Just got my 2007 Season Pass

Maybe the cedar Fair parks should promote a couples season pass. You pay the price for 2 individual passes; bring your marriage certificate; and then get one pass with both of you standing together in the photo. Place the parking on the one pass. And you are set!

When the spouse is pooped, give her the pass and let her leave. When she comes back, show the pass and she gets parking free! (Two parking entries per day!)

All joking aside, I thought at Kings Dominion you got a receipt when you paid or had them scan the pass at the parking entrance. The receipt was good for one re-entry for that same operating day. I assume that policy is still in place.

Loopy's avatar

I suppose I'm a little confused then Walt.....are you saying that in years past you were able to get two stickers for two different vehicles for the same price as someone who only wanted one?

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

Mark Small's avatar

I think what Walt is saying is that with the sticker, it was on the one vehicle that was taken to the park, whether it was him or his wife driving. If the pass is only on one ID, that person will have to go every time to get the parking.

What Walt is suggesting is that parking should be linked to both his and his wifes ID so that no matter who goes to the park on a given day they still get to park without paying extra. He's not saying they would park two different vehicles on the same day.

Walt's avatar

Correct. Or another alternative that produces similar results. Otherwise, it penalizes households who have always been able to park the family vehicle for one price, while allowing a teen, for example, to park any of an unlimited number of vehicles.

While I'm using myself as an example, this isn't a special exception. If it plays out that way, a lot of people are going to be affected.

Then again, like I've said a number of times, not every detail has been released. We'll have to wait and see how everything gets worked out. To an extent, we're talking hypotheticals here.

*** Edited 3/7/2007 9:42:00 PM UTC by Walt***

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

I got my Season Pass last Thursday, and I sent it back the next day with my Parking Pass Cert. so they can put it on my Season Pass. I am wondering when my PASS will come back to me?
Do you think it will be another couple weeks?

Loopy's avatar

Maybe if you ask the same question in a few more threads you'll get an answer. ;)

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

TTD 120mph's avatar

::rolls eyes:: I'll give the answer.

Mr.CP, it's up to just how many guests the season pass division have to deal with. It'll most likely be a little while seeing that there will probably be a good amount of people sending their passes in to get upgrades. I'd give it a few weeks......but dont worry, I promise you'll have your pass back before the season starts.:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

It's funny, but when the changes in the parking program didn't affect Walt negatively, he didn't much mind. http://www.pointbuzz.com/cpplace.aspx?mode=thread&TopicID=20043&page=4#298346

Apparently, the shoe is now on the other foot.

No matter what they do, it works out slightly better for some people, and slightly worse for others. In the limit, it's not more than a $70 difference either way---the cost of one extra full-price parking pass. For most people, it will be less, because there won't be 6-7 times over the course of the season that the passholder with parking doesn't go with the rest of the family.

Over the course of a six month season, is that really such a big deal? Even if my family ends up buying a second parking option for my wife's pass at full-freight, we'll still end up spending far less for our season's parking and admission at Cedar Point than we did for one week at Walt Disney World. As far as I am personally concerned, I'm still getting good value.

djDaemon's avatar

That's not at all what he was saying, unless I'm reading that wrong.


Walt's avatar

At least DJ gets it. I'm not sure why other people are struggling with understanding the viewpoint, and Brian's comment in particular irritates me.

From the referenced post:

I'm still confused at how something that was added as a perk only a few short years ago can become so controversial when it's no longer offered. You would have thought they changed a 30-year old policy.

But, as it turns out, that might be what happens. If, when the dust settles, there is no household option, what was policy for 30 years will be replaced with what was merely an add-on for a few seasons. Although no one here seems to be able to understand, there a lot of people who are affected by that.

There's a difference between changing something that's been in place forever than when you change something that's been in place only a few seasons. So perhaps my argument isn't as humorous as it first appears. I'm actually not as fired up as it may seem. It just looks that way because no one understood my first simple post in this thread, and I ended up in a drawn out argument trying to re-re-explain my point. :)

Anyway, unlike many others here, I'm not looking at this as, "how does it affect me." I'm not complaining because I am personally affected. There's no logic in having a family pay more for parking one car than Joe Sixteenyearold does for taking his friend of the week. I'm a big fan of common sense. It makes sense that you pay to park your vehicle. If you want the ability to park more than one vehicle, you can pay a little extra. Those who park daily are paying to park a vehicle, yes?

