The fast pass system

wow we hit 200!!! cool..hope you are right Nut...then we can all get on with our lives and our park...

ride early, ride often!!!
Well I was there Tuesday night and they WERE using the TTR system. After reading all the posts seeing it first hand....WHAT A CROCK. This slow ass system is just slow. Am I a season pass holder...Yes. Do I come after work (6pm)...yes. I got there went straight to the MF gate. Only to find they were out of tickets. When did they run out... 1-2pm in the afternoon. Meaning that from 1-2pm to 8pm only people with a TTR could ride. How long was the MF wait about 5-10 minutes. Talking to the ride op she said this. They only let out about 1000 tickets for each hour. They pass them all out first come first serve in the morning. Not saving them for the whole day (for people like me). Now let us for a minute say that I got my ticket and was able to wait in that 10 minute line. Well I would then go ride another ride before that time. Oh wait they were all about hour waits. These rides were not this busy before. They had lines about half hour but not this extreme. So I am waiting in line now for a LONG TIME for rides that should be a short wait. HOW NICE. Is it worth it to have that short wait on MF....NO. I am sure there are times the MF wait would be probably half hour. Can't see it longer since there is only a selected amount of tickets each hour. Did I ride Raptor...NO...Mantis...NO...Magnum...NO...A LONG wait. I got in line before 8 when they opened the line to the public. At least it wasn't backed up to the frontiertown MF tunnel...IT was. That was about 45 minute wait. Got in line before 10 and another 45-55 minute wait. I would rather do that than get turned away. Asking on of the ride op's if they liked this system their response was...NO

Raptor Flights: 54
Force Rides: 25
Wow! I've been off the board for a few days, and this thread is unreal!

After spending the last 40 minutes of my life reading down through every post, I have a message to CP:

On July 29, Kathey's sister is getting married in Newark, Ohio. After the ceremony, eight of us are planning to drive up to CP, stay in two rooms at the Breakers, buy six tickets to the park, eat, drink, ride, spend, Spend, SPEND!!!

If the current version of TTR is in place at that time, we will take our business to PKI instead. Plain and simple. Granted, you won't miss our $1000 in the grander scheme of things, but if enough people take their $1000 elsewhere, it's going to eventually hurt.

And incidentally, you'll need to come up with a better excuse than "Nobody was riding the other rides". That's been debunked throughout this thread time and again. I'll testify as well that during my annual five day stay earlier this month (by the way, with a family group of about 30 -- who spend significantly more than the aforementioned $1000) we waited 20-25 minutes for CCMR, 20 for the Wildcat, 45+ for DT, 60+ for Magnum, etc. etc.

Duane Cahill 2000 Park Tour:
April 1-7, WDW
May 27, Dorney
June 3, KW
June 16-20, CP
June 24, KW
July 2, Knoebel's
July 22, Hershey Park
July 30, ?????
I was also there Tuesday, and TTR was in full effect, it didn't kick in until 1 though, because the ride was down for quite some time in the morning. There were rumors that they were just going to forget about it, because of the huge delay, but they kept with it. The system actually worked for me, and a very small amount of other people. I got 7 rides in, 6 with TTR. I basically stocked up on tickets before they ran out, which was at 2:30. Also, instead of getting there right at the start of the hour, I waited until the last minute, so I only waited around 20 minutes. Later in the evening it was even better. Between 7-8, they started letting anyone in at 7:45, but let TTR people go up to the ramp. I got 3 rides in, because they didn't collect my ticket. I saw a few other people getting on multiple times between 7 and 8 too. Earlier in the day I also used a ticket from another day, the only diffrence is the number in the square on it, but the ops obviously didn't notice. So I guess you should save them if you get extras. I'm not saying that the system works like it should, but if your smart about it, it can really, really work to your advantage. If you get there earlier enough, get enough tickets, and wait to get in line at the end of the hour you should have a great day. But for the average person, the system can cause big headaches. Everyone gets in line before there hour even starts, so there is no diffrence in line length. I saw some people getting very mad about it. And still, unless you get there early, you might as well not come until 8, because there out of tickets by 2 or 3. I also noticed that lines for other rides were much longer, Raptor at night was over an hour. The system has a long way to go before it is succesful in doing what it should, but if it does eventually work out, then I can see good things. The biggest problems, again are: running out by 2 or 3, and lines being just as long, because everyone rushes over at the start of there hour. If they can some way let you wait in line without a ticket, then it wouldn't be nearly as bad (less people getting tickets = running out later, and not huge lines at the beginning of each hour). I'm really really hoping that they can figure the system out, but if it stays the way it is, then I feel really bad for the average visitor, or anyone who comes late. One more observation. What is up with 10-20 minute delays at least once an hour? They keep switching trains, adding, and removing, every single hour. I would actually rather see them run 2 trains all day, then 3 occasionally with stops every hour. That's all I can think of for now, but I was able to make a lot of observations, I don't know when I'll get to the park next.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
*** This post was edited by Hurricane_6 on 6/28/2000. ***
I can see it now......There will be a two hour wait to get a ticket soon.
Hurricane6's post is a good read. It shows just about every way the system is being abused and exactly what CP needs to stop. Hurricane6 (and also Millennium Force and Magnum Fan) all showed just how easy it is to get multiple ride tickets.

