Extended Closure

TT2 officially the new attraction for 2025.

Saw that coming!

eChameleon's avatar

Well, there it is.

Joe E's avatar

Gemini 100- 6/11/01

TT2 test dummies, unite!

Campfreak06, reborn

Was that so difficult Cedarpoint?

My real question is, what about all the people who bought passes because the adverts said TT2 was open while Cedarpoint simultaneously knew/announced it was indefinitely closed up to nearly 3 months?

The ride was operational at one point. Either way, the season pass price from 2023 was the exact same as 2024. Cedar Point couldn’t have predicted this would happen when they’re promised a reliable ride from the manufacturer. If you bought a season pass just for one ride, then that’s your bad.


The ride was operational at one point.

Absolutly, but I'm talking about when Cedarpoint announced the ride is closed but still advertised the ride as open. Not everyone is following rollercoaster news so it seems pretty deceptive to continue to advertise something as open when you announce that its indefinitely closed.

Clearly there's an exception for short term closures, but we're talking a 90+ day closure where most of that time ads were being pushed about tt2 being now open.

Last edited by Beanie ,

The laws of physics are undefeated.

Campfreak06, reborn

DRE420's avatar


a company with shareholders would announce bad news intentionally on a Friday to try and lessen the blow to its stock

It's like you totally saw this coming

I hate being right. It’s not often that I am according to my wife but once in awhile….this certainly isn’t the grand opening the park hoped for which is unfortunate.

In CP's defense, it's possible these last set of tests we saw over the last few days were an attempt to see if there was a temporary fix. The data may have come back poorly, and they were forced to finally pull the plug on the season.

What a mess.

I wonder what happens now. Do they continue to test different solutions though the end of the year? Or do they take the trains off completely and go “back to the drawing board”?


If you bought a season pass just for one ride, then that’s your bad

I disagree. Parks specifically -- and aggressively -- market the new ride as a reason to get a season pass. There is nothing wrong with someone buying a pass principally (or exclusively) because they want to ride the new ride. And there's nothing wrong with a customer believing that a new ride will actually operate for the more than six days across an entire season for which they bought the season pass.

As far as I can tell, I didn't see a disclaimer in all the ads for TT2 proclaiming stating "may not run virtually at all the entire season - buyer beware."

No one did anything purposely wrong here, but to dismiss people being upset or feeling ripped off because they bought a season pass specifically for TT2 I think is not really fair.

Last edited by veritas55,

Yeah, but at the end of the day, per the T&C, All rides and attractions are subject to closings and cancellations...


Do they continue to test different solutions though the end of the year? Or do they take the trains off completely and go “back to the drawing board”?

My hope is that they continue to testing and frankensteining the current train until they are satisfied with what they're seeing and then re-manufacture them properly from there.

Kevinj's avatar

Not much to contribute, except...

Promoter of fog.

Oh well, im around 40 visits this year and TT2 was open for 4 of them. Gotta say we still had a lot of fun on the remaining 36+ visits.

If you buy a season pass for 1 ride all you are doing is setting yourself up for disappointment. I mean seriously, are Steel Vengeance, Millenium Force, Maverick, Valravn, Gatekeeper, Skyhawk, Power Tower etc… not worth anything?

Another huge bonus is it is hard to find any area in the park less than 100 yards from an adult beverage stand so you can drink the TT2 is closed woes away no matter where you are in the park.

Last edited by JUnderhill,

At least i got my 2024 Top Thrill 2 ride photo.

Last edited by DA20Pilot,
GL2CP's avatar

I was having a bad week in April and decided literally in the moment to go to the preview event. Best call this year for me.

First ride; Magnum 1994

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