NEWS FLASH!!!! Track and supports sighted

Well to my knowledge this "coal" carring Freighter had a WHITE piece of something on the top of it that looks a whole lot like the WHITE track piece that is behimd MS. at this time I do not have the FILM develeped so hang tight. I should within a few days cuz I don't know how long it takes to make a photo CD. also I don't have a "WEBSITE" to post them on so I will need your e-mail addys to send the pix to. unless some one is willing to have me send the pix to them and they post them on their site? but I get the props though. that if a person wants too.

Dippin Dots aren't they Great!!!

Thats the loader/unloader most likely, heck it could be anything but i am 99.999% sure that it was not coaster track. I can say with almost complete certainty (hey anything is possible doesn't mean it's likely) that the track did not come into sandusky via ship.

Email me the picture at

Welcome back Magnum riders how was your ride?
*** This post was edited by Magnum Force 8/22/2002 1:27:44 AM ***

ShiveringTim's avatar
The red pieces are concave and probably for a pull-up/pull-out section. The white pieces are harder to look at, but based on Gemini's pics, it too looks to be concave, but not to the degree of the red pieces.

The yellow support has connector flanges coming out perpendicular to the support, as well as a 45deg flange. Look at the support towers on Wicked Twister for a similar arrangement. My guess is that we'll see another WT/Xcelerator type support tower or two.

Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
I watched them unload the track yesterday! The track was pretty much all straight. There was a white piece and 2 red pieces with a very slight curve, but the others seemed to be straight. I saw Magnum Maniac there taking pictures and he pointed out something interesting. I believe it was the white track, but there were a coupple pieces with no horizontal cross bars, most likely for the launch area. There were small tan supports that looked identical to the ones I've seen in pictures of Xcelorator's supports under the launch track. They weren't more than 3 or 4 feet tall, so I'm guessing that's what they're for. There was also a massive yellow support that you could tell was part of the main support strucure. I've got to go to school now, but I'll have more when I get home.

-Chris Woodard
Who finally met the infamous Magnum Dan!


yeah sweetness, i heard 420 ft.

Millennium Man said:
Well to my knowledge this "coal" carring Freighter had a WHITE piece of something on the top of it that looks a whole lot like the WHITE track piece that is behimd MS.

Dippin Dots aren't they Great!!!

I think they call that a crane arm.

So where are all those people that said "Cedar Point will never build two coasters in two years"...that called a lot of us crazy for just being optomistic that we might get another coaster next year??????
Jeff's avatar
None of the pieces are straight, they're all concave.

The big yellow support reminds me of one of the junctions high up in the MF tower, where several of the "fingers" connect.

"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

I sat staring at that yellow piece for a while trying to figure out which way it was supposed to go before I'd remembered the overbanked turn supports.

I'm still anxiously awaiting the official announcement. Not only for the specifics, but more so to find out exactly how this color scheme is going to work out.

Is the blue track a reality, or is that another rumor that got out of hand?

gravity: down to earth, without the sugar coating.

I updated my page ([URL removed -J]) with an index. Just use the same link and you will see thumbnails and a little info on each picture.

All the track that I saw being unloaded was from the back of a truck.

No blue track.

Any news about the location of the track today? Is it still by MS or did they move it to Soak City?


MF: 6
WT: 2
MAG: Phh... After about 10 at once I stop counting. So take that as it is.
*** This post was edited by Rider 8/22/2002 12:55:58 PM ***
*** This post was edited by Jeff 8/22/2002 1:56:09 PM ***

I noticed something interesting about the yellow support. As you can see here: [URL removed -J] the support has 4 connectors coming out, the ones on the top are the same as the ones on the bottom.

"Sit down right, hold on tight, and enjoy your flight on Shivering Timbers!!"
*** This post was edited by Jeff 8/22/2002 1:56:33 PM ***

Hehe, its like a game.

I think that we will start to see some construction soon, right after the season ends.
Turkeys, the only animal smarter than man-Homer J. Simpson

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
Ok, I've got a little more I didn't get to before school. I'm 99% sure I saw Monty there for a few minutes while they were unloading the track. He was just looking at some of the pieces that had already been unloaded. For what my opinion is worth, I'm almost sure there is at least some blue track that's still on its way to the park. It was still there when I left the park, and they didn't even make an attempt to cover it with a tarp or hide it in any way.

Also, I talked to a merchandise employee for a while yesterday about the track. I know seasonals don't know anything more than we do, and even though they claimed to have a connection in upper management, I know that's usually untrue too, but for what it's worth, here's what I was told. They said it would be a red, white and blue tophat that would look like one of those popsicles. They said it was going to be over 400 feet (which I think is likely reguardless of anything I've heard) and 110 MPH. The name will have the word "Eagle" in it, and Troika, Chaos, and Paddlewheel will be gone for good. Like I said, I know this is very unreliable info, but I know people here feed off juicy stuff like that. I'd like to believe all of it except the removal of the 3 rides, but I'm just taking it in stride as another rumour.

-Chris Woodard
Who finally met the infamous Magnum Dan!

Jeff's avatar
Just a reminder... posting URL's to your site is still spamming, so don't do it. Walt did it because he asked first and we have a long standing history of helping each other out.

Don't do it, please.

"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

Fine..... jeezzz.... i was just helping the community....

I noticed something interesting about the yellow support. As you can see in one of my pictures, the support has 4 connectors coming out, the ones on the top are the same as the ones on the bottom.

"Sit down right, hold on tight, and enjoy your flight on Shivering Timbers!!"

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
I'm sorry. I didn't realize there was a new thread opened about this under my name that Jeff closed yesterday. That's what happens when your brother knows your password.

-Chris Woodard
Who finally met the infamous Magnum Dan!

The name that would contain "Eagle" was said to be tentative though. Chaos is definitely gone, I think Troika will just be moved, and Paddlewheel Excursions will just be ruined by all the additions in the past 10 years. So, I'd have to agree with the removal of PE. Oddly enough though, a January announcement has been the popular response from unreliable employees :)

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin
(Coaster Pictures)

And the plot thickens...

"Millennium Force, the Future is riding on it."
Now, Cedar Point is "Bulding for the future."
*** This post was edited by 0g 8/22/2002 5:13:28 PM ***

wow ! Agatha christy novels Don't have nearly the mystery and suspense as this coaster has . lol

If you dont Stand for anything , you will fall for everything

Considering that it will be 425+ft. and 110+mph, if Wicked Twister was two big middle fingers, then this will be one giant middle finger to Six Flags and obliterate any dispute of tallest and fastest coaster, while doing it in style.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin
(Coaster Pictures)

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