Mystery Construction

Do you think it would be possible to finish the construction on snake river falls for its birthday? It would probably be cheaper to add a mountain to the ride rather than clean and paint the structure. It has to look nice next to the new ride.

Jason Hammond's avatar

Jeff said:
Are you kidding me?

I guess I was misinformed. Though I doubt everyone gets that many messages everyday. I can't really form an accurate opinion on the matter as I have texting disabled on my phone and I really don't use twitter. I was just recycling the opinion of a friend.

Last edited by Jason Hammond,

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

JuggaLotus's avatar

What's the point of a cell phone if you have texting disabled? That's just a waste.

Goodbye MrScott


Jason Hammond's avatar

What's the point of texting when you can actually call and talk to someone. I have no use for texting.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

Jason Hammond's avatar

T said:
You know they added that little energy station in front of Gemini. Maybe Whyte Lightning is CP's new energy drink?

Not that it changes anything. And, I could be wrong. But, it wasn't originally built for the energy station. I believe it was originally used by the time share people last year.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

T's avatar

Jason, I completely agree. I just don't understand the whole texting thing. I have friends whose kids won't answer the phone if someone calls but as soon as they get a text they reply.

Texting is only good to leave a message but not for constant communication.

My son and my mother-n-law were involved in an accident last year because of a young kid texting while driving. My son and mother-n-law were ok as she was able to steer away from him but infortunately for the kid texting he lost his life. Car Insurance companies should be able to raise the insurance premiums do to most teenage and young 20 year olds who think they should be able to drive and text.

Sorry about the ramblings but I have no care for texting. Kids these days do not know how to communicate or go out and have a social life.

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djDaemon's avatar

Like most things, texting is what you make it, and won't be ideal for everyone.

And as for the kid who died... well, that's Darwinism at work. :)


T's avatar

DJ, I couldn't agree more.

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JuggaLotus's avatar

T said:
Car Insurance companies should be able to raise the insurance premiums do to most teenage and young 20 year olds who think they should be able to drive and text.

Drivers in that age range already pay through the nose for coverage, for exactly that reason, they have yet to understand the responsibility they've been given.

Goodbye MrScott


T's avatar

Like I said guys sorry about the ramblings. Its just that I could have possibly lost my son because of someones careless mistake of driving and texting. I was at the accident 5 minutes after it happened and I saw that young kid laying on the ground grasping for life. It kind of makes you look at things a litttle differently.

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djDaemon's avatar

I would argue, though, that kids today are better at communication overall than we were.



(What does this have to do with the topic?)

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality."

-Walt Disney

Jason Hammond's avatar

I believe this all started with someone complaining about Cedar Point using Twitter instead of just posting the information on their blog. It snowballed from there.

884 Coasters, 35 States, 7 Countries My YouTube

^^ Nothing, but what's the point in discussing something we'll be finding out all of the info we want in 1 day, 19.5 hours?

Last edited by @webber,

Yet, I was reading an article in the last few weeks that said that its becoming more and more common for highly educated corporate adults to be texting while driving. More often than not, their jobs have become 24/7 and if its about making a bid to multiple companies, getting information to a CEO, or anything else of that matter, they have to respond with texts, or go on the internet to check e-mail, or check a pdf that was just forwarded, they have to do it in a timely manner no matter where they're at, what they're doing, or they could lose their jobs. Corporate America at its best.

T's avatar

It started because of me. I apologize for the distruption.

Please continue on your speculation.

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the ffej man said:
Do you think it would be possible to finish the construction on snake river falls for its birthday? It would probably be cheaper to add a mountain to the ride rather than clean and paint the structure. It has to look nice next to the new ride.

I always had a hard time picturing what SRF would have looked like had the mountain been built around it. However, last year I was in Las Vegas and walked through the Circus Circus amusement area. They have a ride similar to SRF except they built a mountain around the ride structure. I think it looks great.

Kevinj's avatar

I would argue, though, that kids today are better at communication overall than we were.

As long as you don't include speech and writing skills (not texting/internet shorthand) in your definition of communication.

Promoter of fog.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Kevin - good point. This board is an excellent example of how people no longer put any effort into properly structuring a statement, or even basic capitalization and punctuation. They think that because its a computer, that stuff doesn't matter or that its not important.

Goodbye MrScott


New for 2010 at Cedar Point: Texting While Driving...

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