Goodbye, Snake River Falls!

Jeff's avatar

I love Journey to Atlantis at SeaWorld Orlando, theme or not. Mack makes a cool product.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Jeff, that's amazing! Ticks all the boxes: Dark ride, water flume and coaster. Just what CP needs. Going to have to ride this on my next Orlando trip !!

From the comments in that video, it sounds like a lot of the theming has been turned off or removed. That's just what I'd expect to see eventually if cedar point were to do something similar.

Personal preference on theming would be natural stuff like plants and rocks, doesn't require as much maintenance, and still looks ok even when neglected.

I'll take an expansion of the Boneville area for the theme of a new ride. The props are already dead anyhow.

Cedar Pointer's avatar

Never been a SRF fan. I will be happy with whatever they place there. Jeff is right, Journey to Atlantis is a great ride with or without themeing. A Mack water coaster would be cool.

I cant help but feel the biggest hole in the coaster line up is a solid, modern, family coaster. Something like Big Bear Mountain. Something like that would fit that space well. Mine ride is right there, however.

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Jeff's avatar

The new family rides that B&M built this year are no slouch either, and they have 42" height requirements.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

eChameleon's avatar

I will always be down for more of that sexy B&M box track filling the skies of Cedar Point.

I've always found the B&M box track to be a butt-ugly eyesore. And it ruins the perspective, makes a coaster not appear as tall compared to a structure like Magnum or MF.

Cedar Pointer's avatar

That's a good call out Jeff! I think a B&M family coaster would go in great right there.

The Crystal Method is the only way to find The Winner!

Jeff's avatar

I've always thought the box track had an elegant simplicity to it. It seems like there is less welding to do. Getting to visit the shop floor is one of the coolest things I've ever had the chance to do.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

jimmyburke's avatar

I'm not educated on the track terms, specifically wondering what is "box track"? Can someone point out what ride I should look at here at CP that uses box track. Thanks

Think about every B&M coaster and the square support beneath the 2 rails. That is what they are referring to as the box track. I for one love the look of the rides including the minimal supports required for the track. Gatekeeper and Valravn look great IMO.

You can find Intamin box track as well, just not at Cedar Point.

bholcomb's avatar

In 1993, the new ride at Cedar Point made me aware of the existence of the Snake River. 9 year old me wanted to visit it some day. That day would finally come last Friday after a week at Yellowstone. Sad to see the announcement of the closing of the ride the same day, but can't remember the last time I actually rode the ride.

Looks like they're not doing much for the last ride. Do they expect too little interest to not bother with a charity sale? Wonder how they'll handle people hanging out in line to get a spot.

A final ride at Cedar Point wouldn't be complete without something to commemorate it, right?

Snake River Falls is scheduled to close at 6:00 PM on Monday, Sept. 2, and the very last riders on the very last boat will receive a few extra goodies!

First, you'll receive an official signed certificate validating your participation as one of the last public riders in history on Snake River Falls.

Second, you'll also receive this exclusive collector's mug, not available online or in any gift shop at the park.

And we'll also be around to take photos and video, so if you're one of those lucky last riders, be prepared for some added attention!

Kevinj's avatar

I can't imagine any reason to do a lot for Snake River Falls closing. Honestly impressed with what they are doing. This isn't exactly a reason to get out to the park. I suppose if you're a local who has nothing else to do on a Monday night it's something to do.

I'm sure you'll get a little group of folks jockeying for position at the end just because.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

Jeff's avatar

You can raise a glass at home with this special video.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

jimmyburke's avatar

You can simulate the splash on the bridge by standing near a roadway puddle after a heavy downpour.

Kevinj's avatar

Hilarious that not only have I never ridden this ride, but what Jeff posted is the first time I have watched a POV of what it looks like inside the building. Would it have killed them to put even 1 piece of theming in there? Some fog at least?

Unlike Kings Island's shed, this is quite literally someone's shed.

Promoter of fog.

Skyhawk06's avatar

I hope to god I can get on one of the last rides for Snake River Falls. Between that and Thunder Canyon this was the best water ride in the park, HANDS DOWN.

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I'd rather be sailing

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