PKI catching up with the Point?

OK, Cedar Point has 14 coasters now and none are expected for 2001. PKI has 12 getting a family inverted coaster next year and they're supposed to be getting something or some things big for 2002. Should CP make sure it keeps its record or keep to "quality". IMO, PKI has pretty nice quality too at least compared to the Point. Example:Adventure Express better than Mine Ride,Beast or Son of Beast better than Mean Streak or Blue Streak, Outer Limits better than Disaster Transport, Top Gun better than Iron Dragon, Ghoster Coaster, Taxi Jam and Beastie better than Jr.Gemini and Woodstock, King Cobra better b/c Mantis kills my legs and has longest line in park,and Anything better than the dreadful Corkscrew aka "Boring, OUCH, Boring, OUCH!" BUT(Don't send a mob after me yet), CP does have Force, Magnum, Raptor, Gemini and the great midway rides. Besides that, they really do need the quality. No offense. Just constructive criticism. :)
Maybe you should find a PKI Forum because it sure seems as if you don't like Cedar Point.
For a minute there I thought I was in a PKI message board. I think this whole idea of "who has the most rides in one park" is kinda ridiculous. Who cares? (Well some people do I guess, but anyways.) Of course CP is gonna go with quality over quantity they always have. Almost all the rides you mentioned, CP had first. Besides some of the rides at PKI that you are comparing with to CP's were built almost 30 years later. The BS and MR were built in the 60's. I agree that the Corkscrew is not that great of a ride but what do you want for 1976 or whatever year it was built. In it's time it was state of the art, the first coaster to go upside down 3 times. I think the King Cobra absolutely sucks compared to the Mantis. But again its the same situation where KC was like the first stand up coaster but fails in comparison to newer more modern rides as far as size and speed go. And I don't think you can really compare Outer Limits to Disaster Transport because they are really 2 totally different types of rides. DT was built like 15 years earlier and was originally outside.

I'm not bashing you, but I don't think you can make all the comparisons you are making with out looking at all the facts. I like PKI too and think The Beast alone is worth the 4 hour drive from Cleveland. But you said it all when you mentioned MF, Magnum, Raptor, and Gemini. With the exception of Beast and SOB those 4 rides are better than all the other rides at PKI combined. Hell the MF alone is better than everything at PKI. What I'm trying to say is that at the time that almost all of the rides at CP were built, they were all great quality. I don't think CP will ever change this philosophy. The only ride at CP I am truly disappointed in is MS, but I still ride it.
"My God Jim, Where Are We?" - Bones
Well, maybe some of their older rides are better because PKI just opened in 1970 while Cedar Point has been open since 1870.

Woodstock Express is much better than those other kiddie coasters.

Adventure Express was just a let down, especially the ending.

Oh yeah, King Cobra's awesome compared to Mantis...NOT! It has one inversion, a helix and some hills--Woopie! Mantis has speed, 4 inversions, centered over a lagoon and is intense. I can't help your legs, but maybe you aren't riding it properly. The line for Mantis is shorter than the lines for Raptor and MF.

Outer Limits is a LIM corkscrew while DT is a bobsled. Oranges and apples right there.

Top Gun is WAAAAY too short, and ID is as intense in the pretzel.

The woodies at PKI dwark those at Cedar Point, but that's because PKI used an overhead of land.

Did I mention the roughness of ALL PKI's coasters compared to CP's? Vortex and Outer Limits are almost as bad as The Beast in roughness.

Give me Corkscrew over Vortex any day.

Quantity + Quality = Cedar Point

Quantity + Roughness = PKI
Some good points CP_bound. For being 30 years younger, Adventure Express is not that much better than MR, and MR is smoother. I agree with ya too about the roughness of Outer Limits and Vortex. I almost get my ears ripped off from those stupid shoulder bars.

