How do people get away with smoking in line?

MFJedi said: Go ahead and smoke, maybe your trailer will go up with you in it.

I don't smoke. It's bad.

Jeff's avatar
Welcome back, Marcus! Where've you been?

I think being the DJ in line would be good fun because you've got a good view and can easily draw attention to the offenders.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

I heard from a ride-op last time I went that you could get kicked out of the park for smoking in line. Although I do not know if that is true, I told people in line who were smoking what I heard, when in line for rides later that day. By telling them that, I think they paid a little more attention to me than they would have had I simply asked them to put out their cigarettes.

Avalanch Run - My first Roller Coaster.

A related topic I have often wondered about, is why is there not more ashtrays on the midways? It would appear to me that the sweeperettes run around all day primarily picking up cigarette butts. Each midway has trashcans about every 20 feet, I would think that if even half of these were the combo trashcan with an ashtray on the top, most people would use them allowing the sweeperettes dedicate more time and resources to picking up other trash and handling other tasks. I see the reason why so many butts are just pitched is because the only ashtrays in the park are at the entrances of major attractions. It is also almost a reinforcing cycle to see sweeperettes picking up the butts all day, the public gets in their minds "No ashtrays, people sweeping up butts - I guess that is the custom, pitch the butt on the ground, and it is their job to pick it up?"

CP is in the business of providing a pleasant experience for the guest to escape reality for the day or afternoon. Some of those guests smoke, so the park must cater to that segment of their market base. Leave judgment to the legislature, but if a portion of the public wants to smoke in a responsible manner (Not in lines or designated no smoking areas) on their vacation why should their experience be compromised? Part of that experience for all, however, is reliant on the visual impact and cleanliness of the park. Compare CP with most six flags parks where it is not uncommon to see far less sweeperettes attending to the park by walking around in groups and gossiping with empty waist pans in hand all while tripping over trash they should be picking up. This leaves a bad impression of the park. CP does an impeccable job of assuring a clean park purely by well-train and supervised manpower.

To me it is a simple business case. For the initial cost of just adding some ashtrays to the trashcans, sweeperette manpower could be reduced as a cost savings or better yet take on additional responsibilities. Imagine if the amount of butts dropped were reduced by 50% how much resources that would free up? Of course, some people are just lazy, and would not use them anyway especially when you still see people pitching trash on the midway 2 feet from a trashcan, but think of how much trash there would be if trashcans were only located at the entrances of major attractions?!?! During the 60s/70s, CP employed greeters, whose sole purpose was to provide information and assist the customer to have the best guest experience possible. If the sweeperettes had less time consumed running around and picking up butts, I would see more of their time dedicated to this role. Instead of just handing out maps, actually asking guests how their day is going, and if there is something they can assist with to make their guest experience better, also providing real feedback to operations personnel. Personalizing the guest experience translates in to repeat customers, referrals with word-of-mouth advertising, and gold ticket awards. This question was asked by somebody at this years coastermania, but I think it lost something in the translation.


This year alone I have seen people smoking plenty of things in line. But not as much as I thought I would though. I have seen cigarettes many times, A couple cigars, and pot once.

The worst smoking experiance I had so far was in line for Raptor. These two redneck women who looked like men were about 65 people in front of me in the raptor cue. This was just enough people that every time the line stopped we were next to them. Anyway, at first they were smoking cigarettes. After each one finished their cigarette, they then lit up the nastiest burnt smelling cigars I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with.

Keep in mind I occasionally smoke a cigar or two. I have a tolarence for it. These were just nasty.

Anyway, these two women finish these nasty thin cigars. They then light up more cigarettes.

The whole time these women are giving nasty looks at anyone who would comment on their smoking. the smoke was so thick that even the 3 sets of line jumpers with dealt with were not as bad as these women.

Wow, well thanks letting me vent. No offense if you are a redneck women who may happen to have the appearance of a man.

I fool so feelish...
*** This post was edited by James K. 10/2/2002 3:47:21 AM ***

If it was really that constant.. I definetly would have said something REALLY loud about it...

Even if there isn't a ride op/security guard around to catch it, you have a 99.99% chance of gaining crowd support, and making them feel like complete a**holes.

*(This, coming from an ex-smoker. As a matter of fact, I *just* quit. Used the patch, and been smoke-free for 2.5 months now.... but I never once smoked in a queue. ;) )

gravity: down to earth, without the sugar coating.

Being an avid non-smoker it down right ticks me off to see people lighting up in line. The worst is in Camp Snoopy and I stop someone and ask the put thier cigaretts out and they either oblige (which is nice) get ticked off that they can't smoke in a area with a crap load of children or simply ignore me. Thats when I get on the mic and announce as loudly as I can that there is no smoking in Camp Snoopy and I realizes that this is embarassing but it for the most part works.

