The Intamin Diet

Phantom 1898's avatar

I am currently 230 lbs and am working on loosing weight just for Millennium Force. Last year, I fit with 1/4 in, but gained it all back after being diagnosed as diabetic.

My question is can you think of any ways to stay motivated during this diet.

I just can't figure it out. Ever since I joined ACE, I put on 15 Lbs.

Gomez's avatar

How about calling it the Intamin Diet?

Last edited by Gomez,

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

Phantom, as part of the Millennium crew last season, I remember looking at some bigger folks and thinking there was no way they were going to fit, and sure enough they did. There have been several instances where I have seen bigger guys, lift up their belly and buckle the belt.
Those who have wider hips, are those who seem to have the hardest time doing it. Even if you have put on a little bit of weight, you can still lose it. Don't get discouraged. You still have time before the season starts. If you're serious about losing the weight then join a gym. This doesn't mean you have to become a body builder, but if you get in to the habit of doing some sort of cardio / aerobic workout a 3 - 5 times a week, you can probably expect to lose most of that weight by May.
Keep in mind that just because you've started to exercise, doesn't mean eat more. Portion control is the way to go. Also remember, when the going gets tough, think about the long-term goal and how much it's going to mean to you when get in that test seat and you get the buckle fastened without any hassle.

Last edited by RACE4THESKY,

Millennium Force Crew 2007
Raptor Crew 2008

Phantom heres what I did last year, I didnt change a thing i ate, I just cut down my breakfast and lunch in half (ex. instead of two sandwitches, I just have one.) In May I just fit on Maverick and did not fit on MF, TTD, CCMT, and Raptor. By October I fit on every ride at CP except WT (which is more due to my height and broad shoulders then weight.)

99er's avatar

Phantom 1898 said:Ever since I joined ACE, I put on 15 Lbs.


Jeff's avatar

And it took you three tries to arrive at "Hmmmm?" :)

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

99er's avatar

I couldn't decide on what I wanted. Its been a long day.

Everyone that would like to ride the thrill rides, but can not go because of their lbs. They should think now of because the Lenten Season has started; Fasting is what I think to do.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I hate when people say this, "I want to lose pounds just to ride Mille." Are you more worried about riding a stupid rollercoaster or about your own health?

Just think about how happy your family will be when you gain back 5 years of your life. If you lose weight it saves your life. Yes being able to fit on a coaster is a plus but come on people coasters are not the best thing in the world.

Im glad your trying to lose weight and good luck but do it more for your own health than just for a coaster. :)

Let's Get Weird.

realmadrid311's avatar

#1 best thing you can do...Sign up for a race 10k Half Marathon whatever. Look up running groups in your area. Running groups are fantastic(google team in training), they are a group of people divided by running experience (all levels) that train together weekly and often support a cause such as cancer or ms. Join with a friend or spouse to stay motivated. It will be tough at first but stick with it before you know it you will be saying, "I can't eat this I have to run tomarrow". Also you will gather a lot of admiration from your friends/family/co-workers when you tell them you are training.

Don't forget you are one of "those people" you can do it and your reward will not only be riding the finest roller coasters available but also living healthy and feeling better everyday..Also don't go on a "diet", your diet is what you eat forever not a short period of time. Drop the soda, drop the donuts, forget the fast food and get a subscription to cooking light.

Get a hold of me if you need any help or have any questions I will be happy to help you out. Good Luck


Last edited by realmadrid311,
realmadrid311's avatar

Also check out this sight, its as good as it gets to having a personal trainer for free.

Last edited by realmadrid311,

Phantom 1898 said:

I just can't figure it out. Ever since I joined ACE, I put on 15 Lbs.

Its the gravy dude.

2005 Power Tower crew

I highly suggest eating within you recommended ranges and exercise 3 times per week. It really helps.

Last year I was able to go from 223 to 193 within about 6 months, by eating within my calorie and fat ranges and exercising for about a half hour a few times a week. I used a free website called to track all my food and exercise. I found that when I made better food choices, I was actually able to eat the same about of foods and maybe even more.