"My God Jim, Where Are We?" - Bones
ok, I know this reply isn't totally cp related, but that's sort of the reason why img posting it.
I get one week off the week of the 4th of July, and that's it other than weekends(winters I get 3 weeks off at Christmas, and almost every monday from closing day to opening day,kind of a bummer)
anyway, I plan on making a large loop , starting with cp, and including at least the following:
holiday world
and might add a few others,but I know ill also be tempted to loop back through sandusky on the way home for another point trip,its just my favorite so far.
id guess id have to say that's why I post here and not anywhere else.
but that don't mean I don't like any other parks.
anyway, if my friend that is so far planning on doing this trip with me wimps out on me again this summer, ill be probably looking for a new friend,LoL

if I used spell check on this post,this signature will not have any misspellings!!!!
My point was that wouldn't it be better to take out rides like the Mine Ride and Disaster Transport and put in the better quality rides. I guess everyone missed the contructive criticism part. Even though Corkscrew livens up that area of the midway, I think it needs to be replaced. The only REALLY GOOD quality coasters at CP are Force, Magnum, Gemini, Raptor and Mantis. You can't tell me that Outer Limits, Face/Off, Beast, Son of Beast, King Cobra, Vortex and The Racer aren't than the rest of the Point. Iron Dragon is too slow and has small drops. Same goes for Mine Ride, Disaster Transport and Corkscrew. The Wildcat are nice pieces in CP's collection. I'll let them keep that. If MS goes back to the smooth ride it used to be I'll leave that too. What I want the most from CP though is a B&M launched floorless. I don't want anyone mad. Let's all just have our opinions. Plus with PKI being my home park, everyone stands up for their home park. It's just hard to say Cedar Point is my favorite park when they're only better by a couple coasters. Plus, it's also against Cedar Point for me because I don't like the spinny rides. Oh well. Weren't brains made to have their own opinions?
If you dont like CP's rides, why do you keep going every year. I dont understand people. They disrespect a park for not having the rides that *they* think they should have, but yet continue to go to that same park year after year. If you have constructive criticism, why not direct it to CP's customer relations?
LuvRaptor's avatar
OK I just cant leave this alone, plain and simple, my personal opinion is this:
I used to go to PKI every year (have ridden The Beast over 200x) until 1996 when someone insisted I needed to go to CP-thats all she wrote!
PKI is a mere 55 minute drive for me, all highway.
CP is 2.75 hours drive for me, majority back 2 lane country roads.
I go to CP at least 10x/year
The last time I wasted my time @ PKI was last April when I went to ride SOB-what do you know--
its not running! Amazing to me that MF was up AND running when promised.
But-everyone is entitled to their own opinion

I do believe this thread belongs on Coasterbuzz!

2000 Raptor Crew
2001 NY Mets locker room inspector
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight?? *** This post was edited by LuvRaptor on 12/27/2000. ***
Why take out rides like Mine Ride or Corkscrew when people ride them? Cedar Point doesn't have roller coasters just for the pleasure they derive from building great rides, each roller coaster increases the overall capacity of CP to handle large crowds. You or I may not like Mine Ride, but to the vast majority of CP visitors, it is a fun ride.
I love Mine Ride, it was the first Cedar Point coaster I have ridden, I would hate to see them tear it down. Also, Cedar Point is a "family" park, they have a coaster for everyone, I don't think Cedar Point will take out CCMR or ID or even DT just because people dislike it.

Slithernoggin is right, if Cedar Point takes out some of the smaller rides because people that ride the bigger rides don't like them, then what will the people that doesn't ride the bigger coasters do? They will probably stop coming to Cedar Point since they wont have the coasters that they like.

