The fast pass system

I also forgot to mention all of the posts about the security problems, and some of the things that are going on in the queue as well. Plus I always like to call shotgun on every coaster, and the assigned seating thing goes against my preferences. My decision is final.

"Magnum + Prozac= Millennium Force *** This post was edited by Vince on 6/25/2000. ***
I just e-mailed the point on all of the reasons I feel that fastpass is a bad idea. Has anyone else done this? Did they respond? And was the fastpass system used at the park again today (6/25)?

"Any day, is a great day, to ride a rollercoaster!"
How come everybody is just leaving out one MAJOR detail about Saturday. The park was extremely CROWDED. Now before you go on about how on Saturday the fass pass made things worse, tell about the crowd in the park. :)

Mantis How Much Can You Stand?
I was at C.P. on Friday and I, along with the five others with me, really liked the fastpass system. It was so cool being able to go ride other stuff while waiting for our turn to ride the MF. Also, it enables CP to make more money, to build better rides, since we are not trapped in a queue where we might only purchase a bottle of pop but might be spending more elsewhere.
I don't think they need to use it on slow days, though.
I was at the park today, (6/25) and it almost worked. You can get in line as many times as you want to get your ride time ticket. I did it first right after riding in the morning and got like 3 for between 1 and 2. When 12:45 rolled around there was a line forming outside of the entrance, and they walked people into the temporary queues outside the last turn. They had you wait there until 1. 15 minutes later we went into the permanent queues and had to wait from a little past the pop machines, I was near the front of the line too. They stopped to add the yellow train, and then took it off again. This caused the line to stay consistently a little past the pop machines the entire hour. By time I rode, it was already 2:05 and the other tickets were useless. I got in line for a new ticket and recieved one for between 4 and 5. Once again, by 4 there was a good size line outside the entrance, so they walked everyone into the temporary queue. I looked over to where they pass out the tickets and there was no one there, so I'm guessing they were out for the evening. This time it looked like the fast past might work. There were only a couple trains worth of people left from the last hour. So when they let us join in we were in the last section of the queue. About 15 minutes later, I was almost to the station and they had to take the yellow train off again (it made the scraping noise nearly up the entire lift everytime, I don't understand why they bother trying to put it on when they take it off after about 10 runs), and were having problems getting the transfer track over, so there was a 30 minute delay, and we finally got on at 5:05. So to sum it up, on a day not quite as busy as Saturday, the system could save you maybe 15-30 minutes if you get into line outside the queue soon enough, but that would be if there were no mechanical problems, 3 trains, and the group ahead was nearly done. I still oppose the system greatly, and am afraid to see what its like on a busier day like Saturday. However, any wait, no matter what, is worth it to experience the Millennium Force. One other note, it seems like Cedar Point spent a good amount of money on the Ticket to Ride program with all there sign and things.

Whats life if you never get to the point?
Well, all I know is that I used fastpass today, and waited 30 minutes. The pass is reducing the wait times, and Im happy with the way it is working. I did not have to wait in a line to get the pass, either.
Anyone who likes "Ticket to Ride" is a communist!!!

The ticket to ride system is a major JUGHEAD scheme on a busy day like Saturday the 24th. Sure if the park isn't real busy and you could keep getting line to get tickets maybe it would be o.k.

Try standing in a line that appeared to be longer than hour just to get a ticket.
Hurricane_6 said "you can stand in line as many times as you want to get a ticket". I'm glad the system worked for you, but I just bet you would have the same attitude on Saturday with the lines as long as they were. BTW all of the tickets were exhausted by 2:00PM. Would anyone be excited to hear "come back at 8:00PM if you want to ride".

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
If they ran out of tickets, wouldn't they have to let people in the queue after the people with the passes time is up?
ok,hope i didnt read past it, but what about if there is a 2 -3 hour weather delay or break down? are you sol if its during your time. or does it take over where it left off?(if your pass is for 2-3,and it rains/breaks down from 1:30-3:30, do you miss out then?) *** This post was edited by WHOEVER on 6/26/2000. ***
I think it is insane. The main problem I see, like everybody else has said, there was never a problem in the first place.

I rode once this morning, on the 25th, with about a 25 minute wait. Later that afternoon I got a ticket with a 4-5 time slot. We had to end up waiting about an hour, because it went down mechanical for awhile, and rode at about 5:45.

The main problem I see right now is the confusion, as I was standing there observing things, you have 3 lines forming. Walking through the temporary queues to get your ticket, people arriving with their tickets, and people lining up for the next time slot. Right now it is disorganized and a lot of people aren't understanding the concept.

For now, I think Ticket to Ride is, for lack of a better word, stupid.

Tyler Adams
Yes, indeed, Saturday's crowd was NUTSO HUGE. But isn't that the point? If the park isn't crowded, the ticketing system isn't needed because the small number of people in the park means the number of available rides exceeds the ridership demand. Trouble is, we've managed to establish that on busy days like Saturday, when the ticketing system is supposed to doesn't work very well. So when it isn't needed, it works great, and when it is needed, it fails miserably, is that what I'm reading here?

