Single Rider Bob video?

Josh M.'s avatar

Yes... there are 2 Single Rider "t-shirt" guys... Bob is the older gentleman with the checkered or polka dot hat. He typically has the bright green shirt, and sometimes I think he has a white one too. Here's a picture I found on another coaster site for reference.

Then there is "Single Rider #2"... he typically has an orange shirt on... I have seen him shove his way through crowds to fill an empty seat.

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

Jason Hammond's avatar

That's a great picture of Bob.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

tedfuzz's avatar

^^ HAHA. That is a great picture! Yeah, he is always the first one at the Marina entrance. Sometimes he has a friend with him, maybe his grandson?

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

Jason Hammond said:
^^^There is another guy with a "Single Rider" shirt. He is younger and much more rude. I've actually seen him shove people of the way. I wanted to deck the guy. I hope people aren't confusing Bob with him. Bob is an older gentleman who is very enthusiastic about riding MF.

This sounds like the guy that SRB partners up with often times, but they both still rode as single riders anyway. He was starting to lose his hair and it was sort of fluffed up in a pile on top. He had previously served in Iraq he told me and runs marathons as well. I didn't see him trample anyone over the 2 times that I saw him, but he ran faster than Bob when it came to taking off once exiting the ride. This might or might not be the same person.

Being about 8 hours from the Point I only get there once a year for a few days. Each of the last 2 years we've met Bob(Great guy to talk to while you're waiting for the park to open) at the marina enterance for early entry. I'm in my mid 30's and he outran me back to MF.

I'd like to get an "I'm with Single Rider Bob" tee-shirt printed.

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Jason Hammond's avatar

Or a T-Shirt that says, "I rode Millennium Force with Single Rider Bob and all I got was this lousy shirt."

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Ensign Smith said:
I'd like to get an "I'm with Single Rider Bob" tee-shirt printed.

Then the two of you would no longer be "single riders" and be forced to wait like everyone else. :(

Dvo's avatar

umm, Jesz... there is no joking on pointbuzz! Did you get that memo?! ;)

^Are you referring to Single Rider 2? He wears the bright orange shirt and has dark hair. I got a ride on TTD with him once this year. But I didn't think he was that rude. Maybe I just caught him on a good day though haha.

Last edited by Dvo,

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

tedfuzz's avatar

I'm thinking about renting a summer place at CP and pullin' a SRB for about a month. I swear he's there like every day!

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

ChrisC.'s avatar

He really is a nice guy. Who likes to ride coasters, a lot! Who can blame him?

It's not fair. He's already inhabiting my conception of heaven.

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tedfuzz's avatar

^ I have to totally agree with you there. :)

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

Does anybody know where SRB lives? I'm guessing Sandusky--if not, then certainly somewhere nearby. I'm guessing he's not married. What wife would put up with such obsession? I know mine wouldn't. I can hear it now: Boo hoo! You love Cedar Point more than you love me! Hmmmm. That sounds vaguely familiar.

tedfuzz's avatar

Didn't someone on here say he was married to a librarian? But yeah, I thought that at first too. :)

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
Cedar Point - America's Roller Coast!
Ron Paul 2008/2012!

I've talked to him a few times and I forgot what city he lives in but I do remember him saying he lived like 40 mins away. For the record, orange shirted single rider 2's name is Chris. He and Bob are friends as are many regulars you'll see on MF during ERT including myself.

Co-founder of the most fun CP Facebook Group - Day Drinking at the Po!nt

Jesz's avatar

haha Nice pic Josh. And sorry Dvo. I guess I didn't catch your sarcasm. :)

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

The few times that I've seen SRB in action he had always been pleasant. I know Ben has found him to be unruly with a tendency to plow through people and nearly himself before. I did run into someone later in the day who was not a fan at all of SRB. He was pissed that the MF crew announced his 1,000 ride and said that anyone else should be as well if they were a stockholder of the company. I may have been a tad slow, but I didn't understand the logic behind his statement. He also asked if he was still in the park as if he was interested in hunting him down. It was an odd occurance to say the least.

Last edited by Ricko77,

I know Bob, and we have seen him and talked to him several times this season. It was all in MF's station, however! :)

I have seen single rider Chris also. But I've never talked to him. We were at the top of maverick's station, waiting for the rain to stop on the first Halloweekends. A bunch of people were already in the station, but we couldn't get in because your not allowed to go past the turnstyles. Chris was sitting on the floor up by the front train area, falling asleep as he leaned against the rails. And he looked pretty out for sure, even as the crew was laughing and playing name games.

CP08's avatar

now that people mention it I SWEAR I've seen SRB in line for Millennium last year but is he the only one to own a single rider shirt? forget Chris SR2

quote from Mean Streak operator, "Welcome to Mean Streak. It's so mean it'll rip the heads off your Barbie dolls and steal your lunch money!!!"

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