A big part of calorie intake comes in the form of beverages. A 20oz regular Cherry Coke will add 260 calories that are completely unnessasary. Also, if you eliminate all soda from your diet, it'll truly do wonders. Even if you drink Diet soda, it'll help immensely to stop drinking it. Alcoholic beverages have high calories too.

It's pretty important to actually pay attention to what a recommended portion size is too. In the morning, I have 1 cup of Cookie Crisp/Cinnamon Life and 3/4 cup of skim milk. It's enough to fill you up and eating a single serving at a time definitely makes the box last a lot longer than if you have 2-3 full bowls.

If you put in the effort, the benefits can be amazing. Not only will you fit into the coaster seats better, you'll be able to fit into pants better, look better, feel better and most importantly be healthier. Your belly will reduce and you will notice the difference, at least mine did.

Exercise does not necessarily have to be a chore. Find something you enjoy to do outside, I actually found out that I enjoyed jogging. If you want to do jogging, don't just go out and start running until you get tired. Follow a good slow paced running schedule to work your way into it. The vast majority of people who try running and then stop, try to push to hard to fast and aren't aware that you should slowly work your way into it.

I found out that I love mountain bike trail riding, which burns 816 calories per hour. 1-2 hours absolutely fly by when I'm on the trails (wear a helmet, it's smart). During a lunch hour, go for a walk while listening to some music.

If you are interested in exercise videos, there are a few good ones that I recommend too. My favorite is The Biggest Loser, Volume 1 only, vol 2 + others are not as good. On the video, the people are struggling through the workout too. You see them sweating, panting, and getting tired too. Nothing is worse than struggling through a workout while thinking, "what the eff do you think you're smiling about" when you look at the people on the video. I also like the Hip Hop Abs series, which is a bit expensive so you may have to shop around. Turbo Jam is another good, but expensive, video series. Hip Hop Abs & Turbo Jam are way to expensive new, I recommend looking to find it used.

I wasn't really an exercise or healthy eating person before I took the initiative a year ago, but it really does makes you feel so much better. It helps if you can find someone to do it with, so you can help keep each other accountable. Also, reward yourself (in non-food ways) once you meet realistic goals, ie: 10 lbs lost, 15 lbs lost, make a big celebration when you get to a goal like 200lbs. When I reached 200lbs, I rewarded myself with a mountain bike, an exercise related gift.

Let me know if you have any questions or need any advice.

Last edited by nulemoni,

I was in a simillar situation about 2 years ago with the weight and being diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic. I went on the South Beach Diet and was able to lose 45lbs in the course of 8 months. I am now a diet controlled diabetic and no longer need to take medication.

Just watch the sugars and remember that carbs are not your friend. If you want bread, pasta & rice make it wheat pasta and bread and brown rice.

I am in no way a die hard diet person and still occasionally fall off the wagon badly but just remember that small changes to your diet can make big differences.


Handle every stressful situation like a dog. If you can't eat it or hump it.

Piss on it and walk away.

I am in the same boat right now. I am having a heck of a time losing weight after having my second kid last year. I was not able to ride Millennium at all which really bummed me out. I started Jan. 1st at 225 and I am already down 12 lbs. I keep a journal and go to the gym 3-5 times a week. I also gave up pop and I don't eat at all after dinner. is also awsome for keeping on track and staying motivated. I'm shooting for 180 by May 10th.

Good luck with your weight lose Phantom.

Good luck on your Milli mission.  
If you are anything like me a major life change won't 
work.  I don't have the will power to keep with it.
Try making several small changes that will add up over 
- Know what your weaknesses are and avoid them - 
keep them out of the house if necessary
- When you are sitting at home watching TV keep 
your hands busy to prevent mindless snacking.  
Knitting, crossstich, puzzles, word search books, 
- Avoid everything fried - get chicken sandwiches 
grilled instead of crispy, go with the baked potato 
option instead of fries.  Also stay away from doughnuts 
and chips.
- Do a few little things to burn more calories.  
Take the stairs instead of the elevator.  Do an extra 
lap around the mall or store before leaving.  Park 
farther away from the door.  Bring the groceries in 
in 3 trips instead of 2.
- Make healty snacks easy to eat.  Buy fruit and 
clean and cut it up as soon as you get it home.
- Switch from 2% milk to 1%.  You'll get used to 
it within a week.
- Buy a scale and weigh yourself no more than once 
a week.  Write it down and keep track of your progress.
Don't be discouraged if it doesn't fall as fast as what
you wanted.  Look at the big picture over several months.
Good luck!

