Steel Vengeance

Joe E's avatar

Looking for short lines for SV on a Saturday is the equivalent of looking for a Cleveland Browns win on a Sunday.... neither exist.

That said, shortest GP line of the day will almost always be jumping in line right before close.

Gemini 100- 6/11/01

Dvo's avatar

^Honestly not so sure about that. We showed up right at 10:00 on Saturday night, and the line was really deep into the queue. I think some friends waited about 100 minutes. Best bet is to show up plenty early if you have early entry, and wear your running shoes if you're looking for a short line.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

Pete's avatar

Although getting into a long line at closing is a good way to extend your day. Instead of waiting in the line during the day you can do other things and save the long line for last as everything else will be closed while waiting in line. It's a good way to get your fill of all the other things CP offers while still getting a ride on Steel Vengeance that night.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

darkrider68's avatar

Yea, seriously. Any ghost of a chance for a reasonable wait (30-45 min) would be at early entry at the Magnum/resort gate right at rope drop, then a brisk walk back to the ride. Other than that, expect long waits all day.

Enjoying the Ohio park on the shores of beautiful Lake Erie since the mid-1970s!

I've never waited longer than 20 mins for Steel Vengeance.

On opening day, I was at the resort Gate by 7:30. I knew it was a big deal, and gave myself extra time. Did the running of the bulls, and only waited 15 mins.

I was also there last Sunday. Got through the gate at 8:30, and was on the 3rd train of the day. Later that evening, the line never got longer than 20 mins. Got 2 rides back to back.

If you don't have early entry, and aren't lucky with a dead day early in the season, you're basically screwed, and will have to deal with a long wait.

Last edited by Fat Man Tarkey,

"Thats when friends were nice, to think of them just makes you feel nice"

Cargo Shorts's avatar

The Standby Line will move much faster after closing as FL+ won’t be taking half the trains.

e x i t english's avatar

Dvo said:

Best bet is to show up plenty early if you have early entry, and wear your running shoes if you're looking for a short line.

Yeah, but what *size* running shoes, though?

Pete's avatar

Fat Man Tarkey said:

I've never waited longer than 20 mins for Steel Vengeance.

On opening day, I was at the resort Gate by 7:30. I knew it was a big deal, and gave myself extra time. Did the running of the bulls, and only waited 15 mins.

But wasn't your actual wait time 1 hour and 45 minutes, since you had to wait at the gate for 1.5 hrs.?

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

This is a bit of a random question- while in the queue for Steel Vengeance, we noticed an odd smell. Best description I could come up with at the time was hot dog water mixed with sawdust. Haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, so I figured I'd ask. Maybe I need to get my nose checked out.

Wilson King of Prussia said:

This is a bit of a random question- while in the queue for Steel Vengeance, we noticed an odd smell. Best description I could come up with at the time was hot dog water mixed with sawdust. Haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, so I figured I'd ask. Maybe I need to get my nose checked out.

That absolutely pleasant smell is the smell of bugs literally cooking. Look at the lights under the ride when you're in the queue and you can see thousands of them on the lights. Sometimes you can even hear them going snap,crackle,pop. It was an issue when the ride was Mean Streak that I'd hope they'd remedy with different kind of lights but alas.

Hah! That possibility actually crossed my mind when I saw those lights. Thank you for the answer.

It was an issue when the ride was Mean Streak that I'd hope they'd remedy with different kind of lights but alas.

I hope they get LED lights, but they keep the same golden tone with the structure because it looks so cool.

SV ruins all other rides.

XS NightClub's avatar

Just wondering, From a personal opinion why do you care if the stationary fixed color flood lights are LED or not?

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

XS NightClub said:

Just wondering, From a personal opinion why do you care if the stationary fixed color flood lights are LED or not?

So that people waiting in line aren't subjected to the smell emanating from the mufflehead skillets.

XS NightClub's avatar

Weird. I thought that would help cover up the in queue body odor sauna smell.

And besides, fired bugs on a skillet has an authentic old west camp cook out feel to it.

Last edited by XS NightClub,

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

TTD 120mph's avatar

At least it's not this kind of authentic old west camp cook out smell.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Wilson King of Prussia said:
This is a bit of a random question- while in the queue for Steel Vengeance, we noticed an odd smell. Best description I could come up with at the time was hot dog water mixed with sawdust.

It's just the leftover food from the Kinzel era. People gotta eat.

darkrider68's avatar

Be sure to wash it down with one of those tiny plastic Kinzel kups!

Enjoying the Ohio park on the shores of beautiful Lake Erie since the mid-1970s!

Skyhawk06's avatar

Actually it's the muffleheads being fried to death by the light.

Steel Vengeance rides: 217

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

XS NightClub said:
Just wondering, From a personal opinion why do you care if the stationary fixed color flood lights are LED or not?

LEDs produce far less heat, meaning less roasting bugs,

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