Review: Luminosity (2012)

djDaemon's avatar

BirdOfPrey00 said:
He'd bring up the crowd with one song, people were having fun, then he'd go into an old Motown song...

That's what DJ's are supposed to do - mix music together. And in this case, do so in a high energy fashion.

...and groups left the whole area.

Your experience seems unique in this regard, as others have mentioned the opposite phenomenon.


99er's avatar

I didn't really see any large amount of people leaving the area any of the nights I was there. Small groups would wander off but for every one that did it seemed that another group showed up to enjoy the party. Regardless though, you are going to have people leave because they stayed for the show, which was the point of Luminosity. Not sticking around for the DJ doesn't necessarily mean people aren't enjoying the music being played.

saw the luminosity practice on TTDs' ride night and watched it last night. Overall better than what they had there previously. Some of the songs/themeing were not the best. The size of the area where it occurs is lacking in size/space. It's a main thruway and they funneled it down to narrow paths. Too many people walking thru and blocking view.

number of times to Cedar Point:50s/60s/70s/80s-3,1995-1,1996-27,1997-18,1998-13,1999-20,2000-16,2001-8,2002-7,2003-18,2004-14,2005-18,2006-28,2007-16,2008-17,2009-28,2010-26,2011-27,2012-21,2013-18,2014-24,2015-29,2016-46,2017-13,2018-14,2019-10,2020-0,2021-3 Running Total-483 72,000 miles traveled for the point.

djDaemon said:
I'm guessing some of you have never been to a dance club. :)

A DJ's job is to keep people energized. Listening to the entire 4 minutes of an overplayed Journey anthem would get old, fast. Luminosity isn't a wedding, it's supposed to be a party-like atmosphere.

We know how DJ's work. I'm just saying those DJ's are VERY annoying. During Spring Break, my entire arm was filled with club wristbands, and I only found one DJ like the guy he described. The guy was terrible and nobody could get into it. Being a DJ isn't a race to see how many tracks you can put into your routine.

If the crowd is feeling it, you don't just switch songs.

djDaemon's avatar

Well, apparently the crowd was enjoying the fast switching of songs. Sounds like your being "VERY annoyed" by that style puts you in the minority.


Maverick00's avatar

99er said:
Regardless though, you are going to have people leave because they stayed for the show, which was the point of Luminosity. Not sticking around for the DJ doesn't necessarily mean people aren't enjoying the music being played.

I haven't seen the show but I don't plan on staying for the DJ. I'm going to watch it then when it's over, I'm going to go ride some more. I have nothing against the DJ, I just don't wanna spend hours listening to him when I have over 70 rides around me.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Coaster Boi's avatar

Maverick00 said:

99er said:
Regardless though, you are going to have people leave because they stayed for the show, which was the point of Luminosity. Not sticking around for the DJ doesn't necessarily mean people aren't enjoying the music being played.

I haven't seen the show but I don't plan on staying for the DJ. I'm going to watch it then when it's over, I'm going to go ride some more. I have nothing against the DJ, I just don't wanna spend hours listening to him when I have over 70 rides around me.

The show ends at 10 PM, when the park closes. All rides are closed or emptying their lines by that time. Sorry.

Top Thrill Laps - 57
2014 CP Visits - 7
Opening Day 2015 : Rougarou - Front Seat!

Maverick00's avatar

On Saturday's during the summer, the parks open till 12.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Coaster Boi's avatar

The show will probaly be moved to a later time then.

Top Thrill Laps - 57
2014 CP Visits - 7
Opening Day 2015 : Rougarou - Front Seat!

99er's avatar

Maverick00 said:
. I'm going to watch it then when it's over, I'm going to go ride some more.

Which is the point of the show, to keep people in the park later. The DJ is just there for some added entertainment for those who want it. Something fun instead of a dark midway for guests as they leave the park.

As was already said though, when the park stays open later, the show will probably start later so it will end near park closing time.

djDaemon said:
Well, apparently the crowd was enjoying the fast switching of songs. Sounds like your being "VERY annoyed" by that style puts you in the minority.

According to his report, I'm not. Even if that were the case, I think people would have more fun with a better DJ. This is just speculation, as I've still never seen the show.

Edit - It's just not my preference. I'm sure some people prefer the 30 second switches but I like variety in my DJ. I also prefer the guys that do more older music than the ones that play straight off the top 100.

Last edited by Renegade,
ChrisC.'s avatar

My quick take on Luminosity:

I'm not the biggest fan of contemporary "pop" music but I will say this show blew me away. This is by far the most professional production I have seen at Cedar Point by far. The only thing I would net-pick at is the show before the DJ. I honestly thought that was "cheesy." Maybe if they added a backing band it would be better. But overall this is the best addition to the park since Maverick.

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

There's few things I hate more than only hearing part of a song I like. Although I suppose this generation (and their music) has some pretty short attention spans.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

I was blown away by the show. I could not believe how much work was placed into this production and only hope that it does not get the Kinzel treatment and this will be the best year and just deteriorate with time with no upkeep. The music was great the dancers were working thier asses off and the singers were pretty decent if not great. I was actually suprised with them actually being pretty decent! I was there for Pride weekend and the atmosphere was totally jumping and the sound system that the stage had was incredible! I saw so many people dancing and jumping and was totally shocked at the difference that the patriotic boring garbage from years past and how long we had to suffer with it.

