The fast pass system

OK, so your wait for Millenium Force isn't as long because of the fast pass just makes the other lines longer. What's the point?
You are still waiting to ride the coaster, yes you are out in another part of the park, but you are still waiting. Telling people when they can ride like this seems very communist, like someone said before. I firmly belive in the first come first serve type of policy, for Opening day, we were there at 7:00 in the morning becuase we wanted to ride so bad. If people want to ride it, then they will wait. The lines this year have been longer than I have ever remembered even on a Tuesday and Wensday. With the FP system, it makes the lines for other longer, which makes it harder to hit all the other coasters during the day, and you are told when you can ride MF, say you get a ticket to ride at 12:15 or something like that, you miss out on one part of the day where lines for rides like Magnum and Mantis are shorter becuase of people eating. 2:30, that is a major time when the water rides are filled to capacity mostly, which makes lines for coasters shorter. The FPS realy limits you, yes there have been a very minute number of people that it has worked for, but the majority hates it and have had it ruin their day. People are now thinking about not going to CP again this year and telling people not to unless the system is taken out of commission. I agree, this system in one word is ...STUPID...CRAP... *other offencive words*.

"The shade, is a tool, A device, a saviour"
My own summer (shove it)-Deftones
MF Rides-11
I agree with you guys when you say that it may have been a trial run, but that may have been corprate jabbering to calm the audience and the spectators, I believe it will take more than a loasy trail to have CP cancel this system.


LAPS:0 :-( (Friend forgot me)
I'm following this with great interest being as our yearly trip to CP is happening July 9 - 11. The last few months I've been very happy reading that other ride lines were a bit shorter and MF was sitting at 2 to 3. This seems right to me. MF is worth the 2 or 3 hour wait and it seems like the shorter lines on other rides logically mean more rides. I was all set. Get in more rides than usual and when it comes time for a break, go to the MF queue...there's my break. But now I'm reading all the lines are as long as ever and that I have to wait in line to be told when to wait in line if I want a shot at MF. It even looks like I won't be able to do all the coasters in one day (Every year since 1995, we've always gone in mid-july and ALWAYS get all the coasters in on day one)

My excitement level is lowering as the day gets closer rather than the steady rising in anxiousness (not unlike that of a 4 year old) that normally sets in with only a dozen days til the point.

Ugh. At least we requested a magnum view at Sandcastle. I guess watching people ride is almost as good :(
After seeing it in action today I changed the name to the ASS PASS. I will call it that if until they get the bugs out.

Perfect example, today my brother and I were at the park. My plan was to leave the park at 1:30 with a friend who was working a split and be back around 5:30. My brother didn't care. He wanted to ride the Force anyway. I left the park at 1:30 and he went over to MF. Well he got a pair of tickets for the 7-8 shift. He (and I) were so upset, he would have waited whatever the wait was in the queue, BUT NO, HE COULDN'T RIDE IT WHEN IT WAS CONVENIENT FOR HIM HE HAD TO RIDE IT WHEN IT WAS CONVENIENT FOR THE PARK! Every time I walked past the Force today I saw large groups of confused people. All the normal park guest wants to do is get in line and ride. IF the wait is two hours let them wait two hours. If the guest wants to ride something else, go right ahead.

The other interesting thing is that we waited for last ride of the night, and we were sitting close to the entrance, every two minutes a park guest would come up and ask if they needed a ticket to ride, or what color ticket did they need.

Like stated in previous posts in this thread its a solutuion for a problem that does NOT exist.

On a happier note I had my 50th ride of the season today as the last ride of the night, car 5 second row, very very cool!

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
I still go against the current popular view on the subject. I think it can, will, and must be done. Obviously I don't make nearly as many trips, but likely will be more inclined to do so not having to wait as much. The system isn't for the hand full of die-hards, but the general public that I think will come to demand the system after awhile.

OK Nathan, argue your point. Why is this system so much better than waiting in line? I still fail to see how this system does not discriminate against certain park-goers. And I'm referring to the people that go after work to get a few hours of fun in but don't want to stay the entire night.

I will still say that a 1 1/2 - 2 hour wait is not that bad provided that the line continuously moves. A moving line makes the time go much quicker.

But the one thing that I do see happening is a rather significant drop in their season pass sales next year. Let face it Nathan, these so called handful of diehards constitute a large number of their season pass holders. If CP goes ahead with this system, it would really piss off those pass holders and even to the point that they may reconsider purchasing a season pass for next year.

