Extended Closure

^ that's cause they are preparing for the new IKEA trains.

Campfreak06, reborn

It’s been sitting in the unload since Friday.


Last edited by Mitchell Williams,
djDaemon's avatar


...but several attractions lately just haven’t worked out like they had hoped...

Aside 150th and TT2, I don't think it's fair to characterize the others as having not worked out. They seemingly made a conscious effort to abandon their efforts on those attractions.


Rumor has it TT2 is testing this morning, per video posted in a Facebook group.

Campfreak06, reborn

Plague on Wheels's avatar

^^They didn't work out so famously, that CP abandoned them entirely! Kind of like that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry bets Kramer he won't turn his apartment into different levels. Jerry is correct in his bet, because Kramer in fact doesn't change his apartment, but refuses to say he lost the bet because he "decided not to do it".

Sit tight fellas ;)

Can’t wait for all of the social media experts to immediately start talking about how TT2 is opening soon based off of the supposed testing this morning. (Rolls eyes)

TTD 120mph's avatar

It actually reopened yesterday and they just haven't told anyone yet.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Always happy to see some testing

I mean there is multiple videos of it testing this morning. I'm not sure what you mean by "supposed testing".

Last edited by Mitchell Williams,
XS NightClub's avatar

I'd assume he means if the videos of it testing are really from today, and not somebody posting an old testing video as a joke or trying to get hits.

That's really not out of character on the interwebs

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

TTD 120mph's avatar

True but, at the least in this case, there's no tomfoolery. After running silver a few times this morning, they put it back on the maintenance track and are now in the process of hooking up some sensor doohickies to the middle of the train.

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Great news, shouldn't be long now! ;)

If it was just one video I would get his point but I have seen at least 4 all posted from today and have never posted a previous testing video. All from different angles all from between 6:00am-8:00am. The mental gymnastics going on sometimes in this thread vs reality is crazy.

Maverick00's avatar

From the videos posted today, it appeared that the train may have been going slower over the top. Certainly could be weather related as it was cool and breezy, but I wonder if some of the stress on the trains is the force the train takes over the top. Those who have rode it all can certainly attest to the sudden and extended upward force.

Enjoy the rest of your day at America's Rockin' Roller Coast! Ride On!

Top_Thrill_Tyler's avatar


I also think Zamperla and therefore CP thought it would be re-opened by Mid-July.

Not sure if this was mentioned elsewhere, but perhaps the best evidence of this is in the single-use Fast Lane passes provided by the park at Coastermania to compensate for the cruise being cancelled & TT2 being down. Tony Clark made it very clear that they would work for TT2. Obviously, that would require it to have reopened.

Those vouchers expire on September 2nd.

-Tyler A-

I'm not saying I could do a better job. I'm just saying the coasters I built in Roller Coaster Tycoon never had these issues or downtime.

Last edited by 2020TpForSale,

Campfreak06, reborn

djDaemon's avatar


Those vouchers expire on September 2nd.


XS NightClub's avatar

From the videos out there from the short testing period this morning, it seems the trains were cresting the top hat slower than before.

Maybe neutering the ride will be necessary to operate it with these trains... I wonder how that will affect the overall ride experience... Will it now be just a tamed down version of the original TTD?

Not having been able to ride it before the shutdown, some of the best comment about the ride experience was the speed going over the top hat.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

The speed going over the top hat and the forces one experiences on both the upward and downward sides were definitely a good part of the ride. That being said I still think one of my favorite moments is the airtime on the spike, your literally floating while looking down at the midway and possibly power tower depending on where you are seated. If the ride re-opens with less speed over the top hat it will definitely change things but from the videos I saw of the recent testing I don’t think it will be a big change on the negative side for the ride. Of course this is just speculation and my opinion, others might disagree.

Jeff's avatar

Personally I think the speed over the top was a little too aggressive. It wasn't Hypersonic XLC bad, but it was just inside the limits of what I think was comfortable. Now consider the weight of the riders and the train all pulling up on those wheels.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

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