Again, I'm not in love with my window sticker, though I would rather drive through the toll booth rather than have to stop so they can process my pass. I'm pro technology. And if technology means they can offer parking by the person no matter the vehicle, that's great. But there's no reason why a system can't be worked out that gives the same effect of letting a household park a vehicle. They have the numbers. They know how many picked a sticker even when the pass option was available, so I trust they'll do the right thing. But why charge more for that link? What's going to happen? Are two people in the same household going to take two different cars on the same day? The potential abuse of a free household link is minuscule when compared to the potential abuses of the person-parking system.

But if that's how it works out, and there's been no word either way, I'm not going to be one of these people who protest, threaten boycott, refuse to buy a pass, or let everyone know how much my family spent in the past, but won't spend this year. I'll simply buy whatever I need to buy and then I'll have a fun summer. It's just the principle that bothers me.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

You can be as irritated as you want to be, but when other people were going to have to pay extra for what they "were used to", you basically told them to suck it up. Now that you might have to, it's a terrible idea. You can try to explain it away as the difference between changing a long-term policy vs. a short-term one, but from where I sit, that rings hollow.

In any event, I think we're on the same page with respect to the ultimate end: we'll spend what we need to spend to take our families to the park for the season. It might be more than last year, or it might not, but the few tens of dollars we spend or save on parking isn't going to matter either way. We're still going to have a great summer.

Walt's avatar

I don't remember ever telling people to suck it up because they had to pay extra for what they were used to. As I recall, my point was the level of backlash over the removal of a short-term perk was not proportional. In that post, long before anyone even knew the policy would change, I did say that the changing of a long-established policy would be a different situation. I'm not explaining it away. There really is a difference. Regardless, that wasn't even my main point, though I doubt I'll be able to get that across until everyone stops making this about me. Even if that happened, at this stage, I'm pretty tired of the topic.

The implication that I'm a six-year old who could care less before, but now is crying, or watering down my entire argument as, "the policy is reversed and now I hate it," is both unfair and inaccurate. It's a very shallow view of what I'm attempting to communicate. I'm actually one of the few, in this thread or the previous one, who is looking at this beyond, "how does it affect me." It really doesn't affect me. I'll pay whatever I need to pay.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
PointBuzz on Twitter | Facebook | YouTube
Home to the Biggest Fans of the World's Best Amusement Park

Just Curious, when a person pays cash for parking at CedarPoint, does the attendent give a parking receipt or ticket? And does that receipt or ticket allow the customer one re-entry for that operating day?

In otherwords if that car has to leave and return the same day, does Cedar Point allow one re-entry for that vehicle?

I understand Walt's concern that, with the season pass parking sticker on the car, the parking attendent would flag car through no matter how many times it passed by.

I'm not sure how CP will handle the season pass parking with it on the ID. Though, I would think that they would give you a ticket or receipt that would allow one re-entry per day. Unless there was an emergency of some sort, why would you be driving in and out of the park multiple times during the day?

djDaemon's avatar

You are correct with regard to non-pass parking - you do get one re-entry per day.


I got a call from home today while at lunch saying that my pass came in!! I'll pick it up tomorrow!

I am the KeyMaster!!

Walt, I think the answer to your question is included on the back of the new pass.

..."Daily parking/toll fees are not included unless 'P' for Cedar Point only, or 'OP' for all Ohio parks is indicated on front, and the named/pictured pass holder is present in the vehicle."

It seems that the pass is no longer for the vehicle, it's for the passholder. Unless you pay the extra $$ to get parking on your wife's pass, she won't be able to park that same car without paying.

I wouldn't hold my breath hoping they'll put the "P" or "OP" on every family member's pass when only one parking voucher is purchased. I think that's very unlikely.

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

Okay I just got my passes in the mail and got off the phone with the season pass center. They are still honoring their original offer of an additional parking pass on another household members pass for the same fee. Additional $10 for the CP parking or $25 for the Ohio parking gets you that parking on another season pass. So you heard it here first. ;)


Loopy's avatar

That's good news and Walt will be happy.

eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!

Ride on, MrScott!

But now it gets ugly. Before if you wanted a 2nd parking sticker I thought you paid the extra $10 for the second certificate at the toll booth the first time you went to the park, and you redeemed your certificate the first time you drove the second vehicle. No big deal as there is no waiting in line.

Now for the people who already have redeemed the certificates won't they have to stand in the season pass line to get a new pass with the parking on it? I don't think my wife will be very happy when she finds out she has to stand in line for 3 hours to get a new pass with a "P" on it.

crazy horse's avatar

I recieved my pass on friday.

I am going to add the "all ohio" parking onto my pass when the park opens.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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