NEW Maverick Mock-up


You go busta!!



Jeff's avatar

I've got better things to do, and have no interest in NoLimits. Besides, it's not proper for me to "guess" what the ride layout actually is.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music



I'll make a recreation after it's announced, I wonder if it'll be a Wingwalker..?


1 cedr pt

Wow Zbusta......that is truly awesome!!! I love it....two thumbs wayyyy up!!

"Welcome back Gemini riders, how was that ride!?!?!" 28 years of excellence! (I am the guy in green & blue stripe shirt in my pic on TTD)



i don't believe jeff is a jerk at all. it was just so random to see page after page of praise, then you scroll down and jeff drops a huge wammy. haha. i just don't believe this interpretation of a roller coaster should be taken so literal, that why i don't understand why people would nitpick about it..

as rick james would say, that was: "Cold blooded...."
*** Edited 9/6/2006 1:55:00 AM UTC by fearandloathing***



Jeff said:

Seriously, if you've been around NoLimits now for, what, six years, you come to expect a certain level of realism. If you think I'm critical, go to and watch people tear each other new butt holes over the most silly little details.

I completely agree that it wasnt too realistic. Some bad g's and was insanely rough, but i think a lot of people here are just praising the mock up because of the layout, not on how the ride was actually built.


Jason Hammond

Jason Hammond's avatar

I would agree with that assesment.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube



Exactly right coasterguy...Bad G's? the highest g force was a vertical force of + 4.7(very tolerable) and a max Lateral g force of +1.6(very tolerable) So i really dont get what you are saying about that. Rough, perhaps, but like i said i really haven't had that much experience with the program yet, so to smooth out the rough spots, yes indeed, that can be done with more time spent, practice and experience. But if you see what I see on the actual program it really isn't all that rough, actually quite smooth. and the video quality on youtube isn't the greatest either and I did see a coulple of glitchy spots probably from the upload process onto youtube. so if you have nolimit and want a copy of the file that i created I will be more than glad to send it to you! :) Just PM me with your email address. And yes it was for layout purposes to give the idea of what the ride could be according to the layout. So thanks for that explaination! :)



Well what i actually ment with the bad g's was a bit too much airtime on that bunny hill. And i completely understand why its rough, it took me a looooong time to be able to get rides smooth. But i do think the layout is pretty close to what it will be like! Well, we'll all see in 2 days anyways



yeah the bunny hill could be smoother i think that would be pretty easy to change.



Zbusta said:
I hope you like to see it more because one of the producers of Fox News 8 in cleveland emailed me asking me if they could use my videos

Not exactly something I would brag about there ;). I never understood why they call themselves news, its more like entertainment tonight only without very much entertainment.

"lost in the corners of both blue eyes"



Jeff's avatar

You mean leading with "lesbian prostitutes that bake for the homeless" isn't newsworthy?

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music



Walt's avatar

I watch Fox 8 for news more than any other station. They have a great morning show, the best weather team in town, a lot of talent in the anchor position, and I enjoy the reporting from several of their reporters. The station you're thinking of, j2k95sunfire, is 19 ACTION news.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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I will give you the best weather team part!

"lost in the corners of both blue eyes"



Pete's avatar

19 Action News is like watching a video version of the "Weekly World News" tabloid. I think 19 Action News even had the Lake Erie Monster as a lead story awhile ago, from what I remember.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.



WJW (Fox 8) is a great news operation. A very close friend of mine left my station a few months ago and now produces their 6 pm weekend news. They have probably the best journalistic ideals of any of the Cleveland stations. ZBusta- what do they want your vids for?

Dead Men Tell No Tales



Well they asked me if they could use the mockup videos for some kind of news story that they had coming up regarding project 2007. I was freakin out man! They said they wanted to do an on camera interview assuming I was from the cleveland/sandusky area but when i told them where I was from they knew that was out of the question but they said that they would like to use the videos anyway and I gave them permission to do so. But I wasn't getting my hopes up to much because I know how many stories are mentioned but only a few can get on the air. So hopefully, if they do the story, you guys will have to tell me how it was! Or send me a tape! :) *** Edited 9/6/2006 4:07:11 PM UTC by Zbusta***



Walt, I agree, Fox8 news is the best in Cleveland. You just gotta love when they do their opening of a new ride at Cedar Point with Kenny. Do you remember when they opened Milli and he was screaming like a little girl.




airee85's avatar

I liked your creation Zbusta, good work. Can't wait to see more!




Jeff's avatar

You've got to be kidding? I'll give you the morning show on WJW, but when did they start reporting actual news in the evening? The closest thing I've seen to it is on WKYC.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music


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