New construction markings.

djDaemon's avatar

Exactly. Being able to use your room key for purchasing stuff in the park would be a huge step in the right direction. Or how about that boardwalk? Or creating a reason for me to stay on the peninsula after the park closes? Upgrade the hotels, and charge more for them.

And on and on...


Chuck Wagon's avatar

I admit I would have a heart attack if they did something like build a boardwalk and make soda free. I would be more surprised than if they built a 500ft. coaster.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

Kyle2154's avatar

@Jugga, I don't want a hot dog 30 seconds quicker more than I want a coaster. I wouldn't be suprised if a majority of people would agree with that if given a survey.

@DJ: Didn't they just throw millions of dollars at hotel breakers, totally remodeling it? They can't do everything at once, believe it or not, that would cost a lot of money.

And I think Cedar Fair is the company that was researching free drinks, so they're out there researching the very things we think they should do.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Really? Is that why one of the biggest guest complaints is getting raped by high food prices, low food quality and crappy service?

They certainly aren't complaining about there not being enough coasters.

And there isn't a per-ride charge, but there is a per hotdog charge. You get people to not feel ass pain after eating at the park, and they'll stop bringing their own food and going to the car to eat.

That brings in money. Not a new coaster. Not a new thrill ride. But those items which people pay individually for.

At the end of the day, that's the point of the business, to make money. Not to satisfy enthusiasses who only want new coasters every year.

Goodbye MrScott


Josh M.'s avatar

I would just be happy if when I order a burger in the park with "Melt" in the name of it that the cheese is actually melted... Unless they were referring to the hole in my pocket after forking over 8 bucks for it...

I agree that I would be just as happy to see 15 million pumped in to improve food services, landscaping, and other general improvements.

Or we can just bulldoze anything other than rides at the park and just build a massive web of coasters... wheeee! ;)

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

djDaemon's avatar

Kyle2154 said:
@Jugga, I don't want a hot dog 30 seconds quicker more than I want a coaster. I wouldn't be suprised if a majority of people would agree with that if given a survey.

That would be a poor bet, given that that line of thought has not been working in the last decade.

@DJ: Didn't they just throw millions of dollars at hotel breakers, totally remodeling it?

I don't think so. Did they? The reviews at TripAdvisor indicate otherwise.

They can't do everything at once, believe it or not, that would cost a lot of money.

Spending $25 million on the resorts would accomplish quite a lot, I'd bet.

And I think Cedar Fair is the company that was researching free drinks, so they're out there researching the very things we think they should do.

No, I believe it was Busch Tampa that just integrated free drinks and food into their gate price.

Last edited by djDaemon,


djDaemon's avatar

Regarding the hotel aspect...

According to this (and adjusting for inflation, of course), CP could build an "upscale" hotel with an indoor water park for about $75,000/room. That means $25 million gets you over 300 rooms of brand new hotel goodness. That's pretty impressive, and has a better ROI than any coaster, I'd bet.


Kyle2154's avatar

And we all know how accurate your bets can be.

So, if you had your way though, in all seriousness, when would you build the next coaster?

Last edited by Kyle2154,
deeganator's avatar

Ok... here's my point of view... I am an occasional visitor rather than an enthusiast, as in my last visit before this year was 3 years ago.

New rides/coasters are what entice me to actually come to the park again. Last I went was when Maverick was built. Last fall I was following all of the "what's new for 2010" buzz and ended up coming back this year with hopes to ride the new ride (since I figured it'd be open by late June.... it ended up opening the day AFTER I left, boo!)

However, the main reason I returned this year was because there was a pretty dang good discount for returning visitors to stay at the resorts.

So... new rides and good discounts get me to make the trek up to the Point, and I always have a blast regardless.

As much as I'd love an update of theming on rides (or add some!), an overhaul of the food/decreased prices, and air conditioning that works in the Breakers lobby... those things wouldn't make me decide to return. A new ride would, or a hefty discount on my room/tickets.

Kyle2154's avatar

100% agree. A lot of people get confused and don't realize that just because they are a radical enthusiast that goes there all the time and wants a cheap cheese burger, that they are the minority. People are driving from hours a way, even days away, not for cheap burgers or even a boardwalk on lake erie, believe it or not, they're coming for the rides.

crazy horse's avatar

While I do agree that it's the coasters that bring people to cedarpoint, I have to say that it's the bad food and bad food/ drink prices and service, that will make people bring there own food and drink when they return.

