Live Web Cams

99er's avatar

Still doesn't beat fish swimming down the Frontier Trail due to flooding back in 2011 :)

Lol, that is crazy!!

So.....back on topic(sort of)...The live web cams are nice, and provide a nice 'virtual visit' for many people. In the past 2 days, on the camera poised at the splash fountain(by Kiddie Kingdom), many crazy things! Yesterday, a person changed a young child's (toddler) clothing and diaper on a bench, in the wide open, with NO regards to other guests, or to the child in their care. News alert..bathrooms with changing table close by. Or there is always the family, stopping with 4 strollers (mid traffic)on Midway. Get off to the side folks, it's safer for everybody, including you. Today, I noticed a more compassionate view. I clicked on camera #2 , and noticed a small crowd by the lower left of the view. I'm assuming a guest had fell ill, in some way, and had issues. I witnessed a few guests stopping and helping(laid him down on bench), staying until the medic cart came & took over. Kudos to them, for being kind enough to be aware, get help & follow through!

Keep passing the fun along!

Silverado09b's avatar

Looks like a nice day at the park, looking at the webcams it looks busy too. Can anyone report how long some the lines are so far today?

Wow--looks like another very rainy day to be at the park.

I'll be surprised if this rainy weather doesn't take a major hit on the park's attendance this year. Granted, I'm not local to Sandusky, but it seems like multiple days every week have been hit with substantial amounts of rain--leaving the midways looking pretty dead on the web cams.

On the bright side, the park must have loosened its operating policies during inclement weather. Sky Ride and Magnum are both operating in fairly heavy rain per the web cams (albeit Magnum with one train), which I never recall, especially Sky Ride, from more recent years.

Thrills Around the Corner!

Coco's avatar

In 2013, I rode Gatekeeper and MaxAir in very heavy rain, despite nearly every other ride in the park shutting down (even Blue Streak was down for weather), that little corner stayed active. We had been waiting awhile for GK and it started raining, and we were already all wet since all our belongings were in a locker. What a great first ride it was. MaxAir was so hilariously painful in the rain too. We had a great time and I appreciated the fact that those few rides remained open. Cool to hear they are keeping a few things open when it's just raining and not storming for those folks who probably unfortunately got all wet and want an adventure. Our family now always packs a full change of clothes in the car just in case after that year of buying expense, ill-fitting CP merch to finish out our day.

Gatekeeper2013's avatar

So I was at Kings Island this past Friday, which was a pretty crappy weather day down there. It rained almost the entire day (pretty hard at some points). Now since I am used to Cedar Point, I was expecting 90% of the park to shut down due to the rain, but to my surprise, everything remained open. While the lines were great, the ride experience was less than pleasant, at least front row of Banshee and Diamondback (unless you covered your face, which by looking at the on ride photos just about every one did). But my question is, why do all their rides remain open in the rain while just about all of Cedar Point's close?

Pete's avatar

I think it depends on if there is lightning in the area and also the type of ride. Yesterday there was just rain without lightning at CP and saw MF and Rougarou running in the rain from the marina, probably a lot of other stuff was running as well.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

TTD 120mph's avatar

I was there yesterday and everything in the back was running. The only things that weren't running (at least until the rain stopped) were Dragster, Gemini, Pipe Scream, Raptor, Blue Streak and Magnum (was on and off all day). Despite getting soaking wet (even with rain gear on) my friend and I got on just about everything and had a blast.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

You mean the only things that wereN'T running... :)

Anyone know what the heck is up with cam 1 and why it is never working?

TTD 120mph's avatar

Aliens? Government conspiracy perhaps?

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

^ I think all this constant rain we keep getting probably beat up the webcam.

Thabto's avatar

I heard it was because someone took a cinder block on the blast side of power tower and accidentally let go which sent the cinder block flying up in the air and it knocked the webcam off the tower.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

^ I would have loved to see that. I hope they were wearing a helmet. Lol

Gatekeeper2013's avatar

I forget who, but some one said it in another thread and it seems to be the most logical explanation: The webcam was made by Intamin.

Gatekeeper - Thabto said that.

Thabto's avatar

Yes I did say that, and since the webcam was made by Intamin, it couldn't withstand the impact from the cinder block.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

So I guess, officially, have nothing new to talk about here.

Silverado09b's avatar

Some sources showing thunderstorms Saturday, hope its not a wash out..anyone else going?

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