Last edited by Krafty,

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e x i t english's avatar

Resident health nut checking in.

Everything that's been said about portion is absolutely 100% correct. The best thing I've ever learned while on my quest for my best physical shape is this: It's not so much about what you eat, but rather how much of it you're eating.

A portion for you, may only be a "serving" of something, meaning it could be exactly what it says on the box, or it could fluctuate more of less, depending on your body's needs.

The best thing to do as a guide is to categorize food in 3 different ways:

Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Green Veggies.

A "portion" of a protein, such as tuna, lean beef, chicken breast or grilled/baked fish should be roughly the size of the palm of your hand (about 4-6 Oz.)

A portion of carbs should be about the size of your fist, and should be natural and un-processed (whole grains, fruits, etc..) Now, it's OK to stray from these things every once in a while and grab some reduced fat baked snack crackers as a substitute, just to keep your sanity but be careful.

Now the best part of this; the Green Veggies. Not all of them are "green" - but most of them are (cauliflower counts as a "green veggie") - You can eat as MANY green veggies as you can handle, as a huge serving of them contains very few calories, but a LOT of fiber, which is essential to weight loss. Use your bran as to which veggies are really good (Corn, for instance is all starch and therefore would count as your carbs.)

Water, water, water, water, water. I can't stress this one enough. I drink 1 1/2 to 2 gallons of water over the course of the day. You'll want to stay near a bathroom for the first week or so, but after that you should be pretty used to it. For lack of a polite way to put it, drink till your pee is CLEAR, and then some.

Still want to enjoy some french fries from the hot potato on your visit to CP? Craving cheese on a stick? Is this the weekend you absolutely can't live without a couple of slices of pizza? Really in the mood to drink a couple of beers?

OK. - It's natural, and we'd all go crazy without some Junk Food. It's easy - just set aside a day every week, or every couple of weeks if you're feeling like it, as long as it's no more than once per week, to eat whatever you'd like. Many trainers have told me that it's the only way to keep yourself from pigging out and giving up on following a healthy lifestyle, and I believe them because it not only allows you to get your fix of the foods you used to love, but it also gives you a chance to feel how "crappy" it feels to have a McDonald's laying in your stomach.

I'm in no way a "certified trainer", but I've been at this now for several years, and taken my body down below 10% bodyfat (I'm at around 14% right now, thanks Holidays...) I'm currently following a very "meager" diet of tuna, whole wheat flatbreads, raw oats and grains, and lots and lots of apples. I was never able to do this so strict before, but I've honestly never felt better in my life.

Please, feel free to PM/IM or whatever, get in touch with me and I will help you the best way I can. Again, I'm not a trainer or a Dr. but I can help.


e x i t english said:
I'm in no way a "certified trainer", but I've been at this now for several years, and taken my body down below 10% bodyfat (I'm at around 14% right now, thanks Holidays...) I'm currently following a very "meager" diet of tuna, whole wheat flatbreads, raw oats and grains, and lots and lots of apples. I was never able to do this so strict before, but I've honestly never felt better in my life.

Something to remember about bodyfat. It is ok for a male to go down to and below 10% bodyfat but the female body needs more than that. I don't know the exact numbers but to all the girls, if you plan to drop your bodyfat check with someone in the know for information first.

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e x i t english's avatar


I'm male, and it's quite a bit of work to even get to 10, so I'm pretty sure that's not the OP's goal. I wasn't even recommending that, I was just giving a little bit of background.

KYJoe's avatar

Once you start making some progress, try doing 3 sets of 10, of these 3 times a week. It will help your endurace a lot, and help get your metabolism really going. One warning though plyo metrics should only be done by someone who is in moderate shape, I love them though its a great total body workout that can be done in a very short time.

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