Goodbye, Snake River Falls!

I knew that Snake River Falls was likely nearing the end of its life, but I'll miss it! I have a lot of good memories of riding SRF while growing up--including marathoning it late at night back when the water rides used to be open until park close.

Admittedly, I haven't ridden SRF much in my adult years. Being soaking wet without an easy way to dry off/change doesn't appeal to me in the same way it used to. And if given the choice between holding onto SRF or Thunder Canyon for a little longer, I'd choose the latter.

I'll definitely find a way to ride SRF once more before Labor Day. As for the future, count me in the group hoping for another water ride.

Thrills Around the Corner!

Dorney has the identical ride, an Arrow Dynamics Shoot the Chute and it’s the same age. If CP’s ride has indeed run out of time then one has to wonder about it’s twin sister.
I agree with Kevinj when he says that the notion of replacement water ride for 2025 seems hasty.

It’s such a shame to remove a ride that gives an awesome splash to spectators on the bridge. That’s always my favorite part of these rides because it adds an ambient interaction with guests who aren’t riding it. I was sad when Carowinds closed theirs. Too bad I’ll be missing this one.

Vince982's avatar

The water rides typically close after Labour Day regardless. It's very possible it'll sit throughout Halloweekends untouched as it usually would and the park is just making the announcement of it's closing so people can get a last ride on it. I don't expect to see a wreckingball show up on September 3 and an announcment for a new ride in 2025.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

I don’t expect this to result in anything for 2025 either. I think whatever Cedar Point has planned for that area is for 2026 most likely and the closures of Snake River Expedition, Forbidden Frontier and now Snake River Falls all likely have to do with making room for it. I think 2025 will focus more on the Cedar Point Shores complex that was removed earlier this spring.

Webcam 3's looking straight at the station right now. It's not open yet and maintenance was walking around.

Wonder if any of the structures will be repurposed for nostalgia. The station building, the bridge, the exit platform. Removing the splash pool would be a big undertaking, but I could see that going either way depending on the scope of the next project. The railroad goes right underneath the tower, wonder if that will eventually see any changes.

They still haven't replaced the missing frontier trail sign, wonder if that's related in any minor way.

Forgive my ignorance…

Let’s say for a moment the park was going to build a new flume ride. Who are the current manufacturers of such an attraction and what, in everyone’s opinion, would be the best choice for Cedar Point? And can anyone provide an example of a recently installed flume that turned out really well?

I only am aware of older types of this ride but I don’t visit many parks outside those in Ohio or Orlando.

People have been getting soaked then walking around since the 1960s at least. People are fine with that. They love that. Yes, they act surprised sometimes that they actually got wet. And they compare who got the wettest. For some, this will take place of their next shower. A water coaster is a bad idea. It is another coaster in a park that is already coaster heavy. Could they do a flume like Knott's or Disney...probably not. That would mean maintaining theming which seems to be a stumbling block at the park. Also, the park's coasters build after a certain year either don't work at all or are "down" a lot of the time. But a very nicely done flume would be great. It something that everybody can ride and enjoy. Maybe call it Shoot the Rapids 3 with our fingers crossed.


For some, this will take place of their next shower

And for others, this will given them the shower they hadn't taken or planned to take

I guess I'm glad I finally got around to riding it for the first time this year. Yes, I rode it for the first time this year despite it having been there for what, 31 years? However, I will miss the ride. Walking past the ride and seeing the big splash has been part of Cedar Point since about the time I started going to the park. Generally, I don't like to get soaked when I go to amusement parks, so I typically skip Snake River and Thunder Canyon. However, getting a little wet with a small splash, like White Water Landing is great on a hot day, or even a cool day.


Could they do a flume like Knott's or Disney...probably not.

If they did a flume like White Water Landing I'd be thrilled. I preferred the natural scenery and trees on WWL to something like Splash Mountain.

You'd be missing out on a huge opportunity for a coaster by replacing that plot of land with another water ride, as mentioned previously in this thread, that area ties directly into the now defunct Forbidden Frontier area.

On that note, the park has probably wasted millions consistently trying to "reimagine" that island using gimmicky-type attractions -- HalloWeekends haunt, playground, 2 derivations of the paddlewheel boats -- just bite the bullet and get a ride in there.

They've got coasters out the wazoo, but they are sorely lacking a flume.

Chuck Wagon's avatar

And a dark ride.

And a family coaster.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

At 1:08 this Sunday afternoon, it looks as though the ride is already closed. Not running again.

According to queue times, the ride opened around 1:30 this afternoon. Yes, a bit late, but it does look to be running today.

kylepark's avatar

I plan on visiting CP on Labor Day weekend to ride SRF for the last time. Will wear swim trunks and bring a zip lock bag to protect wallet, phone and car keys in my pocket. Might even stand on the splash bridge with an adult beverage in hand afterwards for a while to soak in (pun intended) the moment.

Last edited by kylepark,
Kevinj's avatar

For nostalgia, you should drink a Pepsi.

Promoter of fog.

This is what they need to buy ...

Sorry but IMO a water coaster would be my last choice, especially if it is devoid of theming. Now if it was very well themed with a dark ride portion (like De Vliegende Hollander at Efteling), that would check off 3 boxes: coaster (mild), dark ride (smallish portion) and getting a little wet. But that type of theming is not usually what CP does unfortunately.

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