Ohio State Day at Cedar Point

^No. You have to buy them at Ohio State. That is the only place they are $25.

Last edited by Daniel T,

This sounds like it's totally worth the $35. I wonder how crowded the place will be, since I see no possible way for them to verify who is/is not a OSU Alumni? Or the guest of an alumni.

Opening day will be a madhouse so I'm thinking I'm going to try Friday instead. There's always the risk, though, that Gatekeeper won't be running or have infancy issues (I know it's a B&M, but still...)

Bret's avatar

If I wasn't tight on vacation time, I'd probably do this. We're planning on avoiding opening day too and going the next day instead. It will still most likely be very busy, but nothing like the opening day.

I think this sounds like the most miserable, crowded day ever. I mean, seemingly inviting anyone and everyone in for 25 bucks? Worth cutting class for...
While we're projecting attendance, lets keep in mind too that weather at the Point, even in mid May, can be iffy. There's been plenty of opening days when it's been cold, windy, and rainy and nobody came, no matter how great the new attraction. (Magnum)

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

No one will have to skip class. Ohio States classes are over the last week of April.

Let's Get Weird.

Even better. That means all the non-local OSU students will have already gone home.

Let's not forget the bigger crowd, which is OSU alumni. That number FAR exceeds the number of active students.

I was gonna say the same thing. I think its good for the park whether we think its gonna be crowded and miserable or not. $25 a person for alumni and current students (along with being able to bring a friend with you) is going to make so much money on a day that isn't even listed as full operation.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I'm not going to complain about it. It is an extra day to be in the park. It will be an extension to opening weekend that will be enjoyed no matter the size of the crowd.

Let's Get Weird.

I think we're overestimating the number of people who might purchase tickets and risk that they may not be permitted to enter the park if they are not affiliated with OSU. The fact that the event is also on a weekday is going to limit the number of people that are interested in attending as well.

The one concern I do have is whether the park will be ready to be open one day earlier than usual to guests. I know that the staff at CP is basically working 24/7 for the last couple weeks before Opening Day to get the park prepared and I am wondering if some of the rides will have operational issues.

I doubt the park cares how many people will try to enter without valid proof of being an OSU alumni or student. It wouldn't be the first time they sent people away for things like this.

No doubt some rides will have operational issues. 2009 opening day, Dragster was just a hot mess. More than usual atleast.

bholcomb's avatar

How are they going to handle handicapped parking? Won't everyone be trying to put their OSU diploma on their dashboard to park in handicapped parking?

^^^ Pretty funny stuff.

Cedar Point guest since 1974

MaverickLaunch said:
Even better. That means all the non-local OSU students will have already gone home.

Let's not forget the bigger crowd, which is OSU alumni. That number FAR exceeds the number of active students.

Yes, this means there will be way less current students than if classes were still in. However, being on a work day (Friday), I also think this will greatly limit the number of alumni who attend too. I've not had experience with "buy-out days" in the past, but I feel like the crowds will be substantially lower than most days?

Again, this is all assuming that they somehow enforce current students/alumni. It will be interesting to see how they do this... Students (and realistically, recent grads) are probably easy because they can show a BuckID... alumni, I'm not sure. I'm sure there's a database somewhere with all alumni listed that can be easily searched. But who knows how they can use that at CP.

That's my point. There's no way they can enforce students/alumni only at the gate. It would have to be at the point of ticket sale.

At the gate, who's to say I'm not the guest of an alumni that drove separately. Not to mention, can you imagine how slow it would be getting through the gate while the HIGHLY INTELLIGENT gate employees (on their first day, mind you) sift through a database of hundreds of thousands of names?

So, I'm sticking with my assertion that there's no validation of alumni or student status required, at any point during the process. There's just no feasible way to make that verification on the scale that would need to happen.

bholcomb said:
How are they going to handle handicapped parking? Won't everyone be trying to put their OSU diploma on their dashboard to park in handicapped parking?


I agree with MaverickLaunch, it will be difficult to keep this event "private". You can purchase the tickets online on Cedar Point's website and the only validation of sorts they ask for is graduation year, which can be made up. One could also simply say that a friend purchased the alumni tickets and gave them away because their plans cancelled. Not to say people will enter the park on this day and test their luck, but you never know. I guess if the alumni association really wanted to make it private, they would need a private ticket purchasing website.

I previously had full intentions of going on opening day (as military obligations have kept me away for 3 years), now I am having doubts only because I am questioning the security of my car in the parking lot (I have Michigan stickers in my windows). I'm sure there will be a larger than usual group of OSU fans in the park on opening day, I know the rivalry enough to know that each school has fans who may have nothing against vandalizing regardless if they are at an amusement park.

It does say everyone is invited doesn't it?

Time to lynch off a friend, and then get in wearing Maize and Blue (haters gonna hate!)

Sealedseven said:
It does say everyone is invited doesn't it?

Time to lynch off a friend, and then get in wearing Maize and Blue (haters gonna hate!)

It does say everyone is invited, but please have some sense of self preservation and wear a neutral color. I mean, I wore my maize and blue on Michigan State's campus all the time when I was going to school there, but they are not the big rival, you know. Good luck to you, you'd have to have brass ones for that, but for a more peaceful day, not wise.

Chupacabra said:

Sealedseven said:
It does say everyone is invited doesn't it?

Time to lynch off a friend, and then get in wearing Maize and Blue (haters gonna hate!)

It does say everyone is invited, but please have some sense of self preservation and wear a neutral color. I mean, I wore my maize and blue on Michigan State's campus all the time when I was going to school there, but they are not the big rival, you know. Good luck to you, you'd have to have brass ones for that, but for a more peaceful day, not wise.

oh dont worry. Good friends are buckeyes. I can handle anything said, also know when to acknowledge the better football team last year. Basketball is another story (unfinished)

Very true. But wearing your teams colors on a day (even the whole weekend) when you know is dedicated to your rival is kind of asking for a little too much. But, whatever you feel is necessary I guess I can't stop you.

buckeyesbrownsindianscavs's avatar

Sealedseven said:
It does say everyone is invited doesn't it?

Time to lynch off a friend, and then get in wearing Maize and Blue (haters gonna hate!)

Not like you'll get pummeled with insults if you wear the colors of That Team Up North any other day. (God, I hate Michigan)

The god of speculation

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