It's so simple: You want to ride, you get in line, you wait your turn, you ride. If there are 3,600 people ahead of you, you wait for three hours. If you decide you don't want to wait that long, you go away and come back later. What's the matter with that? I posted a description of the ticket system on rec.roller-coaster last night, and what I am learning from the email responses is that there is nothing new about this system, that it has been tried many times at other parks, and in every case, the result has ultimately been disaster and failure. What makes Cedar Point think they're *that much* different?

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
*** This post was edited by RideMan on 6/26/2000. ***
Scooter: What really happened was that it didn't end up working for me, because by time I rode it once, those tickets were expired. I was just making the point that you could get as many tickets as you wanted and they really didnt care. The only way it would work out is if the line was actually short enough and you get on at least once within your hour, which I only see possible if all 3 trains are running, no mechanical or weather problems, and its not saturday. Also, I noticed that they were out of tickets at least by 3:30, which I guess means that even on less busy days the line will be just as long as Saturday because they passed out the same number of tickets, it just took longer for them to run out.

WHOEVER: During the Mechanical problems they said that if you get out of line then you forfeit your turn and pass, so I'm assuming if theres a weather problem or mechanical failure you'll have to wait in line or else you won't be able to ride, and most likely they'll be out of Tickets to Ride too, so you wouldn't be able to leave and come back, which is another stupid thing, now your basically forced to wait in line, where before you could just get out and come back later.

My times for the day were about 5 minutes to get the ticket, 15-25 just waiting in line outside the entrance, and 25-45 in the actual line. My average for other times this year has been 45-1:15, so if your lucky you can save a little bit of time (on Sunday anyway, if everything is working perfectly), but those couple of minutes saved is not worth having to be there at a certain time. Isn't the point to not have to worry about anything at an amusement park? Now you have to worry about getting there at a certain time that you have no control over. I hope they arnt using this system on Tuesday when I come back, does anyone know how much longer there going to torcher us with this?

Whats life if you never get to the point?

Thanks for clearing that up for me:)
You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Ok Gang..I'll be there Fri Night and Sat this weekend and it will be my 1st experience with the FP if there doing it at all..Judging from ALL the post in this thread the majority hate it...What advice can you give me??

new MF photos
No matter what it still sucks mold. If people who really want to ride are being DENIED that chance beause there aren't any tickets left, doesn't that go against EVERYTHING CP has fought so hard to attain i.e. best capacity of any park?? It just seems that if you work in a service industry and you provide a service, shouldn't you make sure that everyone who wishes to partake of that service is able to do so?? we will NOT be back this year if this system is still in place. PERIOD!! just because it worked for ONE PERSON here does NOT mean it works at all!! CP TAKE NOTE!! the overwhelming majority here have NOT had a pleasant or successful Ticket to Ride experience. ONE success story does NOT a success make. MF is for EVERYONE who wants to ride it, not just for the lucky few who hold a ticket. this is not a Springsteen concert where you can say "Sold Out"!! and even he adds shows until the tickets stop selling. this is a ROLLER COASTER and is there permanently for our enjoyment. right now, none of us are enjoying it very much.
just my two cents that i couldn't hold in any longer.
ride early, ride often!!!
Well..I guess Ill add in my 2cents. I personally dont like it. First of all, it makes you angry to wait in line for about 40minutes just to get to the entrance only to be handed a piece of paper telling you that you have to come back another 2hours to ride it. Secondly, my friends came back around about 4:30 only to be told no one is allowed in intil 8:30, cmon, thats ridiculous. If the queue line was designed to hold 3,000people so be it. If the wait is going to be 3hours+ so be it. Obviously people didnt mind waiting on opening day...But, on a nicer note, I rode the front seat and that was the best ride experience I ever had. The rain on saturday also heighten the fear factor because I couldnt see anything in front on me........
7.5 hour wait! Thats because we arrived at the park around 3:30 on saturday and were told all the fast pass' were gone and to come back after 8pm! After 8 we still had an at least three+ hour wait! We bairley got on the MF. It was dark and raining but we make it. We traveled from Mpls so its not like we can just come back another day. I"m pissed as hell. The fast pass almost ruined our vacation. I also believe that due to the fast pass system it caused the other rides to fill up. We waited in at least 1.5 hours lines for the other three rollercoasters we got on. Four rides is all we had time to make. Hopefully we'll find the time and money to make it back some day but till then i'm writing my bit*h letter to CP and telling them how they just about ruined my friend and i's vacatioin. FAST PASS SYSTEM SUCKS!
If they continue the "ticket to ride" system this week, I will be very surprised. One major thing that CP strives for is consistent customer satisfaction. With all the complaints they are receiving, especially ones saying that the system ruined their trip, they have no choice - they have to get rid of it. I'll be there Friday, one of my only trips this year, and if this stupid ticket ruins it, I will be extremely mad.

Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 2
Every time that I have been to CP Prior to Sat june 24 I have ridden MF with less than a 2hour wait. I went Friday night and got on in less than 45 min. I spent the night and went to ride sat and the line was all the way back to the lockers by Snake rivers exit. I think that the Fast pass is not a good idea!!! If you want to ride you should have to wait in line to ride. if the line is 3 hours and you don't want to wait (Dont' wait). simple as that. What was the system when Magnumxl opened. I remember lines being 3hours + for that but i Do not remember them having a fast pass system. And that ride turned out just fine. MF will turn out just as good. ** CP I hope you are paying attention, These post are from the most voiced and most crazy fanatics of MF ***

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