^ I would like it noted that I was not pulling for a 500 footer at any point.
Goodbye MrScott
I, too, never liked the idea of a 500footer. I distinctly remember, after seeing the FIRST piece of red Intamin track show up, being the first on this site to say it wouldn't be 500 feet.
*thumbs up*
am I the only one whos still stuck on the "bomb-diggidy" comment?
Owner, Gould Photography.
There was a link showing the actual animation, at least quite convincing, for the coaster. It was leaked info, and and was deleted by either Walt of Jeff. I noticed the "illegal" post about 2 minutes after it was posted and was able to see it...the video i saw was what the "bomb-diggidy" comment was referring to.
Though we'll all actually get to see what the real ride is tomorrow with all the specs!!!! I'm soooo pumped y'all! :)
There is nothing quite like becoming a human windshield on Millennium Force
Hey Jeff! You knew about the ride the WHOLE TIME!!! Thats why you were blastin away at my mock up!!!! Some of the stuff was pretty close!!!
Yes, I've known about it for months. I saw the animation ages ago. I shot the video for the interviews.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
Oh, Jeff- you sneaky little man you! ;-)
"THE Top Thrill Dragster...THE Millennium Force...THE Wicked Twister...THE Magnum! How do you like those apples?!?!?"
Jeff said:
Yes, I've known about it for months. I saw the animation ages ago. I shot the video for the interviews.
So you tried to shoot my video down because things on it DID come to reality! and didn't want others thinking that it would consist of anything in my mockup spoiling the suprise!
Yeah, that's it. Keep telling yourself that.
Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music
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