The only one even close to being a teaser was the "P2007 Envelope" blog. And that was 4.5 months ago.
There IS NO HYPE coming from the park.
Goodbye MrScott
I would agree that the park isn't "hyping" anything like Holiday World did with The Voyage. But, they are "teasing". The new wallpaper, the Project 2007 folder, etc were all teases. But, I actually think they're doing a great job. They're driving the fanboys crazy, and probably keeping interest alive among the GP. Even if I wasn't a fan of CP, I'd probably do a little searching on the internet for something just to see what it was. When I found the pictures and stuff, I'd probably follow along. On the other hand, I rarely check in on Griffon because we already know what it is. :)
Thank you, RyanNRobert.
Maybe I'm just reading into too much. Especially since T&T have answered all questions that relate to P2007, told us that the name of the new coaster is Maverick & the type of coaster it is! Yeah, I'm reading into it too much. (Sarcasm)
I specifically asked T&T what it is and I got no answer. And I could've sworn that I read in one of these respective threads that the reason they're being so hush hush (my way of not say secretive) is to keep the media hype going.
I won't disagree that we're pitching in to the hype, but it wouldn't be like this if they gave the specifics of this ride. Therefore, they're being secretive.
EDIT: I just read those, RyanNRobert- and it's strange how T&T made a comment about "keeping it a secret." Hhm, isn't that what I said earlier??
*** Edited 8/22/2006 8:04:42 PM UTC by Little Leslie***
"THE Top Thrill Dragster...THE Millennium Force...THE Wicked Twister...THE Magnum! How do you like those apples?!?!?"
Can you rename the forum "Brickwall 2007"?
Goodbye MrScott
Yeah, Walt....Jugga just hit a brick wall.
"THE Top Thrill Dragster...THE Millennium Force...THE Wicked Twister...THE Magnum! How do you like those apples?!?!?"
Its too bad some other members won't hit the wall. Maybe not wake up for a while. :)
I've been doing it since this forum opened. Can't seem to get common sense to survive on here.
If CP were trying to disavow any knowledge of there being construction, that would be secretive. If they were trying to hide it by covering track as it is put up, that would be secretive. Not announcing the ride because you want to get your numbers up for this year (likely scenario number 1) and because you have a promotion plan (likely scenario number 1a) is not being secretive.
Goodbye MrScott
Then, of course there's some members that seem to already have been hit by a wall, or a branch as it might be.
I agree with Jugga. They most likely don't have all the promo stuff ready yet. They have media kits to make and everything. Plus, they might have to change the name at the last minute in case it means you're gonna die on this ride!!
Future PR Statement...
Announcing: SATAN'S BREATH
I mean MAVERICK! Maverick is the new ride. Why would you think I said Satan's Breath? Who's nervous? I'm not nervous...
If it takes 2-3 years to come up with the plan to build the ride (as I've read in these threads), then shouldn't the media kits be done- or, at least, the ideas? Is Maverick the only name that Cedar Fair, LP has ownership of this year?
How silly it is to say that they'd be secretive if they were trying to cover track?!!? LOL
Their promotion plan IS to be secretive about pertinent information for this ride.
Excuse me that I'm not a physics major, but I do know what marketing is. And Cedar Fair is doing a damn good job of marketing this roller coaster. That's common sense! I mean look at these threads! Damn!!! LOL
"THE Top Thrill Dragster...THE Millennium Force...THE Wicked Twister...THE Magnum! How do you like those apples?!?!?"
They AREN'T marketing this ride yet. I'll admit, the construction signs are clever, but that isn't ride marketing, that's 'Explaining why the back portion of the park is being torn up' marketing.
I have a question, referring to Little Leslie's post, does every new ride/coaster take a few years worth of planning? I know that TTD took that long, but what about Magnum and other older coasters? Obviously they have to plan it all out, and the logistics of it must be mind boggling, but do you think the plans for, lets say, Mantis or Raptor, started as far as 3 years before building?
Oh geez. You don't have to give details on everything in order to market it. Has anyone ever been told "Hey, I have a secret to tell you, but I can't tell you what it is until later." ????
Don't you wonder what that secret is, especially if it sounds like it'll be a good one?
Here we are, wondering what this 'secret' is. And T&T are even saying on their blog that they've been reading these sites & are amused by the ideas we come up with.
All marketing strategies are not the same.
"THE Top Thrill Dragster...THE Millennium Force...THE Wicked Twister...THE Magnum! How do you like those apples?!?!?"
Speaking of Marketing, and of threads. I got a pair of slim boot cut jeans last night. They're pretty sweet.
^^ I started to post a stubbourn rebuttle, but realized that I now see your point of view more clearly - Perhaps you and I can agree that though they are doing very light marketing for this ride, we certainly are not seeing anywhere near the full marketing plan yet.
^^^ RnR, I believe so. Though the actual number of years probably can vary, I'd assume large expenditures exist in concept 4 or 5 years in advance.
EDIT: consistency - *** Edited 8/22/2006 8:48:51 PM UTC by***
RnR - Cedar Point most likely has a five year development plan. Most theme parks do. I'm sure they even have a ten year master plan or something as well - but that's more conceptual. I can see the coasters taking up to three years to plan, design, fabricate, ship, construct and test. That's quite normal I would think.
Just as an example, the resort I'm working on now was in the design stages for three years. Now we're constructing it and that will take another 2-3 years. So, large projects such as this take a LOT of time. They definitely don't happen overnight.
TTD was most likely in the final design stages as MF was finishing up construction.
"THE Top Thrill Dragster...THE Millennium Force...THE Wicked Twister...THE Magnum! How do you like those apples?!?!?"
e x i t english said:
Speaking of Marketing, and of threads. I got a pair of slim boot cut jeans last night. They're pretty sweet.
Where did you get'em from? I don't like my jeans too slim; my weight goes up and down too much. :-(
"THE Top Thrill Dragster...THE Millennium Force...THE Wicked Twister...THE Magnum! How do you like those apples?!?!?"
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