Pugsly,The Coaster Jester Of Cedar Point.
*** This post was edited by RaptorTwister 10/2/2002 8:23:15 AM ***

LuvRaptor's avatar
If we can catch them we do say something to them. When I'm on crowd control and I notice someone smoking, there is nothing I can do about it at that point. Imagine their shock when they finally get to the platform and I nicely say "next time you're in line remember there's no smoking." I would hate to see CP going the route SFGrtAdv goes, they have queue cops that literally sit in a lifeguard chair to keep an eye on the queues. But even there people were smoking anyway.
As for the why the smokers do it...being an ex-smoker myself and even being guilty MANY years ago of lighting up in line (gasp) it is simply selfishness. A smoker has NO clue what so ever how offending it is to a non smoker, believe me, I had NO clue how badly I was offending others until I quit myself. Despite the nasty looks given by guests in line many smokers just don't get the hint. I think it is pretty funny how many of them will "cup" their cig and try to blow the smoke out like no one can figure out their smoking.
Simply put if I catch them when Im working I tell them to put it out. If they act stupid about that then I call security. When I'm in line I try my best to completely ignore the idiots, remembering a line a comedian had said one time about smokers:
"Shouldn't we be nicer to people who are dieing?"

2000/2002 Raptor Crew
It's all about getting around the barrels, or over the fences, right leads, no faults, fastest time and looking pretty when done. What's so hard about that? :)

I'm a smoker, but a CONSIDERATE one. I have several friends who are allergic and I wouldn't think of smoking in a line. Of course, I'm not a heavy smoker so standing in a 1-2 hour line without smoking isn't going to bother me like it does some people.

Even during group events (Cbuzz con comes to mind), my husband and I made it a point to walk away from groups when smoking so as not to offend anyone.

We both know it's a horrible addiction and unhealthy. We no longer smoke in our house because we didn't want to subject our son to the effects. Hopefully we'll be quitting altogether this winter. It's not an easy thing to do when you've been addicted for 30 years.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

I had an experience just this past Saturday in line for Magnum. A few teens were in line next to me and one lit up. Ok, thats fine, I have asthma, but one cigarette isn't going to kill me. I usually just start coughing "uncontrollably", hoping they'd get the picture. Well, this group of asses didn't. Next thing I knew there were 3 or 4 cigarettes going and all the smoke was blowing and lingering in my direction, and then the coughing which was kind of fake before became very real. I then was so pissed that I just yelled saying "EXCUSE ME, THIS IS A NON-SMOKING LINE!" One kid was like, "oh, really? sorry." They either put out their cigarettes or moved a bit farther back in the line because I didn't notice any smoke anymore. I did notice though some smirks from the guys' girlfriends which appeared as they were calling me an ass in their minds and the guys were staring me down because I ruined their smokefest. Hell, I didn't care. It was a rush though.

Michael McCormack CP '02: 42
Magnum XL 200: 401 (526)
Millennium Force: 8
Wicked Twister: 28

The thing that irritates me the most are the idiots that are standing next to a sign that says no smoking in plain black and white, and there they are, with a cigarette in their hand ready to light up. Can people get more rude?

Welcome to the Magnum XL-200, the coaster featured most on the Discovery Channel.

MrScott stands up and gives OldCPer applause. I smoke as well and handle it the same way.

"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"

I'm glad to hear a few smokers are responsible. I don't care if you smoke in the park, just NOT IN THE DAMN LINES!! Seeing people smoking in the line just makes you want to treat them like a Pinata at a birthday party.
Smoking is just narsty, i had an experience in the MF line one day, this young guy maybe 25 lit up and was cupping it like mentioned earlier, he made it about halfway through one of those lengths, and was caught by the cop watching the line, he almost got thrown out of the park.

Don't Steal, The Government Hates Competition!

Hey everyone good question, when did smoking become illegal? It was your option not to smoke, but it is also my choice to smoke. Second you are outside and I would hate to see the huge cloud of smoke that is going to engulf you in line. I pay my $42 so what should make non smokers more special. Take your no smoking signs and shove them.
Actually, smoking in the queues is illegal in the state of Ohio according to the Ohio revised code. This, along with not following the instructions of the ride hosts are misdemeanors.

2001 Magnum Crew

John Cobb said:
I pay my $42 so what should make non smokers more special. Take your no smoking signs and shove them.

What makes us more special? Is this really a question you are asking.

Non-smokers have respect for their own health in this matter.

Smokers who choose not to smoke in the cue lines have respect for the people's health in the cue lines.

Why do you have no respect for people, the park rules, or the law?

I fool so feelish...

Hey, John Cobb, you're right, it is your choice to smoke. But you don't have the right to make my decision to breath in your second hand smoke in a non-smoking line.
Michael McCormack CP '02: 42
Magnum XL 200: 401 (526)
Millennium Force: 9
Wicked Twister: 28
I agree with BirdOfPrey00. I KNOW we are outside, but smoke still affects people you are standing next to, no matter which way you try to blow it. I agree some non-smokers can be nasty to us smokers, but that is no reason to deliberately break rules or make those who could be allergic suffer for our vices.

Even SMOKERS can be courteous!!
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

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