How do people get away with smoking in line?

LuvRaptor's avatar

John Cobb said:
I pay my $42 so what should make non smokers more special. Take your no smoking signs and shove them.
I am so sure my Grandma who died of lung cancer 10 years ago said something like this. I am also positive that my Mother who is dieing from lung cancer said something like this too

So if line jumping is not permitted John the people should beable to line jump anyway since they paid their $42? Yes, smoking is your choice, been there done that, know exactly how you feel! But please understand that you have NO idea how offending smoking (yes the smell) is to a non/ex-smoker. The queues are outside but space is limited and sometimes it really is impossible for someone to get away from the smoke. I am one of the most anal ex-smokers you EVER want to meet, but do understand it is your choice. Smoking in line, regardless of reason is prohibited. Period.

2000/2002 Raptor Crew
It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that? :)

*** This post was edited by LuvRaptor 10/3/2002 9:15:26 AM ***
Jeff's avatar
I knew we'd have at least one militant smoker who has total disregard for everyone else's health. If you want to do that to your body, that's your business. Don't make it mine.

Good to see someone say something stupid outside of the Area 51 forum for a change. ;)

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

I'm a smoker, but I am not a human chimney. I can go days without smoking and everytime I visit a park, I keep the smokes at home. I don't even smoke in my apartment or car. So why do people feel the need to light up in an area where hundreds of people... most of which do not smoke... are being subject to toxic fumes? Yes, it's one's choice as to whether they want to suck cancer into their bodies (I am aware of the risks). It is not one's right to be subjected to it at an amusement park. I will smoke in public at a bar or casino as 90% of the people in those buildings are smoking too. And I also smoke at work in our concrete bunker they erected for us. But if I'm in a restaurant and even if I am in the smoking section, if I see others around me not smoking, I will refrain from lighting up. And despite the fact that I'm not exactly known as a courteous person, a little common courtesy goes a long way some times.

ray p.

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
Doesn't this thread pop up once a yr Jeff ;)

I Met Brittney! Shes SOOOOOO Cool!

Yes it does Jeffrey. This and a beer topic sprinkled in once in awhile. Both topics guaranteed to get alot of replies.

I to am a smoker and at any amusement park I only light up if no-one is around me on the midways. Its common courtesy to others. I to have told peeps that spark one up in a queue line to put it out. They look at me, see the pack of cigarettes in my pocket, and throw me dirty looks, wondering why a smoker would tell them to put it out.

Ignorant smokers give us "abiding by the rules" smokers a bad name.

Hey John Cobb-What makes us so special? There are a LOT more of us than there are of you so how 'bout we stick your cigarette and your "John Cobb" up your ass the next time you make our wife or other loved one have an allergy or asthma attack in a line because your some drug addicted piece of trailer crap.

Your smoke causes CANCER you moron. It is against the law for me to discharge chemical fumes where I work simply because they have a pH of 5 and the whole 2 cubic inches a week that I make could cause acid rain if 200 million other people did the same thing, and you want to argue the validity of a KNOWN CARCINOGEN. You blithering idiot! Smoking should be BANNED in all public places, smoke in your car and at home. The general public shoudln't be exposed to deadly chemicals.

Sorry about the "ass" Jeff. It just had to be there for continuity. :)

Hey John Cobb-What makes us so special? There are a LOT more of us than there are of you so how 'bout we stick your cigarette and your "John Cobb" up your ass the next time you make our wife or other loved one have an allergy or asthma attack in a line because your some drug addicted piece of trailer crap.

Your smoke causes CANCER you moron. It is against the law for me to discharge chemical fumes where I work simply because they have a pH of 5 and the whole 2 cubic inches a week that I make could cause acid rain if 200 million other people did the same thing, and you want to argue the validity of a KNOWN CARCINOGEN. You blithering idiot! Smoking should be BANNED in all public places, smoke in your car and at home. The general public shoudln't be exposed to deadly chemicals

Since this is a forum and you are entitled to your opinion this is fine. No, I dont smoke in line, but I am making a point. Maybe the rest of you can be considerate of other peoples wishes.