I personally think that waiting in line for your turn to ride is the most fair way to operate any ride. I also, like Jeff, would like to know what the motivating factor behind implementing this system really is. Is it lack of riders on other rides? I doubt this because of the fact that special queues were built during the construction. So CP knew it was going to do this even before the season opened. Is it because of extremely long waits for MF? CP never really came out and said why its being done. And even more disappointing is the lack of information about this system on their web site. If they want to at least eliminate some of the confusion with park patrons, they could at least provide some good information about this system thru their web site.

I, like many of you, think this system has too many flaws to be implemented.
Ain't it neat to have your butt out of the seat.
The lady at Park Ops. on Sat. said it was being done because noone was riding the other rides. I sent then a long scathing collection of my thoughts in their comments section on their webpage last night. Nothing profane or nasty, but enough to let them know I was thoroughly dissatisfied. If they get ENOUGH NEGATIVE reaction sustained over a period of weeks maybe something can be done about it. I too will not buy another season pass next year if this keeps up.
FAST PASS GO AWAY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MF and that's my Final Answer ;)
MF count:15

Let's put it this way: there far more reasons not to have the system then to have it.

-theres only one reason I can think of to have it-
-short wait

-reasons not to have it-

-tickets will be hard to get
-you could ride more times without the system
-other rides will have long waits making upset tourists
-now everyday will have a dash to get a ticket when gates open(and possible for more than MF)
-it defeats the whole idea of taking a vacation or goin to an amusment park because have to be "on time". The idea of getting away is to not have to worry or have stress.
-Eventually photo copies or home print outs will be made of the ticket and thats no good
Live for FUN!

i was going to say that when i thought back about my MF riding patterns, which have always(so far) been A)first thing in the AM and B)last thing at night, that this sucky system would not really affect me, as i stay away from MF during the peak hours. BUT, now that i read the post above that said they don't even allow you to get in the regular line before 11:30 whan the system is supposed to start, well, that makes things completely different. next thing we know, they will start doing it like Ticketmaster does, where you have to go the DAY BEFORE the tickets go on sale to secure a spot in line, via a numbered wristband or lottery drawing. ooops..shouldn't have said that. they might start doing it.
one other problem i can see here..the more we complain, the more CP is gonna fight us to the death over this. we are only 5 or 6 hundred people here. we need the GP involved. we need to spread the word BIG TIME!! the only thing, in my opinion, that might work, is an out and out boycott of the park. not just of MF. the PARK. ask if you can turn in your season pass. tell everyone you know not to go. see if its possible to stage a rally against it across the bay in view of MF. and it needs to happen not now, but in a week or so , after enough General Public folks have been sent home disappointed and cheesed off about ruined vacations and might be willing to participate. if none of these things are possible, enlist the help of ACE--they ARE rather influential. or get EVERYONE who has a bad experience to send their comments about it to the CP website. we WANT TO WAIT IN LINE FOR MF WHEN IT'S THE RIGHT TIME FOR US!! NOT FOR YOU!! and i too, would like to know the REAL reason this was done and WHY all of the tickets are GONE at 10:00 AM?? how many do you have?? 20? 200? 2000? CP, by your silence and your stout REFUSAL to answer our questions you are telling us that you really could care less about customer satisfaction and that is NOT what CP is all about in my book. at least follow what you said you would so and allow fist-come, first-serve riding until 11:30 AM....customer satisfaction?? at this rate you won't HAVE any customers!!

ride early, ride often!!!
I have an idea....


Live for FUN!

Jeff's avatar
The possibility that you WILL NOT get to ride is more real than ever on this system, and I don't think the park has ever stopped to think about it. If a person who would not be willing to wait in line accepts a ticket to ride, they get to ride.

However, consider that if the ride is doing 1,300 pph (and that's guessing high), a 14 hour operating day will only allow about 18,000 riders, or roughly half of the park's guests on a busy day.

Now ask yourself: How would you feel if you weren't one of these 18,000 people? What makes you less important than everyone else?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34
Gemini's avatar
Boycotts and strikes? Refusing to go to Cedar Point?

I think some of us are overreacting ...

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
Overreacting? I think not. I'm planning on being at the park on July 10-11th. I'm coming up from Texas with my fiancee who has never had the chance to experience the CP charm. I am VERY seriously reconsidering our plans. I don't want to take her to CP if some crap like this might ruin her image and our trip. If this stupid system is not scrapped by Sunday, which is the day we start our vacation and I lose internet contact, I WILL cancel my plans to come to the park and will NOT come back in future years until they do away with this!
Jeff's avatar
Well, if you can't ride what you want, there's little point in going. Between rude MF operators and this system, going to Cedar Point just isn't what it used to be.

