Mean Streak?

I would love to see Millennium Fliers on the beast with maybe the Ghostrider treatment, getting rid of most or all of the trims in the process.

CP Top 5: 1) Steel Vengeance 2) Maverick 3) Magnum 4) Raptor 5) Millennium

thedevariouseffect's avatar

I love how you just went over there & did that on KIC. I just got a good chuckle out of that. Ah how I'd love to post my response alone, but ah well. I'll silently watch, but know, you get two thumbs up from me

Very Nice!

Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011

Yeah, I lierally made an account over there just to see what would happen. So far it seems that people are doing just as was said and defending their ideal that The Beast is perfect in every way.

CP Top 5: 1) Steel Vengeance 2) Maverick 3) Magnum 4) Raptor 5) Millennium

thedevariouseffect's avatar

That'll be the case. I do disagree with you a tad on Maggie. It is a bit rougher but I think the reason I don't see it as bad as there are some Arrows that have aged alot worse than it, so I don't view it as that bad. I totally understand your point, not discrediting it, but I do enjoy Maggie quite a bit, especially in 1-3, the final hills are still some of my favorite on any coaster. It's not my absolute favorite coaster ever, but it's quite fun.

Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011

Yeah, I was mainly pointing out how overhyped it is by enthusiasts as being the "greatest ride ever" as I've heard some call it.

CP Top 5: 1) Steel Vengeance 2) Maverick 3) Magnum 4) Raptor 5) Millennium

CoasterKyle1121's avatar

Someone over on KIC is accusing thedevariouseffect of trolling around and is actually BeastGal. (A person who is trolling in case you don't know). :)

Last edited by CoasterKyle1121,

1999: First visit
Halloweekends- Harvest Fear, Tombstone Terror-Tory
Ride Operations- Professor Delbert’s Frontier Fling

thedevariouseffect's avatar

Actually that's not me. I do have one account I use to watch the forums and see what's happening in the park & whatnot, but it doesn't post really. Last post it made 2015 maybe?

I do find it funny that I'm used as a scapegoat there...I mean I never trolled that forum, even after I was removed. I may have riled feathers, I'll agree there, but never just to straight up put someone in a huge fit. Just heated typical enthusiast discussion about things, no different than how this place gets in the winter.

It's a whatever, they think I'm this terrible person for not agreeing with someone at the park over some events that transpired, and that's fine, I have my understanding and how I view it, they have theirs. Life is life. I do feel bad that someone was discredited because they thought it was me. I'm even a bit upset that they thought that was me, I'd never say the BS that came out of this guy (or gals) mouth lmao. They're so dead wrong and whatnot that it's actually kinda pathetic. Plus the person that accused them should know me better, but it's whatever.

That's one of the reasons I stick here. People can say bad things about the park or post things and as long as it's not so far fetched or crazy damaging, it all just stays here and no one goes ballistic. We disagree, we bicker, we don't like everything the park does, but we all move on. We go, work, and ride rides. Life moves on.

Over there, if you disagree with the park, don't comply with how the park wants things, or don't fit in well, how dare :P

I mean hell, if Beast got torn down and replaced with something better, they'd be in uproar. It'd be a very bold move and alienate a lot, but I'm not going to catastrophically implode. Most there would haha

Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011

I probably would, too. The Beast is the primary reason I drive 4hrs to KI.

CoasterKyle1121's avatar

I just recently made an account over at KIC (maybe a month or less ago), and have only ever posted in the decoding thread, and I can already tell that it's very uptight there. The place is so overly active with people who get offended over every disagreement and who just rant on about conversations irrelevant with the topic that would not be tolerated here. Luckily there's a handful of people who actually know what they're talking about that keeps me interested.

1999: First visit
Halloweekends- Harvest Fear, Tombstone Terror-Tory
Ride Operations- Professor Delbert’s Frontier Fling

I tried participating a couple years ago. It didn't last long.

Pete's avatar

I don't get all of the love for The Beast. It's long, it goes fast, but the layout is no more interesting than Mean Streak.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Lowkae's avatar

While the Beast is one of my favorites rides, I can understand why people wouldn't care for it. Its layout is very unorthodox, with an extended section that stays low to the ground and avoids actual hills in favor of turns and a gradual decline into ravines. It does have traditional elements to an extent, mainly being the first few hills until the long brake shed, and of course and final banked drop into the helix.

While I've agreed with people for a long time that the ride is fine as it is, I've traveled to many other parks in recent years that have changed my opinions. Here's my fantasy of list of changes (because why not) that I feel would improve the ride while not changing its spirit:

  • Either modify the trains or replace them with something newer. PTC trains haven't been made with headrests since the early 2000s. Ideally I'd like to see them restored back to buzz bars, although keep the seat dividers as the ride does have some laterals. Phoenix's trains come to mind as ideal. However, this is at a chain park, and almost none of the wooden coasters at Cedar Fair parks have buzz parks anymore (High Roller at Valleyfair! received new trains this year).
  • Maybe steepen the drop a little and keep the transitions into and out of it tight so you get a good kick of airtime like the Raven at Holiday World (which is ironically based off of the Beast).
  • Make the fake stone above the first tunnel flush with the ground (nitpick).
  • Get GCI or whoever to redo the turn after the first tunnel.
  • Shorten the long brake shed substantially by adding a third drop to ground level that rises up into the shortened brake shed.
  • Ditch all the trims except for maybe a small one in the brake shed, as I feel without any trims at all the portion leading up to the 2nd lift hill might be too fast. The 2nd drop (The 60 ft one or so into the ravine after the first tunnel) should have excellent airtime now. The low to the ground sections should have much stronger laterals now for those who say it's boring.
  • For the portion before the 2nd lift, narrow the access road and plant trees/shrubbery. Remove the fences here and to increase the sensation of speed and the "lost in the woods feeling."
  • Keep the helix the same, besides removing the trim going into it.
  • Have GCI rebuild it Ghostrider style and get rid of the weird bouncing feeling in the back seats.