Not that I blame them, if you can do this, more power to you. Exploit the holes in this ridiculous system if you can I guess.

This is now how I see people taking trips to CP:

Get to the park in the AM. Blow some time between 9 and 10. Make your way to the MF queue by 10:30 mill around until they begin forming a TTR line. Jump quickly in line. Spend the next two hours re-entering that line. If you have friends who are willing to stand for a TTR but are not planning on riding MF make sure they get one too.

I can easily see where this would land you anywhere between 3 and 8 TTR's if not more for a two hour wait in the TTR line.

Then a simple wait in the actual queue for each TTR ride.

I don't honestly know if that'd work but it sounds to me like people who abuse the system in this way are the only ones benefitting from TTR.

On a totally different note...

What about people who receive a TTR but never show up at the queue to use it? I'm sure it happens. Maybe not much but it HAS to happen. Perhaps someone has gotten multiple TTR's for the same hour and end up using only one due to queue wait times. Capacity has dropped even lower.

I do now think it's become a money issue as others do. Less time in MF queue means more time wandering and possibly spending money. Plus with other rides being a shorter wait than usual (before TTR) people would be more inclined to stand in those lines too. Seems like a good way to cram all the lines full, and get more people walking the midways.

I'll be there the 9th through 11th. I'm going with friends from two other states. So basically you have a group coming from Florida, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut to meet and enjoy the Point. This only serves to add to the confusion of a day at the park. And yes, we're mulling over the idea of cutting the trip a day short and using the third day to visit SFO instead. We were back and forth about it before but after this TTR thing took off, it's looking more like SFO becomes a reality.

What this means is CP is losing on a Sandcastle night for two rooms, anoth day’s admission for 8, plus whatever spending we'd have done the third day and in the late hours the second day, because now it's looking as if we'll leave earlier than closing the second day to make the run to Aurora and SFO. No, TTR isn't the only reason we'll probably cut it short (CCI Woodie and B&M floorless...hehe) but it looks to be the deciding factor and right now it's pushing us away.

We'll see I guess.
Gemini's avatar
Again, let me go back to my original point. Whether the system works or doesn't work, only time will tell. From what I've heard, it isn't as bad as most are making it. But I'm sure it has it's problems. And I'm not saying Cedar Point should ignore or punish their season passholders, either. But there is a difference between season passholder and hardcore enthusiast - with most of those complaining in the later category.

Anyway, my point: canceling a trip or otherwise boycotting the park because of this system is just silly. It's just one ride (that you're still allowed to ride).

Cedar Point Virtual Midway

*** This post was edited by Gemini on 6/28/2000. ***
Gemini, maybe it's not bad on the weekdays, but it IS PURE HELL on the weekend as I experienced on June 24th. Besides look at all of the abuse going on. If the abuse could be straightened out and people could not get multiple tickets then it might have a chance. ONLY MAYBE!

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
Gemini's avatar
That's fine - let the system work itself out or let it collapse under its own weight. But don't cancel your vacation or boycott the park!

Cedar Point Virtual Midway

*** This post was edited by Gemini on 6/28/2000. ***
Silly or not, if one truly feels to protest - this is the best way to do it. I've already made my mind up on this one.
Gemini's avatar
But when CP's PR department says: "It's being reviewed on a day-to-day basis. We're weighing the pros and cons," why throw in the towel this early?

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
I think we ALL are missing the Po!nt on this TTR.
Let's step back and look at this from CP's point of view. They are TRYING to develop a FAIR system. Yes, there are many holes which can and must be fixed if the system remains.
If I am a "one day" guest my first stop would be the MF TTR line. I would then know what time my "reservation" would be for my ride. This is a WONDERFUL system for this guest.
Now, for the evening crowd this system appears to be TERRIBLE to put it mildly. Why would I head into the park after 5 knowing in advance I can't even get into the MF line until 8? This is one of the Major issues which MUST BE addressed and solved.
This TTR system is a valiant but vain attempt to make "everyone's" day better.
Have any of you noticed most restrauants take reservations?, and alot of the Friday, Applebee's type places have also started a "phone ahead" program, where you can phone ahead and be put on the waiting list. TTR is just the amusement industry attempt at this type of customer service.

I fully agree TTR has done nothing but confuse the issue.
I FULLY RESPECT and expect Cedar Point to analyze this system.
I also FULLY EXPECT Cedar Point to make the BEST decision for the majority.

