Six Flags Worlds of Adventure: Now what?

When I think about the employees at Cedar Point, one experience always seems to come back to me. On my first trip to Cedar Point this past summer I immediately went to the MF line and was waiting for the ride to start along with many other people, but then the MF crew came down to the line and said that MF would have a delayed opening that day and may possibly never open that day (they kept saying 8 hours). There was a big problem they said. Well, only a few people left the line and there were still quite a few people waiting. The employees then started yelling out at us, "Welcome to the longest line in park..." and they went on and on making us look like complete idiots. Telling us that the line was the ride and we were about to experience the slowest moving ride in the park. They were plain rude and obnoxious. Everyone in line was pissed to say the least and I was hoping that some type of management would walk by and take care of the problem. However, my sister and I finally gave up and left the line after about 15 minutes and went over to the Magnum, by the time we got over there MF had started up. Later that day I ended up waiting 1.5 hours for something that would have only taken me 20 minutes when I wanted to do it. To this day I don't think those employees knew what they were talking about and they were immature college kids trying to act like big shots.
Talking about SFWoA being a threat or whatever to CP, my opinion is not right away. '06' or '07' is the year that this park will by major competition for CP. My resoning is those are the year there 5yr plan should be over by depending on when the actually start it, that being this year w/ X-Flight or next with whatever comes in. With all the additions they talked about and not really stating what actual thrill rides or coasters they are getting. Gary Story said they're going to keep their tradition of building world class roller coasters. With 5 in 2 years i'll expect more on the way in the duration of their 5yr expansion plan(probably no more then 2 coastersin the 5 yrs) *** This post was edited by XFlight on 2/11/2001. ***

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