The Boardwalk - New for 2023

djDaemon's avatar


Dragster or Stage areas next?

I would imagine the midway east of Corkscrew's corkscrews would be among the next places up for a refresh. It's going to be strangely quiet in that area with Matterhorn and Scrambler gone.


Wait to complain? You should ALL take that advice. I now remember why I haven't even as much as

looked at this site for many months. You people are not objective.

That seems like a complaint.

e x i t english's avatar

I came in here for an argument...

Kevinj's avatar

An argument, you say?

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

e x i t english's avatar

I mean, if you want to get really technical - Distaster Transport/Avalanche Run was a dry flume.

In here is an aerial shot of Boardwalk and it indeed looks like there’s plenty of room on the back side of Wild Mouse between the coaster and the actual boardwalk. Fries, Ice Cream, AND Taffy!
(and probably a sizable queue…)

imadj's avatar

The Roost was amazing - Best Chicken - To bad it was only open twice when we visited. I hear that is was a family owned / ran stand. and they had a rough schedule. I can see there being space to open a "Boardwalk Fries" type stand. I see they are also leveling out the Gatekeeper / Food Plaza. I will assume it will no longer have stairs - making the area open up for people with issues using stairs. I am excited for the refreshed area. Come on 2023!

Last edited by imadj,
Ahhhhh C.P. My Happy Place!

Do you think the Lake Erie weather is good on the new coaster? Shouldn't they have waited to build it in the Spring?

What? It’s not like they’re going to disassemble it every winter.


The Roost was amazing - Best Chicken - To bad it was only open twice when we visited. I hear that is was a family owned / ran stand

It was a normal Cedar Point location that served Cedar Point food. As The Roost, it literally operated for maybe three weeks in, I believe, 2021.

I'd like to know if "The Roost" had any connection with "The Roost" in the Speedway station on US-23 just North of Delaware at Hills-Miller Rd. The logos look too close to be a coincidence...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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Maverick00's avatar

It feels like just yesterday they replaced the Space Spiral location with pavers, chairs and overhangs. I am a bit surprised they are redoing that already, but I guess it has been 10 years now!

Last edited by Maverick00,

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

I feel like lately those chairs were just to get an early view of the parade, or wait for someone to get off gatekeeper. It's kinda out of the way. I hope the food stand there and where roost was will both get some attention. They've clearly got options, but since this side of the path wasn't included on the public release plans, who knows...

e x i t english's avatar


I'd like to know if "The Roost" had any connection with "The Roost" in the Speedway station on US-23 just North of Delaware at Hills-Miller Rd. The logos look too close to be a coincidence...

From my Googling, it looks like that location is actually called “Raise the Roost”, and the logo isn’t really similar at all.


I would imagine the midway east of Corkscrew's corkscrews would be among the next places up for a refresh. It's going to be strangely quiet in that area with Matterhorn and Scrambler gone.

This area is my number one spot that I want changed!

GL2CP's avatar

Hear me out. Roller Coaster themed food stall called The G spot. Not sure if it could work. Not sure who could even find it without a detailed park map.

First ride; Magnum 1994

Jeff's avatar

Speak for yourself.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Any thoughts as to what is being currently built next to the Wild Mouse to the right as seen on live cam (see red roof structure on the drawings of the area)?

Last edited by jo linn,
DRE420's avatar

I believe that will be the station and queue for Wild Mouse.

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