Of course, the ride doesn't really need this. Based on the line length and most people's opinions, its fine as it is. I just feel the idea behind the ride isn't fully realized, as the trims remove many of the would-be forces on the traditional portions of the ride, and the whole safety-focused philosophy of chains these days has resulted in the trains and the new fences...

CoasterCam's avatar

I'm not a KIC member but I kept up with their forums through the entire construction of Banshee. I definitely agree that they are very uptight. I had to laugh at how ridiculous it got at times. Another forum that I have to laugh at quite often is Theme Park Review. I visit the site because they post some great pictures but I can't stand Robb Alvey. He basically kicks you off just for disagreeing with him and he is often a major jerk. Not to mention the stupid inside jokes that never stop.

Last edited by CoasterCam,

2018- Raptor

CP Top 5- 1)MF 2) Maverick 3) Gatekeeper 4) Top Thrill Dragster 5) Raptor

Apparently KIC thinks The Beast is the perfect example of a wooden coaster and think many of the the changes I have suggested (taking out trims, reprofiling, added hill instead of tunnel thing after drop into ravine, smoother entrance into helix) are a waste of time and would make it something other than the beast and think it would be terrible and all that. The few examples they did like (millennium fliers and GCI retrack like Ghostrider) are still kind of met with skepticism. I guess they can't be willing to accept change for the better on a ride that could be way better than it is...

CoasterKyle1121's avatar

No trims would be great. Who in their right mind would support trims on anything?

1999: First visit
Halloweekends- Harvest Fear, Tombstone Terror-Tory
Ride Operations- Professor Delbert’s Frontier Fling

thedevariouseffect's avatar

Yup, I ran into that alot. I was actually the one who did the POV comparison, and it's not entirely noticable, but there was a difference. I'd have to really dig to find that thread.

Like I said:

--Beast is great for nostalgia and it's history for the park, that's pretty sweet and worth something. However, the ride is bland. In the beginning of the year it's fun for a few times. Then only night rides are fun. Afterwards it's really actually boring as hell to me and I only ride for the sake of riding with friends. If they improved it or worked on some things, I'm very open to the idea.

--However, you have places like KIC that won't accept any change and you have to think similarly to get along there. If you don't, well, how dare lol.

Which again, here, we have discussions, we disagree sometimes, even on moral levels, but we're still cool at the end of the day and go on to discuss the next topic. Which is why Pointbuzz is way better to me lol

Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011

I agree on your points exactly there, devarious, and I'm thankful to Jeff and Walt for making such a great site. Now if only my posting glitch on Coasterbuzz wasn't there...

CP Top 5: 1) Steel Vengeance 2) Maverick 3) Magnum 4) Raptor 5) Millennium

CPNostalgia's avatar

What's KCI?

Burritos, Inspiration Point, Fork Balloon Sports, Cards in the Spokes, Automatic Biographies, Kites, Kung Fu, Trophies, Banana Peels We've Slipped On and Egg Shells We've Tippy Toed Over

malem's avatar

Go Intamin said:

Apparently KIC thinks The Beast is the perfect example of a wooden coaster and think many of the the changes I have suggested (taking out trims, reprofiling, added hill instead of tunnel thing after drop into ravine, smoother entrance into helix) are a waste of time and would make it something other than the beast and think it would be terrible and all that.

Fans of Kings Island, myself included, tend to enjoy The Beast. No surprise there.

Change isn't resisted because The Beast is the pinnacle of wood coasters, but because it's a classic the way it is. There's something to be said about a generation enjoying the same ride their parents did (and, in many cases, still do). As long as it still packs in the crowds (as it's doing almost 40 years later), I don't see major changes happening.

thedevariouseffect said:

However, you have places like KIC that won't accept any change and you have to think similarly to get along there.

Most people here & there tend to respect differences in opinion. When moderators don't moderate as often as they should, those that don't tend to overrun the conversation.

When someone is known to have used multiple accounts in the past, it's no surprise that this person is quick to be suspected when another sockpuppet-esque account appears.

Last edited by malem,
CoasterKyle1121's avatar

CPNostalgia said:
What's KCI?

Kings Island Central. It's a Kings Island forum.

And to add another reason why I like Pointbuzz significantly better is because this is the easiest and most simplest forum I've seen. The second I joined, it was so easy to understand everything. In KIC, the "edit" and "quote/ multi quote" buttons are invisible for me. If I want to edit my post, I have to guess where the buttons are and often time it screws me up. I would end up quoting myself for no reason, just because I clicked the wrong invisible button. And I also can't figure out how to delete posts. I don't know, I'm just glad that Pointbuzz is set up the way it is.

1999: First visit
Halloweekends- Harvest Fear, Tombstone Terror-Tory
Ride Operations- Professor Delbert’s Frontier Fling

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