PKI catching up with the Point?

Gemini - AKA the Twins - 2 tracks

Magnum - latin for enormous; very large

I went to Kings Dominion the year they opened the Hurler, and the associated Wayne's World theme area, it didn't make sense to me then and it doesn't make sense now. I mean, it's fine for the few years Wayne's World movies were popular, but now all they have are theme areas devoted to 1970s Aurora Illinois. Silly. The problem with naming rides after movies is the ephemeral nature of movies. Once the movie has come and gone all you have is a ride with an odd name and no tie-in. Millenium Force may be a goofy name, but it will mean the same thing in 2010 that it does now: a big ol' roller coaster. The Hurler is funny if you've seen Wayne's World recently. If you haven't, well, it's kind of like saying hey let's go ride the Vomit-Spew! Not gonna entice large segments of the population onto the ride.
Well Face/Off would be a good name for that ride even if there was no movie. I mean, just think of the hockey play of the same name, two people looking at each other. Furthermore, movie themes can last a good long time, depending on the ride and the movie. I mean just look at Universal (T2-3D, Back to the Future) and Disney (Star Tours, Dumbo). I will give you, Hurler is one of the stupidest names I have heard, but you cant tell me that "Top Gun" and "Drop Zone" aren't great names for their respective rides.
Top Gun and Drop Zone are good names for rides aside from being names for movies, I was referring to situations like the Hurler, where knowledge of the movie is necessary for the name of the ride to make sense. T2-3D is basically the movie all over again. Thanks to the pre-show, people who have never seen a Terminator movie can still 'get' the storyline sufficiently to enjoy the ride. Same for the Back to the Future and STar Tours attractions. Cedar Point just avoids the matter entirely. Some of the the names may be goofy (Millenium Force, or Mantis) but the rides certainly are not goofy, and that's what really matters.
Hey, if you want Goofy rides, you'll have to go to Disney. I suspect they've got a ™ on that. :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
RideMan, way to make us think a min. :)

------------- Go Vote for the best Coaster MF or SOB. :):):)
I've seen some crazy stuff in my time, but that... was... AWESOME!!! But, sorry about your car, man
If you want a Goofy ride,
To Disney you should then glide
For a coaster,
Better than most-er?
Cedar Point's the best I've tried! *** This post was edited by slithernoggin on 1/2/2001. ***
I said:

"If you have a problem with names,what name does CP have that go along with the coasters? Corkscrew? Disaster Transport? Yeah. Blue Streak? Mine Ride?Pushing it."

Thanks CP_bound for reinstating what I said the first time. I meant yes Corkscrew and Disaster Transport goes along with name. Blue Streak and CCMR were pusing it as good names for the ride.

Roller Coaster Punk, I'm not dogging CP. I had more fun there than PKI. My next trip may mean several rides on MF,Magnum, and Raptor but at least those 3 are more fun than what I can find at PKI. Plus what was the "apology" for. Isn't everyone just giving their opinions here. No harm done. Even if you said PKI should burn to the ground. Wouldn't get me fired up at all. ;) Plus, PKI has 1 coaster specifically named after a movie:Top Gun. So they're all about the rides too. Oh, and what about Camp Snoopy? So CP isn't trying to lure kids in with this area. Can't blame any park for wanting money. PKI and CP both keep quality in their rides no matter what the names are. I just hope that Deja Vu at SFMM is the last boomerang ever! Hate those! At least PKI put a nice twist on it.

I'm sorry that CP most likely won't be getting a Flying Dutchman or Floorless at least any time soon. I guess I have to go to SFO for that.

Oh! I should probobly make the point that I like wooden coasters more than steel but I do like a great inverted more than wooden. I think that's why I like PKI close to the amount of CP.
Mantis makes sense because of the way a Mantis stands up, but think about how goofy it would have been if they kept the name Banshee--floats and does not stand.

Millennium Force may have a goofy name, but if was named that for obvious reasons.
Blue Streak makes sense because it was named after Sandusky High School's team and plus it's blue.

~Eric L.~
Pete's avatar
Someone mentioned very early in this thread that Blue Streak and Mean Streak were built in the 60's. That's only partially correct. Blue Streak was opened in 1964 but Mean Streak opened in 1991.
I though Banshee was latin for "bringer of death". I may be wrong. I think Banshee is a good name for a coaster.

I can almost guarentee that thet exact word "Banshee" isn't latin for anything, but maybe if its ending was changed it might be.

Trim brakes-a necessity???
To argue the point of Kids starting at smaller coasters...NOT TRUE.

