone. Get over yourself, none of you are that important in our lives to pay enough attention to you to dislike you. If we shut you up it's because you're a moron and/or detract from the quality of conversation here (which lately hasn't been great to begin with).

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure
*** This post was edited by Jeff 9/25/2002 9:12:17 AM ***

That rule would apply if I said you were like hitler, which I DIDN'T.

Mantis 2002
Broken Down Blue Ride 2001

This thread is just getting silly now. Might as well close it, before more people get angry.

Mantis 2002
Broken Down Blue Ride 2001

I seccond that. :-d
Kelly aka Taz
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
Wicked Twister/Kiddy Kingdom 2002
"Ahh When Is The Rain Going To Stop"
Wicked Twister Rides 20
Close the thread? Why? Because you wish it so?

I thought the 'Masked Marauder' didn't get to be the pencil captain until next week. The teacher wrote it on the chalkboard. Did too. Did too.

On a more serious note, no one really cares who you are. You can take off your 'mask' and keep on 'marauding' and it wouldn't make a bit of difference.

As for the thread getting silly...well, that started with anyone defending rude behavior. Whether real or even perceived, you're in the wrong. And the farther you go in life, the more serious the consequences will become. You'll see.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Closed topic.

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