Seems like every time I look the same three views are up. I don't know if they're not changing it or I have lousy timing.
No, they change. Maybe not as frequently as we’d like. I haven’t looked in a few days but I usually land on the first one. Lately it’s pointed at Wild Mouse but I prefer the parking lot shot. The frontier town shot had an interesting view not too long ago where Skyhawk cars would appear and pass by just inside of the frame. It was like peek a boo.
Yes, that Skyhawk view caught my attention. I was going to tell Mrs. jimmyburke to look at it at home while my son & I were there but I forgot.
Hey, where've you been Miss Paisley?
Funny, I just pulled it up to look before I leave and basically the same three views are right back. It's like a have the view nazi working against me. No new views for you!
Looking at webcam #1 this AM, still seeing the same midway view we've seen all year. Remember when Valravn was being built? Not only did we see the old Good Time Theater being razed but also the site work being done for the new coaster. Hell, we even saw Wild Mouse being constructed during the cold months. OnPointTony, if you're reading this, please have someone point the cameras to the Siren's Curse construction area so we can see prep work along w/ the new Perimeter road being built/ re-routed. I for one would love to see this, would anyone else like to see this view? Just curious. Emailing the park this AM. Crossing my fingers.
The webcam watchers have failed us! The cabins on the skyride and giant wheel have been removed. Why weren't we notified?
Too busy getting heated about Live E costumes. But you're telling me the park is closed now, eh?
384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot
Psst. Web Camera 1. Swing due west and point yourself over to the Siren's Curse construction. Pretty please.
I'm patiently waiting for the new toilets for the refurbished restroom to be unloaded from the truck. Does anybody have eyes on any new porcelain on the webcams today?
Sit tight fellas ;) Applebee's fills my belly daily.
Can't wait to be the first rider on 2025's Porcelain Perch! If the Mrs gets tagged by raw cookie dough issues again She'll take a fast pass stall.
Currently at x0, y0, z0
Agreed. Can camera 1 please turn soon to the right so we can enjoy Siren's Curse going up this offseason.
Restroom ref-urb definitely was the reason for last off-season's much ballyhooed routine lagoon maintenance project. Those triangular footers point directly at the drainage area.
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