I was a regular PKI goer and would only ride Beatie and Beast becuase I couldnt see the lift hill from the station.

So we go to Cedar Point and my cousin makes me ride Mantis first Off. This coaster gets me hooked on all the others. So not always do we have to start small but I believe taking out one of those would be ok. But which one?
Corkscrew takes up no space so no reason to remove
And the rest share unique experiences because other diffrent types of rides. I believe that's what everyone is forgetting. Cedar Point wants everyone to experience every type of coaster not just a bigger one of something. If you take out DT where's the next suspended?
mwatts3, you're much like us, in that it didn't take much to get us hooked, but some people have a fear of heights and coasters just intimidate them.
I think it would be nice if CP could get a racing coaster besides Gemini. Something big racing like Dueling Dragons. (HINT:Mantis)This was not only the slowest moving line both days we went, but was way past the highest wait time for the other coasters. It was 2 hrs 15 min one day and 2 hrs 40 min the next. But you never know how long it will be this popular. I like Disaster Transport and WildCat because I haven't ridden those types of coasters before. I hate suspended coasters though. Unless they could make suspended stand-up. That would be cool. I think suspended was badly desighed to begin with. Does anyone know the times between which the first suspended and first inverted came out? Inverted is 100x better. I've heard great things about Nemisis at Alton Towers though. So who knows. They really need something to hold on to at Corkscrew. A couple of people that went with us probobly wouldn't have ridden it if they knew that. Anyone know why there aren't any handles? I want CP to keep everything they have. The only thing really similar are Magnum and MF. But both are great so nothing to worry about.

CP_bound,believe it or not, the coaster that got me hooked was Flight of Fear at PKI. I had never been on a coaster before then. I was too scared. They tricked me onto FOF by telling me it was a "dark ride". Well it definitely was dark. When I got up there I decided I had to face my Fear and ride a coaster. Even since I've pushed my family to to parks. We've been to WDW and IOA every year since then, season passes every year to PKI, 2 days at CP, 1 at SFO, Kennywood, (both)SFGA, BGW, and PKD. Too much fun! For 2001, most of the same that I've listed(won't get to SFGA ,Kennywood or BGW)plus hopefully Disneyland, DCA, Knott's and SFMM. The only thing I'm debating is Knott's though. I've heard it's barely worth it except GhostRider. So I don't know. I wish Cedar Fair would share a little. It's like CP has 14 coasters and the other 2 have like 6. Even though Knott's gets great spill off from DL, they need to get some more great things.
*** This post was edited by Mr."Coaster"E on 1/3/2001. ***
Cedar Fair doesn't need to 'share' anything. Each of the parks the CF owns has there own special theming of sorts. CP is the place for coasters. Knotts is more like a Busch Gardens type of park. Worlds of Fun is an all around place. Dorney is a family orientated park. And Valley Fair is like a mini CP; mostly because it is the first park, besides CP, that CF owned.

The point of all this is that none of Cedar Fairs parks are supposed to mirror each other. They all have there own identities.

Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP
Main Entry: ban·shee
Pronunciation: 'ban-(")shE, ban-'
Function: noun
Etymology: Irish bean sídhe & Scottish Gaelic bean sìth, literally, woman of fairyland
Date: 1771
: a female spirit in Gaelic folklore whose appearance or wailing warns a family that one of them will soon die

Got this from

------------- Go Vote for the best Coaster MF or SOB. :):):)
I've seen some crazy stuff in my time, but that... was... AWESOME!!! But, sorry about your car, man
Name are fun, but I feel they dont really mean a thing for coasters. Like what does my name "Joe" mean. Nothing. It is just a way to identify coasters. They could have named MF "little piece of junk" and still people would go on it.

I like CP's names because they are simple, yet descriptive. I see no point in paying extra money to name a coaster after a movie. PKI is not bad, but what really bugs me is PKS.If its not named superman, its named Batman. If someone mentions "Superman" you then have to specify which one, at which park, and what type of ride it is. Sure it is a good name, but has all the money PKS spent also wiped out any creativity. Save the money from the license. Maybe that's why PKS is in debt.

Joe E
What is PKS's best ride? Superman, Superman, Superman, Superman, or Superman?

LuvRaptor's avatar

The name of this thread was "PKI catching up with the Point"
easy and to the Po!nt answer
On THIS board who is going to STOP going to CP if PKI sets a new record?
pleeeeease Jeff close this thread
of move it to Coasterbuzz!!!

2000 Raptor Crew

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