Extended Closure

^ Oh, those poor wittle twains...

^What do Mark and Shania have to do with this?

Campfreak06, reborn

GL2CP's avatar

Operating at a slightly slower speed beats operating at zero speed.

First ride; Magnum 1994

Jeff da Beat's avatar

I agree with JUnderhill. Going over the crest was awesome, but probably 5th on the list of my favorite features of that ride (spike, backward launch, final forward launch, final spiral down, and then crest). Still, if it helps the ride run, I'm okay with it slowing down. There will likely still be airtime, especially at either end of the train, but maybe not as much.

Chase McCants


Now consider the weight of the riders and the train all pulling up on those wheels.

You guys ever heard of a new startup called RMC?

But seriously, if Hypersonic was cresting harder, and how did TT2 actually compare to RMC with aggression on the crest, I would say RMC stuff probably rides the upstops quite hard, they can’t manufacture a train to withstand a little g-force?

^ exactly. And how fast is the train going when it crests the top hat? 10 MPH?

My thighs would bet that Magnum hits the upstops harder.

djDaemon's avatar

If they are indeed slowing the train down, I suspect it has nothing to do with the forces on the top hat, and everything to do with whatever is happening at high speed at ground level.


Plague on Wheels's avatar

I think the main contribution to the train slowness is due to increased aerodynamic drag of the new pieces attached to the train. There has been no evidence that they have reprogrammed the LSM launch for the increased weight and adjusted profile of the silver train. I have only seen mechanics on site, no software engineers, which are easy to spot/smell a mile away ;)

Last edited by Plague on Wheels,

Sit tight fellas ;)

Not going to lie. I'm pretty ignorant about how coasters work.

But wouldn't slowing her down risk not being able to get over the top hat?

Campfreak06, reborn

Jeff's avatar

RMC trains and track are purpose built for each other. On TT2 they are not. I hate to bring up the goofy "heartline" thing, but going through that twist on the way down feels... not quite like the outside of a wing coaster... but it definitely feels like it pulls you around the track, instead of the track moving around you, as it did before. That makes sense given how you're seated further above the track. I don't know what the shape of the top hat relative to the train does, I'm just offering an observation.

Jeff - Advocate of Great Great Tunnels™ - Co-Publisher - PointBuzz - CoasterBuzz - Blog - Music

^ Well, if it's true that Maverick's heartline roll put too much stress on the trains, then I can definitely see this being the case.

Which makes me wonder, when this reopens next year, will we see both redesigned trains, as well as replacement of the tophat spiral down (and maybe the rotation on the way up) with alternate track, such as the straight track on Red Force?

TTD 120mph's avatar

I could honestly see trims being installed to help with the speed through the spiral. Though, I feel like that's something that would have already happened at this point. And regarding the recent mods, I'd be shocked if they reopen the ride with those exact pieces on all 3 trains. It definitely looks like there was some thought put into their design but I don't think they're intending for these to be THE fix. Perhaps they're going to influence a new train redesign.....which I really do think is in the works. I also wouldn't be shocked if we see some track (and maybe support) modifications. All of which won't happen until the season is over.

Still curious what update, from Zamperla, the park is waiting for that will cause a full closure.....assuming the park intends to make one. With how things "feel" with testing and the tinkering of Silver, I find it hard to believe Zamperla is like: "We'll get this figured out soon."

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Plague on Wheels's avatar

It is telling that they're using Silver train for the mods. This makes it obvious that we won't see this open this season. If they were tweaking the Black train on the other hand, I would be more optimistic. Wesley Snipes' advice: always bet on black.

Sit tight fellas ;)

Just because there was one video of a test run showing it going over the top hat slower than what we've seen in the past does not mean that they've changed the launch speed and that they're about to modify the structure. It sure looks like it was still hauling the mail on Wednesday night.


XS NightClub's avatar

Perhaps testing the train at varying speeds using sensors to examine the forces put on the train to determine the limits of the current design and the best course of action for reengineering.

I think it's pretty clear the forces put on the trains are the problem, the solution could be any or a combination of; new trains, reinforced trains, track modifications or even slower operation.

And coincidentally, mail is one of the slowest forms of hauling anything.

Last edited by XS NightClub,

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus


n TT2 they are not. I hate to bring up the goofy "heartline" thing, but going through that twist on the way down feels... not quite like the outside of a wing coaster... but it definitely feels like it pulls you around the track, instead of the track moving around you, as it did before. That makes sense given how you're seated further above the track. I don't know what the shape of the top hat relative to the train does, I'm just offering an observation.

I think that's spot on. My wild speculation is that the troubling forces felt on the lightning trains are during that down spiral. That really seems to be place with the highest forces on the wheel assemblies and trains.

The speed going over the top has always been variable due to several factors, so there's no way to determine anything has been permanently adjusted.

Because it’s Friday, and we are one week closer to going to more limited operations with the Fall; I remember a communication course I took in college years ago in which the professor shared that a company with shareholders would announce bad news intentionally on a Friday to try and lessen the blow to its stock; and that the same concept would apply to mass layoffs: deliver the bad news to your impacted employees on a Friday, gives them the weekend to process it versus the middle of the week. I’m not sure how true this is today, but if I’m the park, and Zamperla hasn’t given me good news yet, I’d be thinking about an update either late today or late next Friday going into Labor Day IF the expectations internally are that TT2 won’t be able to re-open.

Again, I don’t believe the park is at all obligated to provide any updates unless there is meaningful progress (one way or the other) but I just don’t see them trying to get this thing open only to operate it for a couple weekends at best just to close it down. Just my opinion. I’ll be curious to see if anything is said in the next week or so.

I believe a lot of announcements like these (including the no more TTD announcement) for seasonal parks take place on the first closed day the Tuesday after Labor Day.

Then again - they may still actively be hoping for a Halloweekends opening

jimmyburke's avatar


announce bad news intentionally on a Friday to try and lessen the blow

As a follower of Cleveland sports teams since the late 60's, I can attest to the fact that they utilized this strategy numerous times over the years. Announce a horrible trade, a firing of a Coach or Manager, increase ticket prices, etc.....

It gives the weekend sports talkers something to ramble on about.

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