The fast pass system

I already have a plan for my next trip:
Have my nonrider friends get more tickets for me so I can ride more times in one day! What a great idea! FASTPASS isn't that bad.

Live for FUN!

O.K. I am confused. This is just my input on this so dont thrash me. You people claim that CP has the best coaster selection on the planet so if you cant ride MF you have 13 other coasters to choose from. After saying that, what is the problem? You guys act like MF is the only good coaster in the park so therefore riding any other is downsizing. I am now seeing that quantity doesnt mean overall quality. You people brag by saying "We have the most coasters in the world", but when it comes down to it there only seems to be 3 coasters that are worth riding. If this is the case than bragging about your coaster capacity doesnt hold water anymore.
I still think that this needs to be re-vamped. Some people get several tickets, wile others get none. The idea of paying a small fee, (Maybee $0.50 or so per ticket) and then have the ride time be AT LEAST one hour from the current time. Then you enter the strait que and when the two que's merge, there is a ride op who directs traffic. The Ticket line goes in first, then everyone else. This would also eliminate the problem of which line gets first shot at trains.

Even if they don't charge, giving out about half and having a seperate que that merges is still a VERY good idea.

"the Force of the new Millennium is being felt by those who choose to seek it.
One more thing, who saysn the general public likes the system? Aside from a few of you here who like it, the only place I have heard that is from the article. My question is CP asking EVERYONE or just the people who have used it?

"the Force of the new Millennium is being felt by those who choose to seek it.
Gemini's avatar
"who saysn the general public likes the system?"

Maybe Old Timer Tim would like to answer this one?

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
Don't worry Chitown, we're all confused. But one thing I'm sure about, is that:

The LAST thing we want the park to do is to charge mone to ride MF! That would be dumb-spending $38 dollars to get into the park, and then paying extra to ride the main attraction.
I've come to realize you can never win an arguement with an ignorant person. There are three certainties in life. Death, Taxes, and Queue lines for major attractions.

Pro TTR people need to realize they are giving up their freedoms for perceived convenience.

Queue lines (like the American economy) are supply and demand. There is currently a demand to experience Millenium Force. In our economy people will pay what the market is willing to bear. Right now the demand is so great for MF that queue lines are unfortunately long. There are those who want to circumvent this system of simple checks and balances for their own personal gain. Here is a short list of the ludicrous reasons posted by the pro TTR crowd in this thread and others:

a) My friends and girlfriend should not have to wait in line with me (to keep me company) only to leave once I get on the ride because they do not ride coasters.

b) Queue lines are too long.

c) People who are one time a year patrons may get turned off by waiting in excess of 90 minutes to enjoy the major themes in the park.

The following three complaints are nothing but drivel!

Judging from the experiences of others you wait in a queue line for a ticket. The line is probably a good half hour or more on a busy day from the postings of those who experienced it. You then are inconvenienced by having to mill around the park killing time while you wait for your scheduled thrill. Once your time is up, you get to wait some more. I've heard 15-70 minutes. I tend to believe the latter more then the former.
The fact is that you wait in line twice to ride once. The time savings are pretty much nullified by the wait in the middle as well as the loss of freedom.

This idea was posted previously but I think it is worth reiteration. Accomodate the individuals who are willing to PAY for a ticket. Allow maybe a maximum of 100 tickets an hour. Set the price at $5 a ticket (which is basicly the cost of a burger and Coke...err Pepsi). If people who are willing to pay want to schedule their lap around the track so be it. Spend the revenue earned from the TTR crowd on more cooling fans and entertainment for the queue. Now everyone is happy. The impatient people get their scheduled ride and the queue people stay cooler as well as get entertained. After awhile people would rather be in the queue.

I am still waiting for the "Ticket to pay for my groceries"! I'm a paying customer and shouldn't have to wait in any line!!!!

*** This post was edited by Nut on 6/27/2000. ***
Maybe CP should simply allow season ticket holders into the queue at any time and bypass the TTR garbage. That way season ticket holders get all the rides they want with no complaints, besides there are relatively few season ticket holders, right, so the added persons to the queue due to that would be a small percent of the daily traffic. A once-a-year patron (of the GP) would not even notice. A once-a-year enthusiast may not like that, but consider it an advantage to those who spend the $110 per year for the pass.
it's simple!!!!!! Get rid of the Ticket to ride!!!! If the line is too long for you to ride move on to something else and come back later. MF can only give the same amount of rides each day. If you can't be there in time to be in line for one of those rides then you wait till the next time... Now you say what if its my only day at the park. then get to the park at opening and run to MF get in line and it should not be any longer than 3hrs. wait your time and enjoy one of the best rides in the world. But the bottom line... NO FAST PASS
soggy has a great idea.... people with season passes are the ones who probably go to cedar point just to ride millennium force all day, as where those who make it a vacation come to enjoy all of the roller coasters and rides at cedar point and may only want to ride MF once or twice anyway... so let the season pass holders bypass and get there jollies.. i dont even care about this whole thing cuz the only times i will ride MF is first thing when i get there and last thing before i leave, that is the easiest way to do it
Hey now! I love CP just as much as the season pass holders, and just because I don't have a season pass, I get punished? I don't think so.
giant wheel has a GREAT idea, as do anyone else that feels the need to get rid of this policy. DOWN WITH THE TTR!!!!
it's people like Millennium Force up there, getting FIVE tickets in a row and having others do so for them that are ensuring that others will not get to ride at all. no wonder tickets are gone so fast!! all it boils down to is this, guys...we all hope and pray like HECK that TTR CRASHES AND BURNS over the holiday weekend. maybe a small scale riot when they run out of tickets at 10:15 am would do the trick. what i REALLY want, most of all, here, is just a simple, TRUTHFUL answer from CP. and i just thought of something...WHY hasn't CP asked Dan or Jeff or anyone else with "inside connections" what they think? you guys are a big deal to them when something GOOD happens at the park(MF opens, etc). what about when they make a boob-headed decision like this??? hmmmm??? are they afraid of what they will hear or that you guys(and those accociated with you) might have a valid opinion?? the fact of the matter is that TTR is making the waits longer. why don't they send some marketing dude out there to use TTR like a normal member of the GP who wants to ride twice in one day and THEN see how it works? isn't that what marketing does? research and analysis?

