Millennium Force Cable Issue

After watching the fun cam for a minute or two, MF did make a complete circuit one time in the same time Dragster launched 4 times. Seems like the tables have turned on those two rides, at least for today haha.

I did say MF would be fixed by Sunday. I guess I was off by one day. Sorry everyone ;)

Last edited by Dr. Vanostran,

My friend just called me from the park, she was standing at the CP LE railroad crossing watching MF test run it's empty trains. People were at the line entrance as the ride op got on the PA and I could hear him announce that it's still down for mechanical reasons. He said it like 5 times.....She said no one was on it and it's been testing for a while. So soon, she'll maybe ride it later!

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

By looking at the fun cam it looks like empty cars are still testing...

Testing would mean that the major problem has been fixed. Certainly they will test it to make sure everything will be business as usual.

Well all I know is that on Cedar Point's Twitter they said that MF is fixed.

Disaster Transport 2012

OnPoint made a blog saying Millennium is open! No new date for Millennium ERT yet..

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Clear For dispatch...enjoy your ride...

Last edited by OKSIRYDOC,

Phew!!! that was a tough one. thr duct tape came in handy!!Thanks realmadrid311. Got er all ready to go again! We'll see y'all Saturday!!

Last edited by the ffej man,

I wonder if anyone could get pictures of the first hill to see what they did with those red pieces?


Hoping to one day build these great machines that we affectionatly call "Coasters"

So I take it Millennium Force is running now?

Running but as far as we know, no riders yet.

Disaster Transport 2012

It seems so strange that they'd post on their blog that the ride was open if there aren't any riders yet. However, in the time that I've been able to watch the cams, I haven't seen any riders in the runs I've witnessed. I assume there are riders currently though.

It does seem like they're running cars less often than normal.

I managed to catch this on the Funcam

Last edited by StrataCoasters,

Disaster Transport 2012

I was watching the register cam earlier and trains were leaving about 2 min apart. On their website they said they are working on re-scheduling the ERT and are taking suggestions. It would be sweet if they did it on 6-18 the same night as Maverick.

Millie started out the day with ERT, but sometime I believe around 10 or 11 a train full of people got stuck on the lift hill for about 45 minutes to an hour. During this time it was pouring cats and dogs, cold and windy, and even lightninged a few times. They eventually got the train to make it over the hill running the cable manually, and they were able to safely return, albeit needing a change of clothes at the exit.

Later on they reopened the ride and once again a train e-stopped on the lfit hill in nearly the same spot. This one was able to get over in quicker fashion. Me and a friend were sitting at TTD hopnig to get an after rain run in, but gave up and had lunch. Upon returning, we decided to walk by Millie, and only 1 or 2 were hanging out by the entrance, but then I walked by and saw they were finally preparing for a test run. Sure enough they were, and we rushed back to the Millie entrance. Apparently everyone else had the same idea, as the line wrapped far down Fronteir Trail. They ran a lot of test runs, probably 90 minutes worth before the finally opened it again.

For those who wonder, my first ride was amazing, it really is one of the best. I managed to get back in for a 2nd run within 15 minutes, and it was jsut as great. We looked over later in the afternoon and it was still running well.

Thanks go out to the hard worknig staff for getting this ride fixed in a very timely fashion. They spent every hour of the day trying to get Millie back, and it was well worth the wait for many of us.

Nice update, thanks. Glad to hear there are indeed riders on there.

They worked on Millennium ALL day Sunday (May 31st) when I went. We were hoping it'd open toward the end of the day, but they didn't do a single test run the whole day. I'm glad its running now though. Can't wait for next week to go again :)

So stoked for 2010 :]


I'm glad it is finally running again for two reasons. 1. I'm making a 10 hour trip from MO in less than 2 weeks, 2. It is one of, if not the best rides out there and everyone deserves to ride it. Congrats to CP for getting it up and running so quickly.

Dandmcd said "They ran a lot of test runs, probably 90 minutes worth before the finally opened it again."

You still waited an hour and a half to ride.

Rapids 77-78's avatar

My hats off to the maintenance crew that turned this around in such a short period of time. It certainly looked daunting when it first showed up on this forum. Job well done!

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