Maverick Trains

^We're all praying for that! :)

There are 2 types of computer users in the world; those that back up often, and those that have never had a hard drive fail.

TTD 120mph's avatar

^^Ditto!......especially after my Storm Runner ride.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

halltd said:
Wonder if that's the brass or gold train?

i think its the either iron/black or gold train

My Name is Sue, How do You Now You Gonna Die!

Maverick Rides-3
Trips to the point in 2007-2

Ride On Maverick, Ride On!

Ouch, looks like it'll hurt if theres any headbanging...

But it looks pretty awesome. I really love the look of intamin trains.

Just keep your head firmly against the headrest and everything should be alright lol. The trick track area is probably going to be the worst part for head banging.

2008 ATL Blue Streak
2007 Every Ride in the Park
2006 Cedar Point Ride Whore

TTD 120mph's avatar

The trick track area?

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

"A crooked section of track that was made famous in the 1920s by designer Harry Traver."

That's all I could find on "trick track." Looks like The Villian and Shivering Timbers have an example of it, but I'm not sure what it really is.

King Kobra at Kings Island had a perfect example of trick track. Towards the end of the course, the track made a sudden twist to the left, while maintaining a straight, forward direction. It was more painful than fun, however.

Coaster Count: 147

Gomez's avatar

It's hard to find a picture of the element on Shivering Timbers. It's right before the final helix on a low to the ground section under the lift hill. The track is flat, but it throws riders right then left very quickly.

Main difference on Maverick is that Intamin does a very good job and doing its transitions. (See Raptor's last turn for an example of a bad transition)

Worst part of Maverick will be the end for sure. By end I mean the brakerun. ;) *** Edited 12/3/2006 6:02:36 AM UTC by Gomez***

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

Hey, off topic, but I just went to RCDB to see what Kobra looked like when it was up, and I see that it's "In storage" but then there are pics of it scattered in like a coaster graveyard. 1. Why? 2. Where? and 3. Why not sell it instead of letting it rot?

TTD 120mph's avatar

I know what a trick track is, Im just wondering where on Maverick there's a section of trick track.

*** Edited 12/3/2006 4:37:34 PM UTC by TTD 120mph***

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Bootz3456 said:
Just keep your head firmly against the headrest and everything should be alright lol. The trick track area is probably going to be the worst part for head banging.

By definition, there is no trick track on Maverick.

-Lusty Lil

Gomez's avatar

I'm guessing he was talking about the stengal dive, or the turn that goes under the first drop. I wouldn't define it as trick track though.

Watching the animation, the turn transitions are very smooth, trick track is more like getting thrown both directions very quickly. Works better on wooden coasters.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

^^I'm pretty sure there will absolutely no head banging at all on this ride.

Season Pass Holder-2003/2004/2005/2006

Darnit! And I was looking forward to digging out my old Judas Priest tee-shirt.

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crazy horse's avatar


Them otsr's look painful.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Ensign Smith said:
Darnit! And I was looking forward to digging out my old Judas Priest tee-shirt.

worst joke ever.

besides re-electing Bush of course.

Owner, Gould Photography.

Gomez's avatar

^That is a joke. :(

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

crazy horse said:
Them otsr's look painful.

Is it just me, or do the Intamin OTSRs look flimsy? I'm sure they're not, but they've always given me that impression just by looking at them.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |

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