The energy inthe park in that area was just ELECTRIC! People were dancing little kids were dancing with their parents, The DJ was VERY interactive and not annoying. I like how that dancers came out and mixed with the crowd and there were even guests dancing with circles of people cheering and recording with their phones. My only gripe was that Millenium Forces lights were not on and really wanted to see that.

My partner and I ended up leaving at 10:50 and the DJ was still going and there were tons of people still dancing and we could see the lights from the show lighting up the clouds in the parking lot. I was amazed at what the experience was. This was a great day at the park and we only had one issue with intolerance from a bible thumping heffer but I put her in her place right in front of her family and they ended up walking away. I wont get into it since this is not the place but I never felt so good and bad at the same time. Overall I cannot believe what the new CEO has done in less than a year compared to what Ebeneezer Kinzel would ever even think of!

I've seen the show three times and I found Clevelander's review to be accurate and am glad he liked Luminosity. I am disappointed with how he ended the review.

Clevelander, I do not think that calling the woman that you say was an intolerant a "bible thumping heffer" shows tolerance on your part. The use of "heffer" (which is correctly spelled heifer) is slur against overweight people. Is it acceptable to use slurs against them? Why them? I don't want to go off topic, but let's not be selective on political correctness. She may have been wrong, but calling her a name here doesn't make you look good either.

From one Clevelander to another. Ride on!

TheHSBR's avatar

I saw the show last weekend and I am not a fan of it. They poured a ton of money into it and to me it has little unique character. The stage itself is too big for the area and during the day is an eyesore with steel trusses everywhere the eye can see. At night the singing is decent at best and the choreography is too much for the performers where people's heavy breathing could be heard over the microphones many times during scene changes. These two things could improve as the season goes on as the performers get to know their songs and moves better. The only real impressive thing I found with the show was the lighting. CP has always sunk tons of money into lighting (ie the stuff they use during halloweekends costs a fortune) and this show followed the same suit. It was cool to see the night sky lit up. Finally the DJ at night is entertaining to some extent but it only captured my attention for about 15 minutes but others seemed to enjoy it.

My greatest offense was the alcohol table set up in the back of the plaza. To me this sends mixed messages. Many on here have claimed this to be a family event to cap the night, but the inclusion of alcohol really works against that thinking. Yes CP has always had alcohol but never in the 20 years I have been attending has it been promoted like this. If this truly is a family event, what parent wants to be drinking before a long ride home. If its not for the parents then who is it for? Are they trying to bring in a 21+ crowd and if so that will cause many security issues. If people want a drunken club scene, there are places where those desires can be fulfilled. I personally dont think CP and a night light show is the place for this. However, on my viewing not many people were even partaking of this and hopefully CP will just shut it down and better utilize that area for more seating which is severly lacking in general.

djDaemon's avatar

I will never understand the viewpoint that alcohol cannot be successfully integrated into a family environment. My only conclusion is that those who hold that viewpoint have crappy families.


99er's avatar

TheHSBR said:
Yes CP has always had alcohol but never in the 20 years I have been attending has it been promoted like this.

How is it being promoted? Are the singers yelling out "Go buy beer!"? From the week I was there to watch the show, it seemed that the park was doing the complete opposite and not promoting it. You actually had to look to even find or know that beer was being sold behind the Tech Booth. There wasn't even a sign indicating that beer could be purchased anywhere near it. Sorry but unless they put up a billboard after I left, they are not promoting beer sales in this area.

Clevelandkid, I understand what you are saying and I actually agree. The hate she spewed towards us in front of her family is what caught me off guard. Like I said I never felt so good and bad at the same time. I felt very guilty for having to stoop to her level but also felt great to stand up for ourselves. It was a situation I do not wish on anyone and was only a blemish on an overall great day. I do apoligize if I seemed harsh and our interaction was brief. She had made reference to our sinful lifestyle even though we were just standing in line in front of them. I guess she had seen some other patrons acting in a way that she did not approve of and took a chance to voice an opinion of us so we would hear and loud enough to quiet the people around us. I simply responded that gluttony was also a sin and that the same rules should apply to herslef that she is spewing onto us. People started clapping around us. She ended up leaving the line in embarrasment and forcing the rest of her family to follow. I will repeat I am not proud of the situation at all.

As far as the Bar for Lumnosity it was still beer and wine. It is not hard liquor being sold and there is TONS of security in that area almost to the point where it seemed rather excessive.

People were complaining about the prices of the wine selection. I was totally suprised to see Kendal Jackson among other selections. a glass of wine was $10.15 but Inormally pay $7-8 for the same glass at a restaraunt. The bar was actually pretty busy last night and I did not see one problem at all and everyone seemed to be having a great time. It is an outside summertime venue. OF COURSE there will be alchohol available and if that is something that you do not feel comfortable to be around then you can simply choose to not purchase or actually avoid the entire area all together if it is REALLY is that big of a deal to you.

Clevelander I hear you. Sometimes the situation is such that you have to put somebody in their place. We've all done it and we've all used slurs. I normally don't react to these things. It just got me that you mentioned intolerance and then fired off your own slur. It just didn't compute. That probably was best left out your review. We' re cool. end of story.

The liquor is nearby the show, but they don't make a big deal of it. Drinking booze is not the best thing to do before getting into the car and driving home. In the long run people do it at bars and clubs all of the time and probably to a fuller extent.

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