On another note, CP does not OWE me or any other Season Pass holder ANY SPECIAL TREATMENT. What CP must do is ensure each of my multiple visits to the park are wonderful experiences. It seems TTR can and will effect the experience. If this happens, then Season Pass Holders will not renew.

Again, let's step back, simmer down, GET THE FACTS and allow CP continue this review.

I am sure CP will do the right thing.

One good thing about this whole TTR topic, we haven't seen any "Trash Mean Streak" threads for a few days!!!
why not? with jerks like the ones above bragging about how they got 5 or 7 TTRs while others get none?? how unfair is that?? maybe they need to rethink this whole thing to prvent this kind of abuse, which is exactly what it is!! how many rides did you actually get on anything Tuesday, Hooper? let's compare with how many Hurricane got...hmmmm...what's wrong with this picture??? WHY are there only 1000 tickets per hour when MF obviuosly has a higher capacity than that? WHY are they out of tickets at 2 pm?? why don't they WAIT and give out tickets for the NEXT hour only; example being from 11:00-12:00 give out tickets for 1:00-2:00 and then at the END of the 1:00-2:00 hour let a few people into the standby line to finish out the hour? that way there would be tickets left at 7PM. but in my opinion, the only way to show how we feel, besides picketing the park and begging people not to ride MF in protest is to NOT GO AT ALL!! sure it's "just one ride", but it is because of ALL the rides that we go. MF is one of those rides. why should ANYONE be denied the right to ride EVERY ride in the park if they so choose. that is EXACTLY what is happening here.

ride early, ride often!!!
Well said, Tim....I think you pretty much put things in perspective. Because, I think its kinda silly reading some of the posts were people want to boycott and rip apart their season passes, when its only been in effect for a week and a half.
FireDragon, only to experience the comotion and confusion last Saturday would explain the way people feel. Then to hear that people are exploiting and cheating the system. That only throws salt into open wounds.

How would you like to be at CP at 2:00PM and have them say come back at 8:00PM. You may not get to ride with weather and other misc. problems that might arise. Then to hear how people wait 3 hours to ride at that time. That sounds unacceptable to me. At Disney, I believe that you have a ticket of some sort with a barcode on it that prevents this. CP can delete the negative posts but cannot
change the negative feelings in the hearts of the parkgoers that this system has caused.

IMO it is not a good system under any conditions.
But I'm sure the people that have abused the system or experienced it under "less that crowded"
conditions love it.

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
Pete's avatar
I don't see anything wrong with using a system to your best advantage, if you play by the rules. Hurricane did nothing wrong, I appreciate his tips and I don't think people should be called jerks for telling us about their CP experience. The whining and complaining on this board right now is making it almost as bad as rec.roller-coaster. If you can work within the system to get multiple rides, and not break any rules, more power to you.
Umm..Scooter, I was there on Saturday. I know exactly how they feel. I was there when I waited 40minutes in line just to get to the entrance only to be handle a piece of paper telling me to come back a couple of hours later. yes, I know the system is flawed. But, boycotting the park IMO is too extreme. If they continue with this plan I wont be happy, but Ill accept it. If you choose not to go to CP because of the fast pass thats your view, but, Im not going to stop going because of it. And Im quite sure alot of the "causual riders" feel the same.
I have a problem when people tell me I am wrong. I will not name names (Gemini) but do you see most all of the people in this forum hate the fast pass system, yet you describe complete happiness with the system. And if Im wrong, how do you explain the missing opinions of the subject on CP's web site!!! I think you should relook at your comments before you write them down.
LAPS:0 :-( (Friend forgot me)

This is how I see the TTR system is currently working...

If you get there early, you will get on the ride, or at least get TTR, you get on MF.

If you get there before 2:00pm, you get a TTR, you get on MF.

If you get there late, and if you were planing on staying until about 9:00pm anyway, you get on MF.

The only folks who are being majorly screwed are those who show up around 4:00 and leave around 7:00. (season pass holders, who alreday have 30+ laps)

If you are sneaky, and want only to marathon ride MF, go for it, there is a hole in the system, use it to your advantage.

I still think the TTR should go away, but it looks like there are actually few people who will not be able to ride MF due to TTR. *** This post was edited by Soggy on 6/28/2000. ***
Gemini's avatar
"I will not name names (Gemini) but do you see most all of the people in this forum hate the fast pass system, yet you describe complete happiness with the system"

I don't recall ever saying I was happy with the system. What I said was this system has potential, just give them time to work out the bugs. If it doesn't work, then it will collapse under its own weight. Coaster enthusiasts do not speak for the general public.

If you'll read closely, however, my participation did not begin with a defense of TTR. Rather, it was to question the EXTREME reactions of some on this board.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway

Closed topic.

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