The fast pass system

Alright, I'm mad. I just called the Cedar Point General Info line, and the rep said that the Ticket to Ride system is in full swing and will be used ALL THE TIME, for the REST OF THE SEASON.


Looks like I won't be getting on MF much more this season. Heck, maybe I'll join servo and not go AT ALL! You are losing customers CP, and I highly advise you to QUIT THIS SYSTEM NOW!

PS- It seems that all this system has done is: a.)confused a lot of people, and b.)make the lines longer for ever ride in the park

This doesn't sound like the CP I know at all...
*** This post was edited by RPerz on 6/26/2000. ***
What a bunch of garbage!!! I am planning my first trip to CP ever, thanks to MILLENNIUM FORCE!! If I get burned by the FastPass system, heads will roll. I will be there July 13th. I hope they scrap this system by then. I keep hearing about how CP is the best park in the world, but I am travelling 2,300 miles to ride this coaster, I will not be denied!!
Wow! Using "Ticket To Ride" all year is probobly the worst decision in the history of the park (well maybe). Cedar Point you do not know what you are getting in to!
Man, this is a big load of bull!! I'll be there on July 10-11th and hope like Hell they don't have this crap going on then!! I'm coming all the way from Texas to visit! I HOPE to get in at least 2-3 rides on the Force in those 2 days, but now that sounds like I'll be lucky to get one! If I get screwed on my trip up there, it will be a LOOOOOONG time before I return to CP! I'll just have to settle for the 3 Six Flags parks here in Texas. :( Please don't continue this insanity, CP!!! PLEASE!!!!
Problem here is CP saw the crowds on openign weeks and thought "Boy, even with 3 trains, the wait will be 3 hours. Better have a ticket to ride it system in place" I thoguht the system might have worked on busy days (I thought that the system was designed for busy days..) but from reading these posts on people there over the weekend, guess not. I'm sure that first year coaster lines like Magnum and Raptor were longer than MF and no system was used there!

If I were CP, I would have tried this the first week or something, not towards peek time when all the tickets are gone in 2 hours! This system works for Disney becuase they pay attention to every detail and are open 365 days a year! This system reminds me of a carnival where you pay .50 for a ticket to ride, then finding you have no more left. What's next CP, 24 hour park operation?

Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
Feel the Force NOW!!
I hate the whole idea and hope no park will will ever use it again.

Live for FUN!

CP needs to trash this system IMMEDIATELY(sp?)!!!!
If people want to wait for MF and not ride the other coasters, then let them wait. This idea was all screwed up in the first place. I went with my dad(Scooter) on Saturday and ALL of the "tickets to ride" were gone by 2:00, can you believe that?!?!?!? We would have stood in line all day to get as many rides as possible, but NO- we had to get a ticket, which were all gone by the time we went to get one(Ahhhhh!!!!!)
I was so mad and tired that I just wanted to go home and not even try to ride anything else until 7-8 when we might mait in a 3+ hour wait for MF.
Our day was totally ruined and if the "Ticket to Ride" system keeps on going, I guess we just won't be returning at all.
*CP, I really hope that you are reading this and taking into consideration the thoughts and experiences that people have had with the new system*
Thank you very much:(

MF and that's my Final Answer ;)
-unless the TTR system keeps going-
MF count:16
I have twice tried to send a comment to CP from their web page about the ticketing system and I always get an error message :( Hmmmm.

I also have yet to see them put info on this ticketing system on their web site.

"the Force of the new Millennium is being felt by those who choose to seek it.
Pete's avatar
Reality check here. Someone posted in another thread that they have the bugs worked out now and it works well. I haven't tried it, so I'll reserve judgement until I get out there this week. Maybe all those who haven't tried it should wait to try it before condeming it?
There must be some pretty big bugs. After reading the replies to those who were there on the first weekend, the whole system seems to be HUGELY unfair. One member was able to get on 3 rides in less than 1 hour, others were forced to wait 8+ hours for a ride. Whatever they are going to do to make the system work better, they better do it now. Or better yet, DUMP THE WHOLE STINKING THING. People like me (and 1badgmc) have to travel a long way, and only will do so once a year. I will NEVER go to CP again if I miss out on The Force due to the "Ticket-to-Cry" system.
I just typed up a long 2-page letter and am sending it to Park Ops expressing my feelings on this situation. I sure hope they take my feelings as well as everyone else on here into consideration when they decide whether to keep this crap or not.
Even though I am surprised by the decision to keep the system, I think it was based on: Even though we may not like the TTR, CP does. I hate to say it, but it has worked in doing just what CP wanted to do - the lines for all the other rides we much longer than usual while under the system. Although I think this is not only untrue to begin with but also extremely selfish on CP's part, I hate saying that they accomplished their mission. It just seems so strange that they would keep it after all the complaints they've gotten - its not the Cedar Point we all know and love.

