Forbidden Frontier

Urumqi's avatar

Kevinj said:

The foreshadowing used in Kevinj's video was amazing especially with how well and accurately it depicted me walking through the new attraction next year!

Tall and fast not so much upside down...

Urumqi's avatar

Just Coasting said:

It would be awesome if there was a rope swing element where you have to swing across Cedar Creek to avoid the nasty creatures that lurk below the water.

This might be a good idea so long as the "nasty creatures that lurk below" does not refer to the carp that used to live in the water under CCMR!

Tall and fast not so much upside down...

Kevinj's avatar

Urumqi said:

The foreshadowing used in Kevinj's video was amazing especially with how well and accurately it depicted me walking through the new attraction next year!

It's an early rendering. There may, of course, be some slight changes when all is said and done.

Promoter of fog.

Urumqi's avatar

I was referring more to that physique!

Tall and fast not so much upside down...

Skyhawk06's avatar

Let's admit it, Kevinj is the poster of the year. XD

Steel Vengeance rides: 217

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

Chuck Wagon's avatar

Professor Delbert's Forbidden Frontier.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

Skyhawk06's avatar

I like that even better. Maybe add in a flying coaster themed to the guy. Tie it in with Steel Vengeance.

Steel Vengeance rides: 217

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

Agree, more family oriented, possible temporary until a bigger better rollercoaster can be put there

Just now hearing about this. My initial response is "MEH!"

There are things the park is good at. This type of attraction isn't going to be one of them. In much the same way as I would not expect a world class restaurant operated by CF inside the park, I won't hold my breath for this either.

But hey, maybe it'll be fun for the kids?

I hope Cedar Point isn't gonna waste their Money adding this to the Park. In 2 years with it's 150th Anniversary; I know the Point will be adding their next Coaster. They have started putting things together.

Dvo's avatar

In the past, people at least waited for the POV to come out before calling an attraction a waste of money. We don't even know what Forbidden Frontier is, and some of us are ready to bring in the dumpsters. Maybe we should just RMC the thing instead? ;)

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

Pete's avatar

You don't know that they will be adding a new coaster in two years, no one outside of the park leadership knows what type of project will be done for the 150th anniversary season. I think Forbidden Frontier is exactly the direction the park should go to bring in a wider variety of family groups and non-thrillride guests. CP already has 18 coasters including Steel Vengeance, which is arguably the best coaster in the world. How many more coasters can be installed before it becomes hard to market because most people will just yawn and think of it as just another coaster? While SV is truly exceptional and people who ride it love it, they didn't seem to get the reaction to it that they wanted. Certainly not the type of excitement that existed for Magnum, Raptor or MF during the debut seasons for those rides. With the increased emphasis on the resorts and beach along with family groups to fill those rooms, the park would do well to do some fresh thinking and install one of a kind rides that are not coasters and that appeal to all age groups.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

As always, Pete, that was well stated.

If they want the Magnum Effect, 2020 style, it needs to be a Polar Coaster!

^Ice cold, frosty coaster?

These sound like suggestions from the Lemon Chill Guy.

DRE420's avatar

Just Coasting said:
If they want the Magnum Effect, 2020 style, it needs to be a Polar Coaster!

You may as well file the polar coaster in with the aquatrax, never gonna happen. In fact, I don't see CP building a traditional rollercoaster over 350 feet anytime soon.

XS NightClub's avatar

I don’t see anyone actually building a polercoaster anytime soon, if ever.

But I seriously hope that CP can pull off this Forbidden Frontier thing... it could usher in a new wave of family friendly experiences.
And a plus, the name is pronounceable (which is clearly the reason nobody rides Rougaroo).

Last edited by XS NightClub,

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operative_me's avatar

Also spellable (which is clearly the reason nobody rides Valravn). lol

Lifetime Laps on Woodstock Express: 0

I see a GCI going in the area where Shoot The Rapids occupied, in 2020.

Why, very simple, Jason McClure tipped his hand.

Last summer, he posted on twitter that he was at Kings Island with his family for a vacation day.

In reality, he was trying out Mystic Timbers and giving it a test spin.

He wanted to get a feel for that ride, take the great aspects of that ride and take it to another level at Cedar Point. Add something to it that he feels Mystic Timbers doesn't have.

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