New for 2025

no, but it's likely

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Its probably another family ride. Mack water coaster. Looks okay. Definitely better than shoot the rapids, but the drop on SNF was better. I'll be the first volunteer to tie myself to the mast, don't cut me loose no matter what i beg of you.

Sit tight fellas ;)

djDaemon's avatar


no, but it's likely

I understand that it's most likely for 2025, given the timing. I was just wondering if any of the official marketing had confirmed that explicitly.


Kevinj's avatar

No, but it is odd how it's presented. I completely understand the excitement, and I'll be the first to admit that I'll be "happy to be wrong" if it ends up being something other than the replacement for CP Shores. Even though that could mean a water coaster, which is no small investment, and they are a lot of fun. It just seems to me that the most logical answer is a modest waterpark investment.

Who knows? Maybe it's an Aquatrax.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

I agree that it is likely for 2025, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it's a new haunt.

And I'd be disappointed if it's a water coaster. I'd MUCH rather see a traditional log flume.

I’m curious, has a park (besides Disney and Universal) ever announced a major project 2 years before its inauguration? Seems like it would cannibalize sales of its previous season. I do think this is 2025 also.

Didn’t that technically happen with Top Thrill 2?

Kevinj's avatar

And Maverick. And Steel Vengeance.

There wasn't an exact announcement, but there was more than a single off-season delay.

With the latter, though, it was obvious something was going on, but an official announcement hadn't been made.

Parks like Disney and Cedar Point don't need to worry about "cannablizing" sales, though. They are mature parks that people will go to regardless.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

CoasterLine's avatar

For Maverick, construction started in late winter / early spring 2006 and continued throughout the season, but the official announcement was made in September 2006 with a 2007 opening.

Same with Steel Vengeance. While construction occurred immediately after Mean Streak closed and throughout the entire 2017 season, the official announcement was in August 2017 with a 2018 opening.

TTD and TT2 both had tons of in-season construction and vague hints / teasing, but also were officially announced leading to the opening season.

Construction, teasing and speculation is really all that Cedar Point has done that spanned past a normal late summer / fall official announcement with a spring opening.

CoasterLine correctly answered what I’m trying to say. While there has been teasing, construction, etc, Cedar Point has not officially announced a ride or attraction sooner than the start of the season of the year before the attraction opens. The soonest they’ll usually announce is August the year before. So if this is an official announcement I doubt it is for 2026.

Plague on Wheels's avatar

I’m betting it’s Zamperla again. Three attraction contract. Third time is a charm 😉

Sit tight fellas ;)

I don't know...

what I'll bet is that CP is ticked at Zamperla. there's one more company on their blacklist.

djDaemon's avatar

Depending on the odds, I'd take that bet.


Hell maybe Zamperla is offering some sort of discount on a new attraction to make up for their failures with TT2?

CoasterLine's avatar

My guess is either a Mack Water Coaster or a Zamperla Super Flumez.

Just by the nature of teasing prior to announce, I can't see this being anything in Shores. I don't think they have ever done anything but simply announce new additions to the water park.

Last edited by CoasterLine,
Plague on Wheels's avatar

loose lips sink ships

Sit tight fellas ;)

well, one more day till we find out! i'll be waiting all of tomorrow for this...

I am choosing to sit tight until the announcement is made

DRE420's avatar


Who knows? Maybe it's an Aquatrax.

All we can say for sure is "water will be involved".

Plague on Wheels's avatar

Water? Count me in. I like to get wet.

Sit tight fellas ;)

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