Live Web Cams

Has anyone else seen the GIANT alien Lk. Erie monster spider eating up the midway from cam 2? ...had the willies for an hour after seeing that thing. Those cameras aren't that big- maybe RideMan can do the math on the probabilities that an exhibitionist spider would park itself in the middle of the lens?

IMO- I think camera 1 is being move some place where the GTT was so we can see the construction of the new ride.

Top Thrill Dragster rollback 2015

Camera 1's location can show all of the GTT area and more since it is a pan/tilt/zoom camera.

Cedar Point guest since 1974

XS NightClub's avatar

The Live Webcams have not been moved in a long time, and webcam 1 is still out of service.

I thinks its great that the live feeds are available on mobile now, but I am wondering why its been so long even for a change of scenery.

Maybe Webcam one is being relocated to the new ride location.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

I saw a new camera where Pagoda is or where one of the old still cameras were. I don't know if this has to do with a project or that they moved the live cam over there.

Camera 3 was pointed on TTD just a couple days ago. Today it was pointed at Rougarou. For the most part they've just been alternating between those two views for that camera. You are correct that Camera 2 rarely moves,

I discovered yesterday that KI put new cameras pointing to Diamondback and Banshee that are like the ones at CP (rather than the still image only ones they used to have).

Last edited by Altor,

Now that CP has its feet wet in doing well run live stream web cams, I am really looking forward to some great views looking down on that new open land as it is developed. as a fan that does not get to visit the park here from Colorado, I almost enjoy the off season viewing more.

Coco's avatar

I really like the view on the slingshot today on the KI cameras! Now I'm just waiting for the MI Adventure live cams ;)

Thabto's avatar

You'll have to wait until another park gets rid of their webcams for MA to get their hand-me-down webcams.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

Colorado. Might that explain the wish for Frontier Lift's return?

Chuck Wagon's avatar

Late night maintenance check of Raptor tonight. Kinda cool to watch them do these inspections...well for maybe a couple minutes anyway. I'm guessing most people have no idea they do this sort of preventative maintenance.

Last edited by Chuck Wagon,

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

Camera 1 is back up. But now, it looks like Camera 3 has gone out.

Last edited by Perpetual Obsession,

Pixelcaster in general is having a rough day. The Kings Island cams are up and down too and right now even the pixelcaster home page is down. It's just their web server...

Looking at the web cams right now, does the park look busy? I don't know why but it seem very busy. Maybe its just me.

It's July. It's always busy.

I mean it doesn't look busy. How often are the large ride lines longer than 2 hours. I'm going tomorrow. What should I expect?

I would expect at least an hour for major rides like TTD, MF, Maverick, GK, etc.

Magnum, Gemini, Mine Ride, etc. should probably be around a half hour.

Contrast now against the end of August—Ohio schools are back in session, and crowds are relatively light. Wait times are hardly a problem. (It couldn't have been more than 15-20 minutes for the front seat of GateKeeper, if I remember right.)

Funny how cam 1 is finally working, but now looks like cam 3 is out of commission!

So you think it will be packed tomorrow? I'm worried that tonights rain will draw crowds tomorrow. Also, do you think I will have to wait 2+ hours? Thanks!

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