How do people get away with smoking in line?

At CP you are not supposed to smoke in lines, because there are quite a few people right in that spot, so they are all affected by the idiots that do smoke in line. So how do they keep on getting away with it?
Welcome to the Magnum XL-200, the coaster featured most on the Discovery Channel.
They light up anyway? :)

I smoke (but not in line) and apoligize for those that do. I think that it is rude to do that.

Stuff happens in line that none of us like. Deal with it, move on and forget it. That is what I do.


"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"

It is very hard to find one cigarette in one person's hand in a crowd of often 1000's of people.


At Magnum we always used to catch them when we are walking by the queues during a rotation or on our way to or from break. Its kind of funny to sneak up behund someone and make them put out their cigarette while everyone is watching you. Then when you go to leave, they all thank you... :)

2001 Magnum Crew

Usually I get mad when someone is smoking in line, and one time this guy who was smoking wasn't paying attention and brushed his cigarette up against my arm. I was pissed!

June 28th: LocoBazooka Tour (Sevendust headlining)
July 11th: Korn, Puddle of Mudd, and Deadsy

I have actually seen people get away with it in the station...and I am wondering y the ops dont c it.

Welcome to the Magnum XL-200, the coaster featured most on the Discovery Channel.

Like I said (sorta), some people who smoke are idiots. Just like "regular" people.

"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"

Here we go again. See someone smoking in line? Ask them to get their **butt** out of line.

BTS Cedar Point

A pinch between your cheek and gum, gives ya real tobacco pleasure, without light'n up!
Yeah, but what about the spitting thing, Moron?

I can't believe I'm asking this question to a Moron.

"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"

Spitting is for rookies.
Jeff's avatar
Some girl who wasn't even old enough was smoking in line for Alpengeist one day. It made my allergies go nuts instantly. I sneezed so hard that I made her jump (yeah, I forced it a little). I pointed at the sign and said to her, "Thank you for not smoking."

That in itself was pretty funny, but the dude in front of me took it even further. He's like, "Oh my God, are you allergic to smoke?" He then turns to the girl and starts lecturing her about how bad it is for me and bad for her health. Embarassed the hell out of her in front of a lot of people. Frankly she deserved it for being such an inconsiderate twit.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

Exactly! What is so hard for you inconsiderate smoking morons to understand about the "NO SMOKING" signs anyway? You mean to tell me you can't go an hour or less in line without a nicotine fix? Of course,I am not addicted to any drugs so I don't know what it's like,must be real torture to need some chemical to make yourself feel good.

Like Jeff,my wife and I both have allergies. When it's 95 in the MF line for 2 hours,with no breeze,the smoke gets real old real fast.

Wasn't me.
People are rude. As most of you know there's a bit of midway between Dragon's Inn and Coaster where you can't smoke right before and during the laser show. So I told one girl (she wasn't much older than me) politely to put her cigarette out because of the non smoking rule. Of course the b**** told me she wasn't going to do it. She got about 10 feet when I had one of my security guard friends make her put it out


CP & LE RR Crew '01
Swings and Swans/CP & LE RR '02

Why do people get away with it? Because this would involve security actually doing something while they "patrol" the lines. And we all know how great of a job they do at that. (end of sarcasm)

But, just to tick off the other side:
Some people smoke in line, and don't even realize they may be bothering someone. For some it is just habit to smoke when they get the craving to light up. If you want to take it farther we can talk about the addition of Nicotine to increase use...but that will be talked about another day.

(And as far as "chewing" tobacco, this is almost as bad as smoking. I had a father who is still recovering from his 20+ years of tobacco.

ddogg said:

(And as far as "chewing" tobacco, this is almost as bad as smoking. I had a father who is still recovering from his 20+ years of tobacco.

It don't hurt you. My father died in a car wreck. I'm not telling you not to drive.

Moron said:

It don't hurt you. My father died in a car wreck. I'm not telling you not to drive.

Wow,what a surprise-your name fits you very well. It looks as if your brain processes the benefits of smoking about as well is it did your 9th grade english class. Go ahead and smoke, maybe your trailer will go up with you in it.

One time we were setup on the C brakes on Magnum and a person lit up in the train.
When I used to DJ at the point... I used to always catch people smoking and would confront them... some people I even made them leave the line if the continued to smoke...... it is hard because CP really has no "punishment" if people smoke....

Raptor DJ Marcus D
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