As for you Jedi I happen to own a construction company and a house. Next time you wanna talk smack to someone know what you're talkin about. Stick that up your "ASS".

As for Jeff, check your intelligence next time you call someone "stupid".

I don't believe he called you stupid. I believe he indicated you SAID something stupid.

And Jedi, you just put yourself in the same ranks with John Cobb with your response.

COURTESY applies to smokers and non-smokers alike. Neither of you seems to have shown much on these boards.
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Jeff's avatar
What does Natalie call it? The banhammer? BAM!

Not only did I not call him stupid, but the dude actually thinks that "other people's wishes" to do something harmful around me is OK. Mmmmkay...

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

Hey Jeff. This is getting out of hand and probably will only proceed to more bashing of people and rights. Is this really needed here?
*** This post was edited by Cyclist Don 10/4/2002 12:36:57 PM ***
Jeff's avatar
If I objected don't you think I would've closed it? Just because something is a little controversial isn't a reason to stop talking about.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

For the first time in a while I agree with Jeff

Pugsly,The Coaster Jester Of Cedar Point.

How? We cannot see everything in line, what we need is for guests to report to the ride op's. Or help us help you.!

Park guests are our best sources for helping others as we are normlly limited specially on the coaster's where we are limited in sight. But never get yourself into a bad sit. if needed remind them the park policy but let us deal with the problems. :)


The one they hate while at freeway entrance & entrance "hehehehe" >:)

I started smoking, again. I don't smoke in lines. I do recall a time not too long ago where there was no rule against it. I do recall many people smoking in line and don't recall anyone that had an "allergy attack", ever. Now that's not to say no one ever did. I don't smoke in line because I can hold off and it's just not nice to do. Why don't employee's enforce the rule? My bet is it's hard to spot and I don't think they really care much. Something tells me, no matter what any of them say, it's not high on the priority list. And I don't think it's nescessary to have some cigarette police roaming the lines. I think people are just a little too sensitive these days. Then again, I don't have to deal with asthma either. And yes I know it's bad for me and I don't think I'm a moron for smoking. I enjoy it and if I take the last 20 years off my life, oh well. IMO I can do without those years because they sure look like they suck. I'll enjoy what I can when I'm young.
I get burning eyes and a stomach ache. Call me sensitive if you must, but I don't enjoy inhaling someone else's toxic chemicals.

Smoking while in close proximity to other guests, e.g. in line, is a health hazard to the park's guests, and the park appropriately responded by eliminating the privaledge of smoking in line.

Simple as that, right? If anybody sees anybody else breaking a law (or rule), they should bring that fact to the attention of the offender.

Go SJ Titans!

BTS Cedar Point

That's why I don't smoke around people. I know it bothers some and it's just not nice. There has never been a time (except at my house) where if it bothered someone I didn't put it out. Some people are just jerks.

Anyone know where I can see a copy of the revised code on smoking? I am familiar with Michigan laws and have never heard of such a ordinance.

The main thing that bothers me about smoking in line, is mainly the smell, the actual smoke dont really affect me, but the smell, Gross! Many people in line already stink, body odor, the smell of water from one of the wet rides, that mixed with smoke is enough to make me puke.

*** This post was edited by Jeremy Johnson 10/4/2002 5:44:35 PM ***
People shouldn't have to confront smokers themselves. That is what CP Employees get paid to do. They will attack you if a guy makes it 3 feet past the shirts required sign but turn a blind eye to smokers in lines. What jeopardizes health more? I paid $42 to get into the park,I don't get paid to work there. A member of the general public there confronting someone about such things often leads to more physical problems lets just say. The employees/security should do more, they watch the lines anyway, why not stop the smokers?

Just because smokers have been brainwashed by nicotine and the cigarette companies, the rest of us shouldn't have to suffer.

I don't know, the sight some of the guys who take their shirts off make me feel extremely ill ;).

Or the rather large females in skimpy clothing

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

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