~Eric L.~
AOL Name: Eric24G
To FireDragon,you asked why I keep coming back to CP? Well I've only been once. It usually takes more than one visit to a park to know what's not that great. But I KNOW what I don't like already. To LuvRaptor, SOB is wooden. MF is steel. SOB is over 200 ft. MF is over 300. SOB has a loop. MF has no loop. SOB is a 200 foot looping wooden coaster with new type of coaster train. Something like SOB takes longer to test I believe. To slithernoggin, Mine Ride and Corkscrew were both walk ons. What I'm saying to everyone is CP doesn't have that much room to expand and if coasters aren't replaced, CP will be left in the 20th Century,no matter how big the Force is now. Are they getting a floorless soon? flying dutchman? 4th Dimension? or even a launched? A little Paramount park in Virginia has 3. I know the other 3 are fairly new concepts but where is room to put even 1 or 2 of these without barging into another rides territory. One last thing to Bernz, shouldn't rides be able to hold the test of time-Beast vs. Mean Streak. Go Gemini though! Haven't rode a better racer!(Unless you want to count Dueling Dragons at IOA)That is something to make me come back next year! Sorry if I got anyone mad. You're just supposed to have fun with this kind of stuff.Now lets all sit in a circle around MF and sing Kumbiah(sp?).

*** This post was edited by Mr."Coaster"E on 12/27/2000. *** *** This post was edited by Mr."Coaster"E on 12/27/2000. ***
LuvRaptor's avatar
I am well aware that SOB is wood and MF is steel-my Po!nt to my comment was that testing should have been done BEFORE PKI opened their mouths and bragged on about SOB. You dont think MF being the worlds first "giga" coaster needed testing too?
My comment was that PKI shouldnt have offered something they couldnt deliver ON TIME. I am not the only person who went to PKI JUST to ride SOB to be let down. I have had MORE than my fill of The Beast, Vortex, Adventure Express, Top Gun,
and dont even get me started on OLFOF.
I do not base my trips to CP soley on if they have something new to offer me, I go to CP because I adore CP, no MF this year I still would have gone! CP has its fans as does PKI
I just happen to be a CP fan tried and true.
(love it so much I worked there too!) Period.

2000 Raptor Crew

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
Mr"Coaster"E, Mine Ride and Corkscrew may have been walk-ons the day you were there, but since, by your own admission, you've only been to Cedar Point once, I'm not exactly sure how you've become an authority on Cedar Point capacity issues. On the days when Millenium Force and Gemini (why do you like that thing? It's so dull.) and CP's other high profile rides and attractions are at or near capacity, rides like Corkscrew, Mine Ride, Disaster Transport etc etc etc perform a valuable function: they absorb the excess capacity. If guests had a choice of waiting five hours for Millenium Force or sitting on their butts doing nothing, they'd probably pick another park next time. If they have a choice between Millenium Force's five hour wait or a shorter wait on Corkscrew, many will pick the Corkscrew. You may be making the mistake of assuming that the general public diffrentiates between coasters to the degree that coaster enthusiasts do.
Mr."Coaster"E, about your comment of SOB taking longer to test, that's simply not true. Cedar Point made sure it was done 2 months in advance so that it would have all the tests taken and all the bugs worked out. This simply wasn't true with PKI though. They had SOB done 1 WEEK before they opened. They barely even had the time to test it. This was a bad move on PKI's part. This is another reason we love CP because it's so dependable.

