Review: Luminosity (2012)

I'm a little surprised by some of the more critical reviews and thoughts on Luminosity. I've seen it 5 times and was extremely impressed each time I saw it.

I've seen it with a variety of different age groups including my 8-9 year old nieces and friends, high school nephew and his friends, young professionals my age (20's and early 30's) as well as middle aged parents. Almost everyone I've talked to about it has been extremely impressed. And that's including a former professional dancer who was a Rockette in NYC, danced for Disney and casinos and cruise lines all over the world who was blown away that a show of that level was coming from CP.

I will agree, though, that some of the singing is a bit weak, particularly on the male end. I think the 2 main female singers are both very good with the black lady being particularly great and by far the best singer in the show. As my friend who was the former dancer said, a lot of people don't realize how extremely difficult it is to dance on stage for 45+ minutes let alone sing live for 45 mins while doing that.

I caught the first twenty minutes of Luminosity on Tuesday, and the only complaint I have about it is the migraine I got at the blasts of white light during "Come Sail Away".

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Maverick00's avatar

I was at the park yesterday and Sunday was the last day for Luminosity so they have signs up saying "Luminosity, returning in 2013, Fueled by Marathon" so it looks like Cedar Fair will go with Coke and drop Pepsi.

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djDaemon's avatar

How did Marathon being a sponsor lead you to the conclusion that Coke products will be in the park next year?


Maverick00's avatar

Well it they kept Pepsi next year, it would make sense that they would keep the sponsorship too.

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There has been a sign next to Dragsters station all summer saying "Luminosity powered by Marathon" so this is nothing new.

As for the show I really grew to enjoy it. It was a priority to see it. I'll miss Luminosity. Hopefully the halloween show will be good. I'm sure it won't be as extensive as Luminosity. I suppose it may replace the Graveyard Rockers.

Maverick00's avatar

Has it been comfirmed there will be a Halloween show? They were taking down a lot of wires and lights yesterday behind the stage. It looked like they were packing up for the winter.

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I saw something last week (maybe on Point Buzz) a bout a show called Skeleton Crew.

Here is the mention of Skeleton Crew. It's in the Halloweekends 2012 thread.

djDaemon's avatar

Maverick00 said:
Well it they kept Pepsi next year, it would make sense that they would keep the sponsorship too.

Ahh, good point. Forgot about that sponsorship.

Clevelandkid said:
There has been a sign next to Dragsters station all summer saying "Luminosity powered by Marathon" so this is nothing new.

Actually, it may be. When Luminosity was first announced, it was advertised as "Powered by Pepsi". If that has indeed changed, it lends support to the idea that Pepsi is going away.


Pete's avatar

The tag line was "Powered by Pepsi" all summer. "Fueled by Marathon" also leads me to believe that Coke will be in the park next summer.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Luminosity- brought to you by Carl's Jr.

djDaemon said:

Maverick00 said:
Well it they kept Pepsi next year, it would make sense that they would keep the sponsorship too.

Ahh, good point. Forgot about that sponsorship.

Clevelandkid said:
There has been a sign next to Dragsters station all summer saying "Luminosity powered by Marathon" so this is nothing new.

Actually, it may be. When Luminosity was first announced, it was advertised as "Powered by Pepsi". If that has indeed changed, it lends support to the idea that Pepsi is going away.

Or it may mean that Pepsi isn't sponsoring Luminosity and Marathon was willing to put up more money to have their name on it. It's all about the dolla-dolla bills, y'all.

Ryan / A Buckeye stuck in Michigan

Clevelandkid said:
Here is the mention of Skeleton Crew. It's in the Halloweekends 2012 thread.

I'm assuming it will be similar to the show at Canada's Wonderland introduced at their Haunt last year. It appears like it would fit the Luminosity venue.

"Thank the Phoenicians!"

coolkid's avatar

I believe Marathon was also a sponsor for Luminosity this year along with Pepsi and Taye. Maybe Cedar Fair decided not to use the "Powered by Pepsi" yet because they haven't made a decision on which company they are going with next year. In any sense, both cola companies are kissing up like crazy. FreeStyle Machines at Kings Island, 4/$10 Aquafina at Cedar Point, and lower prices on drinks at both parks.

coolkid said:
I believe Marathon was also a sponsor for Luminosity this year along with Pepsi and Taye. Maybe Cedar Fair decided not to use the "Powered by Pepsi" yet because they haven't made a decision on which company they are going with next year. In any sense, both cola companies are kissing up like crazy. FreeStyle Machines at Kings Island, 4/$10 Aquafina at Cedar Point, and lower prices on drinks at both parks.

Are most of the CF parks Pepsi exclusive?

Ryan / A Buckeye stuck in Michigan

coolkid's avatar

Any former Paramount Park (Kings Island/Dominion, Great America, Carowinds, and Canada's Wonderland) is Coca-Cola. I believe Paramount signed a deal with Coca-Cola in 2005. All of the other parks were Pepsi. I believe Knott's was Coca-Cola for a bit after Cedar Fair acquired the park.

Last edited by coolkid,

Maverick00 said:
Well it they kept Pepsi next year, it would make sense that they would keep the sponsorship too.

The light show has had a Marathon logo on the main midway. Marathon is just becoming title sponsor. I hope Pepsi stays, I'm not a big fountain Coke fan.

I'd rather have Pepsi go and Coke come in.
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Maverick00's avatar

Coke is good out of the bottle and can, but not out of fountain.

Last edited by Maverick00,

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