Millennium Force Cable Issue

We were at the park all day Sunday and yesterday until 5. A huge thanks to everyone for getting it up and running yesterday, it really made our trip and day after all the early rain! We saw it test running around 2:15 and headed over and managed to get in 3 rides before having to leave. :)

Four rides this morning! No problems!



That is all I have to say.



This is really good news to hear. Even though I haven't been there in a week, I still was worried about Millennium Force. Great Job to the Maintenance department!

Millie_Freak_0329's avatar

Just to take some credit, that picture that was first put on was taken by me (:

"You are NOT going back to your friends in line. I will be monitoring you VERY closely!"
-remember, line jumping is NOT a sport!!-

Millie_Freak_0329's avatar

Rapids 77-78 said:
Josh: Good pic of the channel the catch car rides under. Question is how far down the hill this channel runs. If it ends well before the stopping point on the far side of the hill for the car, then it could simply have run out the channel and doubled over on itself. That channel looks pretty beefy, so my guess (ain't speculating fun!) is that that is still in place.

The catch stops just a little bit down the drop, but the channel holding it goes down a longer way. From the research I have done, (and my opinion really doesn't matter because I know little about the mechanics of coasters) there may not be something at the bottom of the channel where it just turns into track.

Sorry I posted so late. I know the ride is up and I am looking forward to riding it again on Monday.

"You are NOT going back to your friends in line. I will be monitoring you VERY closely!"
-remember, line jumping is NOT a sport!!-

I would just like to add that a friend of mine was just on Millie And thay got stuck on the first hill somewhere in the middle.Thay were up there for a good 45 min and this just happend 2 days after thay announced that the ride was open.
Dose any one have a clue what could have happend?

Millie_Freak_0329's avatar

well, they did just put the catch back in. it could just be acting weird its first days of running. who knows. (:

"You are NOT going back to your friends in line. I will be monitoring you VERY closely!"
-remember, line jumping is NOT a sport!!-

I see the Millennium Force is stuck on the lift hill again.

It's gone now. Usually during the night they do leave a train on the hill.

Sorry I should of known that

Jeff's avatar

That's not correct. They don't park trains on the lift over night.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Josh M.'s avatar

Typically one or more of the trains are transferred off onto the transfer track each night. Jeff is right, it is not normal for a train to be on the lift all night. Nothing about that makes any sense....

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

That would cause a lot of stress on the cable. Thats what transfer track is for.

Let's Get Weird.

Jeff's avatar

No it wouldn't stress the cable. If the train isn't moving, it's likely sitting on its anti-rollbacks. Which still doesn't matter since they don't park trains there overnight.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Millie_Freak_0329's avatar

Well, I rode yesterday three times and it was great. They had it running smoothly all day from what I saw.

"You are NOT going back to your friends in line. I will be monitoring you VERY closely!"
-remember, line jumping is NOT a sport!!-

Is it possible when they seen the train "stuck" on the lift hill, they were just stopping it on the hill on purpose to transfer more trains back on the track? The time frame between posts is only 1 hr. Don't know much about that sort of thing, correct me if I am wrong it just seems logical to me.

Jeff's avatar

There's no reason to park a train on the lift when transferring on and off, because you have trains in unload and standby behind that. As far as I'm aware, they only park trains on the lift when they do a block test.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Well that was the point I was trying to make is it does not have to be broke to be stopped on the lift hill. It seems people post something everyday about how it broke down again, I just think it is paranoia after what happened a few weeks ago.

The ride ops can and will stop the train on the lift if they spot a camera. That's about a 20 min delay if you're in line.


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