Goodbye, Snake River Falls!

Scott Cameron's avatar

Here's to hoping they put in a much needed log flume!

Co-founder of the most fun CP Facebook Group - Day Drinking at the Point

SRF 2, built by Zamperla.

Campfreak06, reborn

Scott Cameron's avatar


Co-founder of the most fun CP Facebook Group - Day Drinking at the Point

eChameleon's avatar

So it feels obvious they are gonna replace it with another water ride of some sort, you would hope at least. Unless they are gonna remove Thunder Canyon at some point too and shift to a policy of, hey, if you wanna cool off, buy a Cedar Point Shores ticket.

If they killed Frontier Fling as well you have a large plot that stretches a good long distance between Millenium’s camelbacks and the Frontier Town bridge. Almost big enough to fit a GCI.

Kevinj's avatar

Promoter of fog.

Scott Cameron's avatar

^eChameleon I think it would be another water ride too. Thunder Canyon alone won't be enough. As mentioned, really hoping for a nice flume like Timber Mountain at Knott's.

Co-founder of the most fun CP Facebook Group - Day Drinking at the Point

There was a survey sent a couple months ago about potential new rides coming to Cedar Point, and a water coaster was one of them. I imagine that is what would be taking SRF's place.

I'm hoping for another water ride as well. A "themed" log flume would be nice. Just told the wife the SRF news. Her reply? "Maybe they'll build another coaster there that doesn't work". SMH

Last edited by CPfan1976,

I'm hoping for another traditional flume ride, at least as good, lengthy, scenic, and fun as WWL. Sad to see SRF go in a way, but I haven't ridden it in probably 30 years. It was a one-trick pony, and I don't care for getting drenched.

GL2CP's avatar

Sad to see this go as I grew up with it but I don’t ride it anymore so bring me a flume.

First ride; Magnum 1994

Lots of room available if they get rid of frontier fling. I’m hoping for a Mack water coaster. The STR and SRF pools are already there. Maybe they can use the museum as a queue or station and keep some of the displays.

Last edited by SRE123,

There’s a lot of land now available between this and forbidden frontier. I have my doubts about a water ride here just because I can see them trying to separate the water attractions (Shores) from their non water rides. However, there does seem to be an interest in a flume, but they’d really need to go well above and beyond anything they’ve done before and make the best use of that land. I love the visuals you get from the pedestrian bridge between SNF and Maverick so hopefully that stays.

I would be surprised if this was for a 2025 attraction. 2026 seems more likely.

Personally, they could kill Thunder Canyon imo too. Water rides in a dry park are wasted space. The idea anyone wants to get wet and then have to walk around a park in wet shorts/clothes is such a gross thing to me personally. Give me a super compact layout coaster on Thunder Canyons plot, a GCI/Gravity group on the SRF/Frontier Fling plot, and an expanded Camp Snoopy on the island with Vekoma family boomerang, bridge access from Magnum side, family flats and the reopening of the play place for kids and the back half of the park would be one of the best parks on the entire planet without even considering anything farther forward than Magnum or Millenium.

Jeff's avatar

You should ask all of those wet people what they're thinking.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

Dvo's avatar

^^Tell me you haven't been to Knott's without telling me you haven't been to Knott's (or numerous other parks, but using KBF as an example). Log flumes are one of my favorite attractions at just about any park that has them. And I'll happily enjoy other water rides on a hot day, though admittedly I'd want to have the right attire on for a rapids or shoot the chutes ride. Regardless, they're a nice compliment to the abundance of thrills throughout the park.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

kylepark's avatar

Remove Frontier Fling as well. Build a log flume/dark ride and include Professor Delbert animatronic as one of the scenes.

I noticed they don't actually commit to anything next year. The only 'announcement of an announcement' is to a last splash event. It'll be interesting to see how aggressive they are in the demolition. Will it still be standing at the end of halloweekends? Will we see a reveal event or announcement?

I usually tried to pick a warm day to properly prepare and marathon SRF and TC for a good chunk of time. Hadn't gotten around to it yet this year, maybe this is the push I needed.

If they do replace it with a log flume I can see keeping TC as a companion, but only having one water ride in the area would be a tough sell for me.

Kevinj's avatar


though admittedly I'd want to have the right attire on for a rapids or shoot the chutes ride.

Exactly. My girls actually re-introduced me to Thunder Canyon a few years ago, and it was really fun; but yes that's when we wear running clothes that don't necessarily feel terrible when wet and they dry off super-quick.

With regards to whatever is coming, I would be (pleasantly) surprised if something was in the works for 2025 already; I would imagine the park planned on riding the hype train for TT2 for at least a couple seasons. I thought 2025 would see CP Shores get it's new slides and the main park could add what they really need; a few more bars.

For myself, the log flume is 100% a pipe dream. Then again, the park shocked me with the investment in Forbidden Frontier and later SRE, but that was under very different leadership.

Promoter of fog.

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