Magnum broke it's chain once this year, and guess when they had it up and running again...the very next DAY! Can anyone say that about SOB?
Wait,wait,wait! This wasn't supposed to be PKI vs. CP. Sorry if it sounded that way. The question is if the time came,pretend the time is now, CP ran out of space as now they have 16 coasters-*pretend*-the 15th was the fastest, tallest,longest launched floorless in the world and the 16th is a record breaking 4th Dimension.
PKI is getting their 16th next year but CP has no more space left. The question,Would you rather have these 16 coasters forever because these coasters are all original CP coasters you love even if you really don't like it -OR- Allow CP to remove Iron Dragon and Corkscrew(and maybe even WildCat) to put in a new coaster of equal status then as MF is to us today? So there it is. Do you have to be mad if CP loses it's record if they can give people back something better? Would you rather have WildCat, Iron Dragon and Corkscrew in your backyard or MF? Think about it. Did you see what I was getting at at first. Let's leave out that theme park comparison nonsense. Slithernoggin, that was an excellent point you made. And I've realized that i don't even need the coasters I'm not very fond of when I go. (To be perfectly honest I'll even ride Mine Ride next time just because of a tiny urge deep inside me)Let's all be happy CP lovers. I'm getting there. Have a nice day! :D *** This post was edited by Mr."Coaster"E on 12/27/2000. ***
Sure I would still want them to keep those coasters...why? What do the younger people or people who just have a plain fear of heights ride? "Oh don't worry son, you don't have to ride that 300 ft coaster...we can ride the smaller 200 ft coaster" These coaster that you might think are boring help others overcome their fear of heights (or fear of going upside down) so they can ride the bigger rides. Trust me, if they built a park with just the biggest and tallest rides and forget about the smaller coasters that park would lose money over the years because they wouldn't gain those new riders who have never rode a coaster. That and the fact that all the "Coaster Enthusiast" would flock to the park and annoy the general public :)
But there are so many things to get kids from Woodstock to the Magnum. My nephew who lives in Sandusky started out with Jr.Gemini then MineRide and WildCat(see you can lose one of those) same day then Gemini then Corkscrew,Disaster Transport and Iron Dragon same day then the rest came naturally as they came out. Personally after I knew I could ride the Beastie at PKI, I knew I wanted to conquer the world of coasters. Wanted to ride Vortex then and there. I wasn't tall enough though. There are so many rides to make the transition to Magnum. There are even other parks to help that. I would never want a ride to get replaced because of personal opinion. I'm still POed about Drachen Fire. If I had a personal choice to lose just one thing at CP it would be either Corkscrew or Mine Ride because they are too short and too simple for my taste but I've met people that hate MF and CP because of their lack in looping coasters over the years.
Slithernoggin doesn't like Gemini. I'm not saying lose all the boring coasters. I've not mentioned a thing bad about Blue Streak or personally wanting to lose WildCat. I just feel that Corkscrew and Mine Ride hurts how great CP could be. Heck I would rather have a Boomerang Invertigo. By simple for the two rides I mean Corkscrew can't have but a 30-40 foot drop and 3 corkscrews. That's it though. There's no speed, no height, no length. Mine Ride has a decent length but...ok I guess it's fine. Don't think twice about what my opinions mean to you. I'm just spilling out what I'm thinkin'.Does anyone have anything to say about my question? I wonder when a group decides a best park or coaster if they fight and debate over it. That would be fun to do. Good night!
Yes Mr. "Coaster" E a good ride should last the test of time. And in my opinion the rides you mentioned at CP are still decent quality rides considering when they were built. They built the best rides they could with the technology they had at the time. The only thing I agree with you on is the MS. Again a big disappointment.

I would also like to add that it's probably not good financial advice to tell a park to tear down 6 coasters (ID, MR, BS, CS, DT, & MS) and replace them with new ones.

And last time I checked, The Raptor and Mantis were built back to back in 94 and 96. Both with loops and both record breaking coasters. But I guess the people you know feel they should build a looping coaster every year. CP has repeatedly won park of the year. What do you people want! Plus they just gave us the biggest damn coaster in North America.......again! But I guess it sucks cause it doesn't have a loop. I personally think loops are overated. Whatever. JMO.

"My God Jim, Where Are We?" - Bones

*** This post was edited by Bernz on 12/28/2000. *** *** This post was edited by Bernz on 12/28/2000. ***
Honestly Bernz, I think Mean Streak is decent if you take away the pain. Very nice twister design. I did have fun. The only thing I really don't like that PKI did was their move to make Face/Off instead of...practically any other type of coaster. I wish Paramount and Six Flags would stop their repeats of ride name and designs. cedar hasn't done that that I know of. I like the themes that SF tries to have but you can't get theming better than IOA and WDW. But since CP is an amusement park, I don't have to worry about that. Does anyone think that there are any coasters at PKI that are pure crap and need to be disposed of?

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