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It's going to be Maverick.

Now, go ahead.

Owner, Gould Photography.

I totally agree(with Adam) This forum is designed to express opinions. Why does everybody keep 'bashing' others ideas? We know the facts: tan supports, red track, located near MS, no given name(yet).
*** Edited 8/23/2006 6:10:34 AM UTC by chubbers***

It's going to be Maverick.

Go ahead with what? more speculation? Like I said statements of such certainty could only be made by those that actually know what is being constructed.

Loopy's avatar

Holy crapola people.

Adam, he was merely stating his opinion. You read way too much into it and thought he was saying "most certainly Maverick". As in, the name will be most certainly be Maverick.

If you would have taken the time to think this through you would see he said, "although, they didn't need to market much of anything in the case of: MF, TTD, and now most certainly Maverick, besides announcing stats, layout, etc.."

He merely stated his opinion and what he feels, that CF most certainly didn't need to market much of anything due to the huge hype on the aforementioned coasters.

He was not saying that most certainly the name of the new coaster will be Maverick.

I could be wrong but that was my take on the post.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

djDaemon's avatar

Wow. Who woulda thought that such a simple concept could be so incredibly abstract to so many people? There's no marketing, no hype and no conspiracy.

For those of you that think CP is hyping this ride, I have a huge favor to ask of you. I want you to go and ask people you know (or even total strangers) about Maverick. When they say "huh?", ask them about Project 2007. After they say "huh?" again, ask them about the new attraction CP is building for next year. At that point, they'll likely express some interest, even if its only to humor your relentless inquiries. Do you want to know why they answered "huh?" to the first two questions? Because they have no idea what you are talking about.

They've never heard of Maverick, Project 2007 or even the fact that there's construction going on at CP, unless they've been there this summer. And do you know why they don't know? Because there hasn't been coverage on FOX, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, CNBC, CourtTV, ESPN, FSN, Aljazeera, BBC or any other major news network. Now, do you know why those networks haven't given this construction any coverage? Because they either don't know, or don't care, because Cedar Point has not gone out of their way to promote, endorse, market or hype this ride. There has been no newspaper coverage, no "Breaking News" reports interrupting prime time TV, no special bulletins posted on bulletin boards in offices, no planes with clever banners being pulled behind them. There's been construction. A dirty, dusty plot of land with some hard workin' guys pouring footers, installing supports and laying track.

There has been a few signs which (if you read between the lines) say "Pardon Our Dust", or "Building For The Future", but no hype. There has been a Cedar Point web site that has, if you explore it deep enough, a blog that has very occasionally given some info (well, not really info - just little tid-bits to keep US (enthusiasts) reading) about the project, but no hype. Of course, the casual browser would never know this because on the vast majority of occasions, the posts are about something of more general interest. There has been a few web sites that cater to enthusiasts where speculation, fantasy and discussion has blossomed into rampant self-glorification of one's own existence, but no hype.

The "hype" you think you see is nothing more than a collective excitement that exists in a community that is much more interested in this process than the general public will ever be. Just as we don't know about the "hype" surrounding the upcoming and very secretive Chrysler RT program, people who have other interests are entertaining themselves with stuff they care about.

The first evidence of marketing, hype or any type of CP-initiated acknowledgment of this coaster has just appeared in the form of T&T finally getting press packets ready for distribution. The appropriate media outlets will receive these envelopes, open them up and say "Whoa! CP is building a new coaster for 2007! Cool!" They'll react that way because that'll be the first they've heard of it. And that'll be the first they've heard of it because... (wait for it)

there is no hype.


Kevinj's avatar

You mean know one else cares about the study that I am doing for my dissertation?

Thanks for that DJ...well put...and I was laughing from Aljazeera on.

Promoter of fog.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Leslie - I wasn't bashing you (sorry if it sounded that way). I think it was just a butting of heads. I can see what you think is them being secretive, I just don't consider it being secretive (or that big of a deal).

RFTF - why don't you learn to have an active intelligent discussion before you bash senior members? Not once did you see me resort to name calling in order to get a point across, nor did I consider those on the other side to be stupid. There wouldn't be much discussion to have if everyone agreed with each other.

Goodbye MrScott


Okay, that was the funniest post I've ever read. FOX, CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, CNBC, CourtTV, ESPN, FSN, Aljazeera, BBC... made me just about wet myself. Good points made, though, and very, VERY funny!

I saw a little blurb on the local TV station here in the Turks & Caicos about Project 2007. It was right between the special on "Rules of the Road - How to Safely Use a Roundabout."

Well..... What did they say???

Bow down, Bow down before the power of Santa, or be crushed, be crushed by----- his Jolly boots of Doom.

Coming Soon! Star Wars episode 7- The Fallen Hero
episode 8- The Republic in Crisis
episode 9- Victory of the Force

JuggaLotus's avatar

Roundabouts are dangerous and should be used with extreme caution.

Goodbye MrScott


MrInkspot@aol.com's avatar

^ Yep. BTW, the General Motors Proving Grounds in Milford, MI has quite a few LARGE roundabouts that you can take at pretty high speeds in a properly tuned sport compact ;)


djDaemon's avatar

Actually, in Europe they're not too bad. They move people pretty quickly, and so long as you know the unwritten rules, you're good to go. Of course, most of the vehicles there are pretty small. There has been a resurgence of them near me (Metro Detroit - Sterling Heights/Rochester) over the last few years. As soon as people get used to them, I think they'll become more popular.


So there are several things im looking fordward to in the upcoming years.

-Project 2007

-New Star Wars Trilogy (see signature)

-First CP trip

-California Trip

Bow down, Bow down before the power of Santa, or be crushed, be crushed by----- his Jolly boots of Doom.

Coming Soon! Star Wars episode 7- The Fallen Hero
episode 8- The Republic in Crisis
episode 9- Victory of the Force

djDaemon's avatar

I thought George Lucas had only written 6 books.


The roundabouts here are DEATH TRAPS!! Then again, I didn't realize this country didn't have paved roads with signage until about a year ago. So, there's no formal drivers' education or anything. Its quite scary actually.

I don't see it, fill me in ok?

Yeah, but i have an highly ranked inside source that says that George had originaly made 9 books then with the unpopularity of 1 and 2 decided not to make them. BUT in the upcoming years somewhere between 2010 and 2020 he will make episodes 7,8,and 9. I have the upmost confidence in this source and i will see i him in the upcoming days, he will give me full details then.

Bow down, Bow down before the power of Santa, or be crushed, be crushed by----- his Jolly boots of Doom.

Coming Soon! Star Wars episode 7- The Fallen Hero
episode 8- The Republic in Crisis
episode 9- Victory of the Force

djDaemon's avatar

Hmm... Well, I was under the impression that he had only written 6. Plus, do you realize that Lucas will be 70 years old in 2014, right?


Yes, i have pondered this, but he said George may not direct but there WILL be 3 new episodes. again i will meet my inside sorce either Friday or Saturday

Bow down, Bow down before the power of Santa, or be crushed, be crushed by----- his Jolly boots of Doom.

Coming Soon! Star Wars episode 7- The Fallen Hero
episode 8- The Republic in Crisis
episode 9- Victory of the Force

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