This has to be the case, as B-Town and I called up CP and we asked how the system was going and the response was, "it seems to be going well". She also did indeed say that they were using the system for the rest of the year!! NO!!!!

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 2
-SUPPORT THE ANTI-FAST PASS MOVEMENT!- *** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 6/26/2000. ***
Well I guess that settles it then. I'm canceling my trip next week. When they decide to eliminate fst pass I'll go again. I believe in a first come first serve philosophy. Obviously most of you do.

I guess I will have to boycott the Point until they comply with customer needs. Maybe I'll head to PKI. I was only there once but I've heard they've improved the park drastically. Any comments?
I've read every post, and frankly, I still want the Fast Pass system. I haven't gone to CP once since the two weeks past AAA day, exactly because going that far, as a season pass holder, and particularly if it were to wind up the only trip of the year, I do not want to stand in line 90 minutes.

I see no noble act in standing around for an hour, or spending a fairly large part of the day in line. I don't ride Mantis or Mean Streak or Raptor anymore if the line is too long, exactly because it the wait. I think CP is wise, they are looking down the road to the long term. They understand people using their hotels, and others are not going to buy into the "most coasters" arguement if you can't get on but a couple. I suspect its a concern to a lot of parks as attendence continues to increase, and most people will love the system. I will.

I just sent my comment to Cedar Point about how I don't like the system. Also, in the Millennium Force rider reactions, there are some very interesting comments on Ticket to Ride. I'm surprised that they allowed a few of those post, because it does say there are reviwed and edited, but its good that there not trying to hide from what people think, I just pray that they will do something about it.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
MF:15 *** This post was edited by Hurricane_6 on 6/26/2000. ***
CP is making one of the worst desicions in thier whole time being a theme park. This is what is going to happen people are going to go to the point(the once a year people) and will get confused about the system and start getting angry. They will leave the park saying on how confusing and stupid the idea is. Then they will drive to another amusment park next year (SFO,PKI) and not go to CP. CP will loose money and there great reputation.
Wow Hurricane Im glad to see that someone wrote something anti fast pass on the MF comments page on At least if there not a member of this site we know that many people in the general public dont like the system either.
Against Ticket To Ride since day one!

Your post is exactly my complaint. You get a few people who are too lazy to stand in line and wait their turn for a lap on their favorite coaster. So management institutes the "Noble" ticket scheme which pretty much upsets the majority of avid Point patrons. I've been going to the Point for a little over 20 years and this is one of the only disappointments I've had to deal with. Nobody enjoys waiting in line. It is boring!!! However, it is the price you pay for riding the various attractions. I truly believe this ticket scheme is a method to generate more income from the shops and food/softdrink stands along the midways. This park makes a buttload of money as it is.

I've been to the Point 5 times this year and haven't been on any ride there wasn't a wait for. Their arguement that noone is riding anything else is a lie. Sure there are lulls. I guess they are trying to "Force" people on other rides they normally wouldn't ride. I am being forced to pass my time on the Matterhorn when I'd rather wait in line for MF? Ok CP, here's my one finger salute.

Disney Point!! America's Roller Ticket!

Jeff's avatar
The interesting thing about The Force queue so far this year is that:

1. I always have great conversations with the people around me (and am slightly frightened by the number of people who can identify me by my photo).
2. People are fairly excited about riding, even after an hour in line.
3. 72 hands that just spent 90 minutes in line are in the air attached to screaming lungs in a train that circles the queue every two minutes or so.
4. People exit the ride and talk about it all the way to the front of the park, even after waiting in line.
5. They usually go ride something else. I personally haven't noticed any different trends in ridership on the other signature rides.

Still searching for the "problem" here...

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34
Well, I waited till I actually experienced the system until I commented. I originally was all for the system, having used it at Disney. Now that I have experienced it on Sunday and Monday, quite frankly I am disappointed. On Sunday, at around 3:45 PM, I was issued a ticket for 7-8 PM. Well, I was not able to use them, because I was leaving at 6 PM. Today, at 10:00 AM, the line for the ticket to ride was packed, and when I asked about just entering the ride queue, was told we were not allowed. Finally, we waited until 11:45 AM, and got a fastpass for 4-5 PM, which was again too late. I was disappointed that I was not able to enter the line at 10 AM, as the sign reads. The "Ticket to Ride" in theory is decent, but if you are only there for a 1/2 day, or for a few hours, it is terrible. I now, am "voting" against the "Ticket to Ride."

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