I'm seeing something right now that I NEVER thought I would see. I'm getting e-mail from some of the core group of regulars I meet at the park who frankly say the park has lost something. I love the new ride, and it's without question my favorite, but something is terribly wrong, and the concern appears to be falling on deaf ears.

You can't show me another park in the world that people feel this strongly about. If Cedar Point were to ever lose its evangelists, spreading the good word, it might very well be reduced to something less than perfect, and more like other parks. To do that would be a tragedy.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34
Gemini's avatar
I think canceling a trip to the world's greatest amusement park, with 68 rides, 14 roller coasters, no less than 10 live shows, etc., because you *might* not get to ride *one* roller coaster exactly when you want is ridiculous.

I'm not defending this system, but in my opinion, it's a minor inconvenience.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway

*** This post was edited by Gemini on 6/27/2000. ***
OK, I'll argue my point:
Yes it ticks off a handfull of people.
So be it.
People don't go to CP to stand in line.
I'm looking at it from a combination of practical long term considerations the park must have in the back of their minds, (how such a system would have an impact on their business)and what would make my visits more enjoyable.

I think the problem of folks not riding most of the rides is a real one. And I think in the long term if fortells problems sustaining attendence when the day comes they choose not to add a new coaster for a few more years than the current norm. What use is a large collection of fine coasters if nobody rides them, because they are always in line for a hand full of more attractive ones? What does the resulting line at all the most popular coasters do for people that only make a single visit a year, and do not want to have to make the choice between one coaster or the other? What are the majority of visitors, which are not season pass holders, going to enjoy the most?

And frankly, as much as a small portion of the season pass holders might, after awhile the compliants will subside, and folks will get on with their lives. After several years of hearing glowing stories of people proffessing their undying love for CP, you are not going to make me believe most people will change their vacation plans, or stop coming to CP as much as they did, just because the rest of the world wants a system that helps them make the most of their day.

Sure some will be sore. But guess what, in another five years, most of the parks on this earth will wind up doing the same thing, and like it.

I first didn't like the sound of the idea. But the more I thought about it, the more I like it. And frankly, its going to happen in time, no matter how much people pull phantom numbers and projections of mass unrest to bear on the subject.

This topic has a lot of people skirting the fine line between personal over-idealistic feelings, and reality. The reality is going to win out every single time.

It will make CP more money, than any handfull of protesters not coming to the park will lose them. I wouldn't be surprised if they even put the system into the advertising, because people will like the idea of being able to ride everything more than standing in line for hours on end for two or three capital rides. Families will like it, as parents won't have to be split up for hours while dad and junior ride, and mom and baby sit under a tree. Friends with people that don't want to ride a given coaster, or coasters at all, won't have to drag folks through the lines. That will boost the number of folks that come to CP by more than people that supposidly stay home due to it.

The system will come. You won't stop it. Oh it may be a few years before its in full effect, but it will come. Most of the hostility towards it comes from the disruption to the visiting and riding habits of a few people. I am certain if CP hasn't already run the numbers, things will wind up working out for the best in all areas.

Bring on the system, sooner the better.

I almost want to see what happens if they try this over the Independence Day/Canada Day weekend. If it looks anything at all like the situation Saturday, I can foresee Bad Things happening...

In any case, I won't be there anyway; I'm doing Kennywood, Idlewild, Work, and Stricker's Grove on the first four days of July...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Its just amazing that after all of this time and following the park it seems that Cedar Point wont even listen to us. Its almost like the system is here to stay not because the guests like it, but because the high ranking officials like it. And believe me thats not the way to be treating your guests, your main source of income.

Note:Hey what a surprise they even took all of the anti fastpass rider comments off of the official site. Let the people voice their opinions Cedar Point!
Against Ticket To Ride since day one! *** This post was edited by CoasterChuckey on 6/27/2000. ***
Gemini's avatar
Cedar Point does take into account the opinions of its guests. But they're not going to take a vote of a few enthusiasts to determine their ride operations policy. If they did, the Mean Streak and Blue Streak would be very different rides. I believe the park when they say most guests welcome this system.

Like Nathan said, most of the people who are complaining are hard core enthusiasts - some with valid points, some who are overreacting. Those people are not the park's bread and butter.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway

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