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Paisley's avatar

Seems like every time I look the same three views are up. I don't know if they're not changing it or I have lousy timing.

No, they change. Maybe not as frequently as we’d like. I haven’t looked in a few days but I usually land on the first one. Lately it’s pointed at Wild Mouse but I prefer the parking lot shot. The frontier town shot had an interesting view not too long ago where Skyhawk cars would appear and pass by just inside of the frame. It was like peek a boo.

Last edited by RCMAC,
jimmyburke's avatar

Yes, that Skyhawk view caught my attention. I was going to tell Mrs. jimmyburke to look at it at home while my son & I were there but I forgot.

Hey, where've you been Miss Paisley?

Paisley's avatar

Funny, I just pulled it up to look before I leave and basically the same three views are right back. It's like a have the view nazi working against me. No new views for you!

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