Mystery Construction

djDaemon's avatar

Norman Sted said:
guess you didn't read my whole post? I said like MF, meaning I'd like to see another.

What would be the point of that? The last thing CP needs is duplicate coasters.

Last edited by djDaemon,


djDaemon said:
Or the shiny new red one?

Same to this post. I said another like MF and Maverick. Instead of those chessy others was reffering to those small circular Intiman designs that are on their websire.

djDaemon's avatar

Uh, what? What's "chessy", and what type of Intamin coaster does CP not already have?


djDaemon said:

Norman Sted said:
guess you didn't read my whole post? I said like MF, meaning I'd like to see another.

What would be the point of that? The last thing CP needs is duplicate coasters.

Is MF and Maverick a duplicate? Different ride elements make a ride different. Just because the track came from the same manufacture doesn't make it a duplicate.

djDaemon's avatar

Norman, its not necessary to quote a post that's right above or near yours.

And I didn't mean that Maverick duplicates MF, but that CP already has most of Intamin's catalog represented. What else do they need?


T's avatar

I know its not going to happen but I think a floorless would have been great in that area of the park. Going over the water to the island and back in Frontier Trail. I enjoyed the floorless at GL.

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djDaemon said:
Uh, what? What's "chessy", and what type of Intamin coaster does CP not already have?

This was posted before. I would call this chessy. This is one Intamin roller coaster that I would not like to see. There are a few variations of it on their website.

JuggaLotus's avatar

djdaemon said:

And I didn't mean that Maverick duplicates MF, but that CP already has most of Intamin's catalog represented. What else do they need?

Intamin Flume Ride?

Last edited by JuggaLotus,

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

Yeah, but a floorless isn't a ride type, per se. Its just a B&M with a funny train. And CP already has two B&M's, one of which is all they need. :)

Hmm... interesting idea, John. You just might be on to something...

Last edited by djDaemon,


Walt's avatar

Norman Sted said:
Why would Cedar Fair go "balls out" for the other two announcements

Because Cedar Fair isn't doing the marketing, but rather each individual park. Sure, there's corporate oversight, but each marketing department does their own thing. Now, with the two other rides having similar themes, there was no doubt coordination. But you can't read anything into how Cedar Point announces in comparison.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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does any body else think it sounds like multiple projects will be announced thursday even if its just some new paint on rartor or something

i feel the same way T but im sure we'll enjoy our new flume

T's avatar

DJ I will agree. Only one of the B&M's is what we need. I was just saying that it would be kinda exciting being on a floorless through that part of the park.

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I am guessing that the events for the other two parks had more to do with the fact that their was another party involved in the deal. DEI probably wanted as much press as possible. They did send people to the parks to speak for the announcements.

But I still think we are getting a flume.

DENBEAR's avatar

I had a thought ... Maybe this 2010 ride is one of 2 rides going on the Island ..
1 this year and another for 2011. Lighting Strikes TwYce . 2 separate rides around the same theming of Whyte lighting.. Maybe.. Cant wait till thursday

T's avatar

You know they added that little energy station in front of Gemini. Maybe Whyte Lightning is CP's new energy drink?

Tony did ask if anyone wanted some Whyte Lightning.

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Jeff's avatar

Jason Hammond said:
Twitter, though it is viewable through the intertoobs, is really meant to be followed on your phone via text messages.

Are you kidding me? I'd get hundreds, if not thousands, of messages every day. Twitter is very nearly useless in that medium. You need a good client app (like Tweetdeck on the desktop or iPhone) to really make effective use of it.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Yeah how many rollercoasters has Cedar Point made and actual website/domain for? is its own thing and not part of Cedar Points website. This tells me its not going to be anything real small. Creating internet buzz is alot of times the first stage of a marketing campaign, and if this is something really big, look for a much more public display of marketing coming very soon.

djDaemon said:
Yeah, but a floorless isn't a ride type, per se. Its just a B&M with a funny train. And CP already has two B&M's, one of which is all they need. :)

Hmm... interesting idea, John. You just might be on to something...

I couldn't agree more with djDaemon. Floorless coasters are the most overrated coasters today. The floorless train is more of a gimmick than anything. It hardly feels any different than riding in a B&M hyper train. SFMM put up a Floorless called Scream a few years ago just to boost their coaster count and it's nothing more than meh. I think CP puts a little more thought into there rides instead of adding a new coaster just for the count.

Last edited by buckeyeminister,
DENBEAR's avatar

T said:
You know they added that little energy station in front of Gemini. Maybe Whyte Lightning is CP's new energy drink?

Tony did ask if anyone wanted some Whyte Lightning.

Why didn't I think of that.. A energy drink that ties in with the ride.. Lighting Strikes TwYce ... Great Idea !

Neglegence's avatar

Lightning strikes twice... You know PT gives two ride experiences on one ride. What about a flume that gives you two ride experience?

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