Millennium Force Cable Issue

Josh M.'s avatar

Hey everyone. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think something may have happened with MF's cable this morning. I saw a facebook update from a friend who is in the park saying: "Millenium's chain flew off the drop!!! Its hanging on the hill!". Bear in mind this person is not an enthusiast, so forgive her "coaster-speak". Regardless I went to the FunCam and it does look like something has happened. I took this snapshot from the cam (if it works) It is obvious that something is hanging down the drop. I moved the camera around to make sure it wasn't some speck or artifact on the camera, but it was not. Anyone have any more info?

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

Jason Hammond's avatar

If this is true, it would be an unfortunate coincidence that tonight was supposed to be Platinum Pass ERT on MF.

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Josh M.'s avatar

Yeah, like I said, since all I have right now is a blurry cam pic, and a random facebook status update, I'm not saying much. But if something did happen, it's very surprising to me since I heard they replaced the cable this year...

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

I just spoke with Park Operations, and they have confirmed that MF "is down for mechanical reasons and will not open today."

I'm too sexy for my harness!

Cedar Point's Facebook page just changed the ERT tonight to Dragster / Maggie ERT instead of Millie.

I was wondering if something was up, I guess this confirms it. I'm glad I got some rides in a week ago.


Hoping to one day build these great machines that we affectionatly call "Coasters"

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Crap I guess no Mille for me tomorrow. Oh well, more time for Magnum! :)

Let's Get Weird.

Kyurthich's avatar

Well that kind of sucks.

I will still be making the trip tonight though. So heres hoping nothing else breaks.

Bummer. I was looking forward to TTD ride night in July. I won't be able to make it to the park tonight instead.

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Josh M.'s avatar

I genuinely hope they keep the TTD/Mag night in July as well. I was considering going out to the park for that, but have no way to get over there tonight. I hope that CP will reschedule MF for another Thursday during the season, and leave the rest of the ride nights untouched.

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

Kevinj's avatar

Someone mentioned seeing crane on the cam in this direction; this probably had something to do with it, perhaps.

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Kyurthich's avatar

I agree Josh, that is what they should do.

Possibly even run all three coaster on the night in July? Maybe make it an hour an a half.

Or if they could have Millennium Force fixed by next Thursday. Just make the ride night next week.

Josh M.'s avatar

A quick update. My friend in the park just sent me this picture. Looks like it might be the catch car as opposed to the cable? Yikes....

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

Phantom 1898's avatar

See what happens when the try to run the green train.......

^Isnt the catch car attached to the cable? So wouldnt it stand to suspect that if the cable broke close to the catch car that could happen.

Hope its up for Coastermania.

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

Wow. That indeed looks like the catch car. If it was damaged MF could be down for a while.


OKSIRYDOC's avatar

Phantom that made my day I wonder how that happened. Oh and Phantom GO PENS!

Last edited by OKSIRYDOC,
Dvo's avatar

Poor Millie. I'm very glad I didn't make the trip up there for the ERT night. Hopefully they'll have it up and running by Coaster Mania.

384 MF laps
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OKSIRYDOC's avatar

I wonder how much the catch car was damaged. If it needs a new one this could be awhile, because chances are they don't have an extra Millennium force catch car laying around.

What is a catch car?

OKSIRYDOC's avatar

In simple terms its the part of the cable that hooks on to the car to take it up the hill.

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