ride early, ride often!!! but not with TTR!! give up your freedom at CP!!!
Obviously people are willing to wait in a two or three hour line otherwise it wouldn't exist.

If they want top please majority have a standby line or as I mentioned before wait until the line reaches a certain point. Disney needed fast pass because majority of there rides are low capacity and have lines ion excess of four hours in peek season. Disney also does not issue pass' if the line is under two hours. The king of capacity on the other hand is still giving tickets when the line is below an hour and a half.

If used properly the fast pass system is the best thing since sliced bread and creamed corn. Unfortunately Cedar Point's bread is hard and moldy and there creamed corn is not to creamy.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control! *** This post was edited by Magnum is sinking! on 6/28/2000. ***
Jeff's avatar
Chitown: Keep in mind that a large part of this site's audience is season pass holders. I'll be honest, I've been on Magnum hundreds of times. If I go to the park for a "nooner" of after work stop, you know what I'm going for. The only reason we get season passes year after year is because of the new things offered.

Let's look at this thing from a different perspective: before and after.

Before, even on a busy Saturday, one might have to wait up to 90 minutes to two hours to get on Millennium Force (45 to 60 on your average Friday night). People might not have been crazy about it, but it was expected for a world record-breaking coaster. Lines were shorter on other signature rides, but there were no empty seats.

After, lines are longer for other rides, and lines for Millennium Force still range from 30 to 90 minutes when you include the time required to actually obtain a pass. Also, if you don't get a ticket in the first part of the afternoon, you won't be able to ride until the general queue opens after 8:30 p.m. What this amounts to is a disadvantage for season pass holder arriving late and people with starlight admissions, and that's the part that has this community most upset.

So what has remained constant?

First off is capacity. Regardless of queue length, the rides still can only do a certain number of rides per hour. Before and after, signature rides ran at capacity without empty seats. If there has been any decrease in ridership, it is after the queue closes.

The other constant, from what I've been reading here, is the amount of time you wait in line (any line). If you're not standing in the Millennium Force line, you're standing in another line. That other ride isn't giving anymore rides than before, you're just standing in a different line. By some accounts, such as Dave's adding the act of getting a ticket can actually add to your wait time.

My perception is that "before" is the lesser of two evils. "Before," you had to deal with lines (that did not exceed two hours with three trains) but even that wait was expected. "After" you have the disadvantaged evening crowd, which generally isn't there to bang out as many rides as possible, and they're not pleased. I hope Cedar Point is listening to their season pass crowd. It's not just a one-time transaction with these folks. Once they get our pass money, they get money from food nearly every trip, as well as souveniers, on-ride photos, and of course that damn duck food.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34
It makes you wonder if the sole purpose of the ticket to ride is to boost patronage on other rides doesn't it?

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
Jeff I think thats the best point I've heard so far. If you are not in line for Millennium Force you are going to be somewhere else waiting in line anyway. What difference does the location of where your waiting in line make?

Against Ticket To Ride since day one!
People have been mentioning differrent times the park runs out of tickets anywhere from 10:15 to late in the afternoon. What would the people who have been there more then once while on this system say?

Also Cedar Point does not realize that people exspect long waits, and large crowds durring the debut season of the largest coaster in the world.
I think they sould just forget about it, and refer back to it if the queue gets to over capacity more then once or twice in a day.
If you guys are reading the threads in the general section, you would see that they DID NOT USE THE TICKET TO RIDE CRAP TODAY!!!! Of course, we are still not sure whether they are just taking it off for weekdays and are going to bring it back this weekend, or if it is GONE FOR GOOD!!! So it looks like we will have to wait until the weekend to find that out. In the meantime, let's celebrate, because that is one battle that we have won. But even though we have won the battle, we have not won the war, it seems. I'm going to call CP tomorrow morning and ask if it is gone for good...

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 2
please let us know, Majiin...and why doesn't CP just revert to the old days of Disney, where you paid for each ride individually with tickets purchased as needed??? even THAT would be preferable to this mess.

ride early, ride often!!!
WooHoo....If there's no TTR then I'm going to the Point next week.

My canceled trip has been canceled.

I am officially in a good mood!!!!!!

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