Although not a new policy, Cedar Point police will be enforcing the park's rule that smoking is not allowed in ride lines. Violators will be asked to put out their cigarettes or face eviction from the park. Smoking is allowed outside of ride lines.
I know this has been talked to death before, but this is the first time I have seen it in a news story... How are the violators going to be caught? Will security patrol the queue lines, or just randomly roam the areas just outside the queues?
The fact that they are making a point to say "We WILL be enforcing the rule" gives me the impression that they are admitting, "We know that the policy was only haphazardly enforced in the past and we are going to change that." Or am I just reading too much into it?
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MrScott said:Stuff happens in line that none of us like. Deal with it, move on and forget it. That is what I do."
end of pointless anecdote.
"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"
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