The park needs that money from food and beverage to get that next big coaster. The problem is, the food and prices at the park suck. Even the soda at six flags is $1 cheaper. The food is horrid, and prices for that horrid food are out of control. So not as many people are buying the food and drink.

So if that's the case(and it is now), I believe that they need to do an entire overhall of the foods division. It's something that is long overdue.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

JuggaLotus's avatar

And I've gone from being a season pass holder who would spend at least 2 weekends at LHP a year, plus trips to other parks in the chain and buy most of my meals in the park.

And now, I'll go 1 weekend a year and stay off point and go off point for food. All because the feeling of value has decreased.

Trust me, I'm not the only one.

And between those two groups, which one is costing the park more money? The one who comes once every couple years to ride rides and buys little more than admission, or the ones who would come every year and drop major bucks on lodging and food during their stay?

Those are lots of lost dollars.

Goodbye MrScott


Jason Hammond's avatar

djDaemon said:
No, I believe it was Busch Tampa that just integrated free drinks and food into their gate price.

I believe that is for an online purchase only. And if your already buying tickets online, that's $10 above what you can get the tickets for. It's still a good deal though.

Last edited by Jason Hammond,

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Kyle2154's avatar

Juggs, I'm disappointed you would even say that, we pass holders are outnumbered a lot. 100 to 1? 1000 to 1? Even if I spend $3,000 this year on Cedar Fair products, I'm nothing compared to the 1,000 people spending $80 each on their annual trip.

We worry more about the food because we are there all the time. You don't see people going "I'm coming next weekend how much is the hot dog at the stand by gemini?" you hear them asking questions like "What's the best game plan to make sure I ride everything!!!!" Just because you relate to it more doesn't mean everyone relates to it more.

Last edited by Kyle2154,
Jason Hammond's avatar

Last I remember, per-cap was around $40 not $80.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Kyle2154's avatar

Ticket plus in park spending.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Kyle2154 said:
Juggs, I'm disappointed you would even say that, we pass holders are outnumbered a lot. 100 to 1? 1000 to 1? Even if I spend $3,000 this year on Cedar Fair products, I'm nothing compared to the 1,000 people spending $80 each on their annual trip.

We worry more about the food because we are there all the time. You don't see people going "I'm coming next weekend how much is the hot dog at the stand by gemini?" you hear them asking questions like "What's the best game plan to make sure I ride everything!!!!" Just because you relate to it more doesn't mean everyone relates to it more.

The point wasn't that I gave up my season pass, the point was that I went from spending multiple weekends a year (at several hundred for lodging + however much more for food) to one weekend per year where I spend as close to as possible to $0 at the park.

I realize that pass holders are completely outnumbered by the number of regular admission buyers.

But how many of them are saying screw it to staying multiple days, and only staying one day because of the insane room value? How many of them are bringing food with them and going to the car to eat instead of buying their meals there? Remember, these are people who would buy multiple single day tickets, stay on point in resorts and eat 2-3 meals (plus snacks) at the park.

The people who have been coming every year, are most certainly changing their patterns in response to the decreased value in food and lodging.

Jason - that's just scary. I'd always assumed per cap was AFTER admission, not including it. And if I read that right, per cap spending is actually LESS than the non-discounted price to get in the park. That sounds like the park has a very big perceived value issue.

Goodbye MrScott


Kyle2154's avatar

The food covo about quality/pricing could go round and round. I still maintain that it is more likely the dip in the economy causing the issues than everyone having an epiphone at the same time. We get stuck with high prices for beer and cheap hot dogs everywhere, ball games, concerts, movie theatres, amusement parks, everywhere. And the fact that we are stuck at the park longer is all the more reason to charge more.

I would like to see in the K1 where per cap includes admission. I suppose it's possible, but seems pretty low.

EDIT - I see that is a quote from the companies 10k, very interesting. Includes parking too? So the average person is spending what? $10 on parking, $25 on a ticket, and $5 in the park? Doesn't really change anything though, it's either up over time, or down.

Last edited by Kyle2154,
Jason Hammond's avatar

You have to remember that group outings are included in there, as well as season passes. I bought my pass for $140 and have already been to the park on 10 separate days. So My admission plus parking is already down to $14 per visit. By the end of the year my average cost of admission plus parking will be around $10 per visit.

I buy food during almost every trip to the park. I don't feel like packing a lunch or going back into town to get something. I had the new Bosco Stick on my last visit. The price of $6 seemed high until I realized there were 2 sticks in the bag. They were pretty good too. I'm still disappointed they didn't have the apple or original flavor for sale. At this point, I believe I have tried all the new food this year at least once.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

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